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January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY PTA General Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Lake Travis Elementary School Call to Order.

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Presentation on theme: "January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY PTA General Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Lake Travis Elementary School Call to Order."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting LAKE TRAVIS ELEMENTARY PTA General Meeting Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Lake Travis Elementary School Call to Order - 6:00 p.m.

2 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting MEETING AGENDA Welcome – Pam Lawrence Call to Order – Pam Lawrence Confirmation of Quorum – Elena Reid Pledge of Allegiance – Pam Lawrence Acceptance of Minutes from December 8, 2009 – Shannon Eklund Report of the Treasurer – Jeff Linn Report of the Executive Board – Pam Lawrence Report of the Vice Presidents – Membership – Elena Reid – Fundraising – Kendal Fowler Report of Standing Committees - Committee Chairpersons Principals Report – Karen Miller-Kopp Programs – Annette Mondro Announcements – Pam Lawrence Adjournment – Pam Lawrence

3 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - Shannon Eklund, Secretary Minutes of LTE PTA General Meeting –December 8 th - hard copy here and on-line Motion –Motion required to approve the minutes of the Lake Travis Elementary PTA meeting held on December 8, 2009. –Second –Questions/Discussion –Vote All minutes are being posted on the web at for review.

4 15 Dec 2009 LTE PTA Exec. Bd. Meeting TREASURER’s Report – Jeff Linn Financial Summary – 01 Jan, Q3 FY 2009 - 2010 –Q1: 01 Jul 2009 initial balance$ 31,400 –Q1 Grant $ 2,800Expense $ 5,800Income $ 11,400 –Q1: 30 Sep 2009 ending balance$ 37,400 –Oct Grant $ 1,100Expense$ 4,400Income $ 16,800 –Nov Grant $ 3,500Expense $ 8,500Income $ 4,000 –Dec Grant $ 1,600Expense $ 1,700Income $ 3,600 –Q2: 31 Dec 2009 ending balance$ 47,300 –Funds Allocated, pending Disbursement –EPI Catalog Sale & SchStore Inventory.$ 6,500 –Mini-grants, approved, unfunded$ 2,000 –Field Trips (1 st, 2 nd,, 3 rd, Nov-Dec 09)$ 1,800 –Passbook Inventory$ 1,700 Available Funds = $ 35,300

5 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Pam Lawrence, President Executive Board met on December 15 th with quorum present at the meeting. Actions Taken not Requiring Further Action of PTA: –None

6 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Pam Lawrence, President Actions Requiring Approval of General PTA –Mini Grants Math Games (4 th Grade) $514.05 Math Facts (4 th Grade) $734.16 Total $1,248.21 Pod Cast (all students) up to $9,000.00 –Motion –Second –Questions/Discussion –Vote

7 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Pam Lawrence, President 2010 PTA Board Nominating Committee: Davina Angeli Kim De Jong Carol Johnson Motion –Motion required to approve the above members of the nominating committee –Second –Questions/Discussion –Vote

8 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD - Pam Lawrence, President Per LTE PTA Bylaws: Section 3. Nominating Committee: a.There shall be a nominating committee elected by the general body at a regular meeting at least one (1) month prior to the election of officers. Elections shall be by plurality. The committee shall be composed of three (3) members. One (1) alternate may be elected to serve in the event a member is unable to serve. The committee shall elect its own chairman immediately following the meeting. b.The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled and report its nominees at the regular meeting in March at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. The report shall be publicized to the Local PTA membership through regular publicity channels at least seven (7) days before the election meeting. c.Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such office. d.No member shall automatically serve on this committee because of his office in the Local PTA or position in the school system. e.The president does not serve as a member of this committee, nor does he appoint any member of the committee.

9 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting Report of Vice President, Membership - Elena Reid Golden Apple Award – 100% of school faculty to sign up by March 15 th – PLEASE SIGN UP if you have not already done so! Spring Membership Award - 25 additional members signed up by March 15 th Individual Hero Award – any member that recruits 10 or more members!

