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MCMLA Annual Business Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah Approval of minutes October 5, 2012 Business Meeting Vote on dues formula for emeritus members Call.

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2 MCMLA Annual Business Meeting

3 Salt Lake City, Utah Approval of minutes October 5, 2012 Business Meeting Vote on dues formula for emeritus members Call to order (quorum?)

4 Motion Phyllis Whiteside The Membership Committee of MCMLA moves that the proposed dues for Emeritus members be set at 1/3 the rate of the Regular members of MCMLA.

5 Reports 2012-2013

6 Executive Secretary Karen Wiederaenders With thanks to Peggy Mullaly-Quijas for 12 years of service!

7 Executive Secretary’s Report 230 active members (184 regular, 16 student, 1 emeritus, 29 vendors) Filed and paid: W-9, MLA liability and directors and officers insurance, not-for- profit status. Developed budget, submitted statement of assets and income/expense report summary Moved bank account, resolved PayPal issues with Wild Apricot.

8 MCMLA Income 2012-2013

9 MCMLA Expenses 2012-2013

10 Thank you to our Recording Secretary Susan Sanders And our Archivist Sue Fleming

11 Goals for 2012-2013 Let’s be nimble! Engage our newer members and encourage interaction with our more experienced members. Provide and promote educational opportunities. Librarian advocacy and collaboration.

12 Prepared 6 motions with actionable recommendations for MLA and MCMLA Vote by MCMLA membership completed Feb. 1, 2013; all motions passed. Jerry Perry reported the vote results to the MLA Board Feb. 19, 2013 Ad hoc committee met with Claire Josephs, Chair of the Hospital Libraries Section of MLA, to discuss activities the Hospital Libraries Section could initiate. Championing for Librarians

13 The Motions Motion 1. 58 For, 8 Against. Passed by 88% MCMLA, within one year will begin work with state hospital accrediting bodies to adopt standards requiring direct access to a librarian. Motion 2. 64 For, 2 Against. Passed by 97% MCMLA will encourage and support publication by the membership in (non-library oriented) health professional publications, newsletters, journals, letters to the editor. Motion 3. 54 For, 12 Against. Passed by 82% MCMLA will request that the MLA Board charge the MLA Hospital Library Section to aggressively support the survival of their membership with a plan proposed to their membership within a year.

14 The Motions Motion 4. 59 For, 7 Against. Passed by 89% MCMLA will request that MLA actively recruit members to contribute to their “Change in Status of a US Medical Library” website and to regularly publish the results of member input to the site. Motion 5. 55 For, 11 Against. Passed by 83% MCMLA will request that MLA begin to work within one year with national accrediting bodies to adopt standards requiring a librarian. Motion 6. 57 For, 9 Against. Passed by 86% MCMLA will request that MLA sponsor research that illustrates the hospital librarian’s contribution to the institution in meeting the requirements of meaningful use and of health care reform, and that the results of this research be submitted to non-library oriented health professional publications.

15 Motion submitted to MLA Board Feb. 11, 2013 The Midcontinental Medical Library Association moves that: The MLA Board charge the MLA Hospital Library Section to aggressively support the survival of their membership with a plan proposed to their membership within a year; MLA actively recruit members to contribute to their “Change in Status of a US Medical Library” website and to regularly publish the results of member input to the site; MLA begin work within one year with national accrediting bodies to adopt standards requiring direct access to a librarian; AND MLA sponsor research that illustrates the hospital librarian’s contribution to the institution in meeting the requirements of meaningful use and of health care reform, and that the results of this research be submitted to non-library oriented health professional publications.

16 Championing for Librarians Recommendations for MCMLA:  Library Advocacy committee and Government Relations committee would be asked to identify state accreditation bodies and their contacts  Research and Publishing committees would provide list of journals that would accept library-oriented articles provide online links to those journals and their author’s instructions survey to find out what health administrators read budget for a $ prize for a librarian’s publication outside of library journals. Claire Hamasu, Betsy Mueth, Cam Gentry

17 Chapter Council Melissa DeSantis Melissa DeSantis, Representative; Dana Abbey, Alternate Funded two Chapter members to attend the Chapter Sharing Roundtables at MLA ’13 Revising the MLA Section Shuffle event to include Chapters Dana Abbey attended the Chapter council meeting at MLA 2013 in Boston.

