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International Gynecological Cancer Society Membership & Workshops Council Meeting, 12 February, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "International Gynecological Cancer Society Membership & Workshops Council Meeting, 12 February, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Gynecological Cancer Society Membership & Workshops Council Meeting, 12 February, 2007.

2 RegionNumber of countries Countries with members Percent % Asia321443.7 Africa571119.3 Australasia2727.4 Caribbean24419.0 Europe523159.61 Middle East14857.14 North America 12650.0 South America 14750.0 Total2328335.8 CURRENT IGCS CONTACTS

3 RegionNumber of countries No membersPercent Asia3214- Africa57468 Australasia2729- Caribbean2420- Europe522120 Middle East1462 North America 126- South America 147- Total23214930 NEW CONTACTS

4 IGCS Presence around the World N = 1461 Members N. America - 456 S. America - 53 C. America - 10 Africa - 19 Europe – 416 Middle East - 61 Asia - 385 Australia/New Zealand - 61

5 Invitation for partnership – prepared Questionnaire to identify K-persons and explore the needs to be sent to: - all new contacts - old contacts in low resource countries Workshop program - to be designed THE ACTION PLAN

6 IGCS WORKSHOPS – THE PROCEDURE Description Input to be defined for - IGCS - Local organizers - Speakers Application Organization Financial issues

7 IGCS WORKSHOPS – THE PROCEDURE Documents: Application form - Dates - Topics - Preliminary budget Final report/ financial report forms Evaluation form for participants

8 IGCS WORKSHOPS – THE SPEAKERS List of IGCS speakers - to be prepared Invitation letter - prepared IGCS Presentation - to be prepared Evaluation form for speakers - prepared

9 Question to be discussed: Council members Volunteer speakers- IGCS members Selection of lecturers How to make a list of potential speakers ? Each Council member to propose the names from the Membership directory ?

10 IMPORTANT ISSUES To plan no more that 4-5 events per year Council approval Need for involvement of IGCS in planning the program Questions to be discussed : Selection of countries 1 st phase - Direct communication 2 nd phase - Application form to be put on the Website Proposal to Council made by Educational committee Should we offer to participants free trial membership ?

11 IMPORTANT ISSUES It is important to attend local meetings in order - to appreciate our target - to see how the meeting functions - to identify who is our target IGCS should be involved in planning the program Local organizer should be provided with a check-list of what is required prior to finalizing mission program

12 Questions to be discussed Financial issues What exactly means IGCS Workshop ? Speaker’s travel & accommodation Defined amount of money


14 Lebanon Place: Beirut Date: 25-26 May, 2007. Type of the meeting: IGCS Workshop Topics: Breast, Cervix and Ovary Organization: Lebanese Society for Oncology IGCS speakers: Nadem Abu-Rustum, Adem Munkarah, Vesna Kesic

15 OrganizationNumber of events per year Type of support FIGO?2 speakers Travel expenses only ESGO5 Workshops1-2 speakers Travel & accommodation ASCO4 MCMC 4 Advanced cancer courses IARE4 Workshops UICCCervical cancer prevention courses ESMO & ESTRO? COLLABORATIVE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES

16 Questions to be discussed What can we expect ? What we should give? Collaborative activities

17 Questions to be discussed The type of Collaborative activity ? The input of each particular group should be defined Collaborative activities


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