10 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF VICE PRESIDENT, FUNDRAISING - Kendal Fowler Chick-fil-A Spirit Night – Thursday, January 21 st from 3pm-8pm –This works in the drive thru or dine in. Remember to add your receipt to the spirit box or ask the attendant to add it for you. Include your name and phone # on the back to win 4 free Chick-fil-A sandwiches and 4 shakes! Last times winner was a Kindergartner from LTE!!! Silent Auction Volunteers Needed – to solicit local business on Thursday, January 21 st from 10am until noon - We NEED YOU!! Come join the fun and go out with a friend as we map out the city and take small areas to target!

11 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Volunteers – Erin Leon –Total volunteer hours for December: 1,670 –Year to Date Volunteer Hours: 9,570 –January Volunteers of the Month – Nicki Bower & Sonia Marrero –Staff of the Month – Laura Gault and Kim Wood –IMPORTANT: Log onto to log your volunteer hours or e-mail Erin Leon –Send Nominations for Volunteers & Staff of the Month to Erin Leon –Best Club Members – Holly Dobson, Joel Dobson, Lisa Berneburg, Pam Lawrence, Jeff Linn, Erin Leon, Elena Reid, Annette Mondro, Ashley Wade, Nicole Alexander, Shannon Blacklock, Marlene Geschke, Lynne Daize, LoAna Lopez, Sam Spradling, Bridget Noack, H. Carol Johnson & Kendal Fowler –New Best Club Members – –LTISD will have a spring drawing – 1 best club member from LTE will win a free LTISD sponsored summer camp!!!

12 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Communications – Ashley Wade and Paloma Rodriguez Health & Welfare – Marlene Geschke Hospitality – Holly Dobson –Calling ALL 3rd Grade LTE Parents!!! –Friday, January 29th the PTA & 3 rd Grade Parents will provide our wonderful teachers & staff “Mexican Themed” lunch. –We are looking for 3 rd grade parents to help us with the main & side dishes. –Contact Holly Dobson or 512-243-7808 to help!!! Squire Booster Club – Lisa Berneburg The school store is closed during the month of January. It will open back up on Fridays February through April.

13 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES Programs – Annette Mondro –Tonight’s Guest Speaker: –Kathleen Hassenfratz - LTISD Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator - Healthy Lifestyles Start with YOU! Reminder! –LTE Science Showcase & Family Pizza Night – THIS Thursday, January 14, 2010 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. –See Science "COME ALIVE" with Science Projects on display from ALL GRADES –Science Shower –Plus... Don't worry about Dinner! Pre-order your Complete Family Pizza Supper. TONIGHT IS THE DEADLINE!!! –Pizza Supper Proceeds Benefit the 5th Grade Field Trip to SeaWorld. Mark your Calendars! – –5 th Annual LTE Talent Show will be held on Friday, May 21, 2010 at 6:00pm. More info to come! –Contact Annette Mondro 748.6214 or Amelia Hicks 533-6322 to serve on Talent Show

14 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting REPORT OF THE PRINCIPAL - Karen Miller-Kopp St. Jude’s Math-a-thon presentation

15 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADJOURNMENT ALL PTA MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND!!! Texas PTA Convention – February 26 th -28 th in Corpus Christi www.txpta.or g

16 January 12, 2010 LTE General PTA Meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADJOURNMENT January: –1/14 – Super Outrageous Science Day! –1/14 - Science Fair and Family Pizza Night! –1/17 – Football Parade of Champions! –1/18 – Student Holiday!!! – Staff Inservice –1/21 – Chick-fil-A Spirit Night! –1/29 – Teacher Luncheon Sponsored by 3 rd Grade! –1/29 – January Birthday Celebrations! –2/1 to 2/5 – National School Counselors Week! –2/9 – PTA Meeting PTA general meeting schedule: February 9, 2009 at 6:00pm March 9, 2009 (Nomination of Officers) at 6:00pm April 13, 2009 (Election of Officers) at 6:00pm May 11, 2009 (Installation of Officers) at 6:00pm

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