18 Section Memberships within MCMLA Ad hoc committee formed by request to look into the possibilities of creating sections or “chapterettes” within MCMLA as a way to support or substitute for local medical library groups that have been losing membership. After discussion concerning the degree of need for or interest in such memberships, the bylaws changes or new dues structures that would be required, and the costs vs. benefits for MCMLA, the Executive Committee voted NOT to pursue this idea. John Bramble and Emily Eresuma

19 Endowment Committee Nancy Woelfl, Chair Working on a proposed business plan; no report at this time. Nancy Woelfl, Claire Hamasu, Betsy Mueth, Peggy Mullaly-Quijas, Sarah Kirby

20 Parliamentarian Nancy Woelfl Advised on motion procedures Advised on election ties.

21 MLA Chapter Membership Liaison Cindy Logan Served on Membership Committee Represented MCMLA in membership interactions with MLA Participated in the Annual Phone-a-thon in March to reach lapsed members in our region. Virtually attended mid-year committee meeting in March. Emceed the annual New Member/First Time Attendees breakfast at MLA 2013. Participated at the annual membership meeting at MLA 2013.

22 Bylaws Committee Tom Gensichen, Chair Bylaws changes approved at the 2012 annual meeting were posted on the MCMLA web site and filed with MLA. No new bylaws changes this year. Tom Gensichen, Richard Rexroat, Jerry Carlson, Jackie Hittner Ex Officio: Nancy Woelfl, Melissa DeSantis, Betsy Mueth

23 Education Committee Holly Henderson, Chair Assisted in analyzing survey results to determine continuing education and professional development needs. Assisted in selecting CE classes for annual meeting. Served as advisory committee to NNLM/MCR Education Coordinator Holly Henderson, Tallie Casucci, Jim Honour, Amy Honisett, Ingrid Ponciano, Monica Rogers, Keri Swaggart, Lisa Traditi, Gwen Wilson Ex Officio: Rebecca Graves, Marty Magee, Jan Rice

24 Government Relations Charlotte Manges, Chair Conducted preliminary survey to explore anticipated impact of the Affordable Care Act on hospital libraries. Prepared pathfinder on several current issues: USA Patriot Act, copyright law, open access Charlotte Manges, Euem Osmera, Kelly Klinke, Margaret Hoogland

25 Honors and Awards Committee Michlene Mankin, Chair Michlene Mankin, Jan Rice, Lynne Fox, Tracey Hughes MLA Chapter Sharing Roundtable Luncheon Awards went to Melissa DeSantis and Darrel Willoughby Thank you to Tracey Hughes for setting up links and forms for the various awards. Stars—please stand up and be recognized!

26 Honors and Awards Committee Michlene Mankin, Chair No nominees for our chapter awards! Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Sciences Librarianship Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship MCMLA Outstanding Achievement Award

27 Library Advocacy Committee, Liz Burns, Chair Produced a report on state accreditation agencies for health care institutions, in answer to the recommendations of the Championing for Librarians committee. Investigated running ads in state nursing association journals. Wrote articles for the MCMLA Express promoting the librarian-nurse connection.

28 Library Advocacy Committee Wrote letter to the Institute of Medicine about the importance of librarians for evidence-based care; investigated funding an IOM report. Conducted a book club for MLA CE credit; resulting ideas sent to MLA. Liz Burns, Teri Hartman, Valerie Meyer, Myoung Fry, Ex Officio: Barb Jones

29 Membership Committee Phyllis Whiteside, Chair Phyllis Whiteside, Sue Sykes Berry, John Bramble, Jeanne Burke, Charlene Droste, Pat Hamilton, Julie Stetson, Kristy Steigerwalt Ex Officio: Cindy Logan, Melissa De Santis, Karen Wiederaenders 26 new members this year; 17 were interviewed for the MCMLA Express. Lapsed chapter members were contacted. Cindy Logan identified MLA members in our region who are not chapter members; MCMLA Membership Committee members contacted them. Popcorn promotion to library school students in the region! Mentors were matched with mentees. New members and first time attendees were recognized at annual meetings.

30 Nominating Committee Jennifer Plaat, Chair Jennifer Plaat, Merinda McClure, Betsy Mueth Elections for held for Chair Elect, Recording Secretary, and MLA Nominating Committee Representative. There was an unprecedented tie in TWO of these positions, requiring a second vote. Nancy Woelfl, Parliamentarian, advised the Committee. All candidates were notified and thanked for their participation.

31 Nominating Committee Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jackie Hittner Recording Secretary: Kristen DeSanto Representative to MLA Nominating Committee Rebecca Graves

32 Publications Committee Amanda Sprochi, Chair Amanda Sprochi, Darrell Schmick, Kristen DeSanto, Katie Dayani 2012-2013 Goals: Continue to produce quarterly MCMLA Express Seek out new column contributors for the newsletter Investigate using open source software for newsletter production Activity Summary: Quarterly MCMLA Express published as required in the MCMLA Policy and Procedure Manual Regular columns were submitted by Darell Schmick (Darell’s Doozies), Amanda Sprochi(MCMLA Congratulates) and the Chapter president, Brenda Pfannenstiel

33 Research Committee Anne Heimann, Chair Called for and judged posters and papers at annual meeting. Contributed a “research roundup” column to the MCMLA Express. Conducted a survey to determine member support for recommendations made during last year’s meeting. Anne Heimann, Kate Anderson, Sharon Dennis, Lori Fitterling, Cam Gentry, Timmi Johnson, Peggy Cruse, Abby Adamczyk, Assako Holyoke

34 Research Committee Best Research Paper Award goes to ___ Best Research Poster Award goes to ___ Viewer’s Choice Award goes to ___

35 MLA Chapter Membership Liaison Cindy Logan Cindy Logan Worked with MCMLA Membership Committee to identify MLA members who are not chapter members, in order to encourage membership in MCMLA

36 MLA Chapter Credentialing Liaison Jan Rice 59 MCMLA members have AHIP credentials Publicized AHIP in MCMLA Express. Corresponded with chapter members interested in AHIP. Posting 5-6 years’ committee appointments on MCMLA website to facilitate AHIP applications and review. Attended 2012 and 2013 MLA Credentialing Committee conference call significant drop in AHIP membership discussed sponsoring new AHIP members

37 Web site and Listserv Thank you to Amy Ritterskamp for her service! Thank you to Tracey Hughes for taking on this job!

38 New members please stand and be welcomed! Officers and Committee members please stand and be recognized!

39 Annual Meeting Advisor Rebecca Graves Quint Meeting next year “MLA West” (MCMLA, South Central, N Calif/New Mexico, S Calif/Arizona, Pacific NW) Virtual Meeting 2015 Meeting Rotation proposed for coming years Rebecca Graves

40 Annual Meeting 2012 Sue Sykes Berry, Chair 92 full conference attendees, 12 one-day attendees 26 vendors, 7 speakers, 6 instructors 5 CE classes Evaluations mostly in good-to-excellent range Profit: $3236.34 split 50/50 with HSLNKC and MCMLA

41 Dates: September 14-17 Opening Reception: The Leonardo Location: Health Sciences Education Bldg for CEs and University Guest House and Conference Center CEs: 4 sessions -- 2 Saturday and 2 Sunday Keynote: Steven J. Bell Speakers: Richard Krugman, Marjorie Chan Two response panels RML and MLA Updates Business Meeting

42 Annual Meeting 2013 Thank you to everyone for your time and creative energy! CommitteeChair CateringClaire Hamasu Continuing EducationSharon Dennis (Amy Honisett) EvaluationsDave Castelli Exhibits/SponsorshipsJean Shipman Finance and BudgetJoan Gregory Green ConferenceChristy Jarvis HospitalityJulie Quilter ProgrammingErica Lake RegistrationAlice Weber ResearchAbby Adamczyk Tech Support/Virtual MeetingNancy Lombardo WebsiteCarol Tripp Co-chairsJeanne Le Ber and Emily Eresuma

43 Ray Balhorn John Bramble Dona Christensen Derek Cowan Peter Jones Camille Salmond Suzanne Sawyer Shawn Steidinger Joan Stoddart Mike Thelin MCMLA Education Committee MCMLA Research Committee

44 Annual Meeting 2014 Lisa Traditi (MCMLA) and Jon Crossno (SCCMLA)

45 Annual Meeting 2015 Tom Gensichen and Heather Brown, Co-Chairs Our first Virtual Meeting! If successful, MCMLA will have biannual virtual meetings.

46 Incoming Chair Darrel Willoughby [chairs trade gift for gavel]

47 Goals 2013-2014 Library Advocacy Education and Mentorship History

48 New business? Move to adjourn?

49 Travel safely, everyone. See you next year in Denver!

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