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Corn prices Ho Wing Tung Janice. What does corn make? Food commodities Food grain for breeding By product: Bioethanol.

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Presentation on theme: "Corn prices Ho Wing Tung Janice. What does corn make? Food commodities Food grain for breeding By product: Bioethanol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corn prices Ho Wing Tung Janice

2 What does corn make? Food commodities Food grain for breeding By product: Bioethanol



5 How to make biofuel? Filtering Removing of water Titration Preparation of sodium methozide Heating and mixing Settling and separation

6 Bioethanol A kind of alcohol made from corn, of high quality Commonly found in Brazil Blended into gasoline as a fuel enhancer Advantages Increase car’s thermal efficiency Reduce pollution Tax credit, subsidies are provided by US government Disadvantages Smaller energy density and output level (2/3 of petrol) Need a bigger tank to fully substitute petrol Easy to erode pipelines

7 What affects prices of corn? Prices of corn Demand and supply of feed grain for meat production Demand as food commodities Demand and supply of Bioethanol

8 Prices of Corn Highest: $445.75Lowest: $300.5

9 Emerging trends

10 1. Global Warming Alternatives of gasoline and petrol Bioethanol can be a more environmentally friendly Higher demand for bioethanol Prices of corn



13 2. Second generation biofuel Aim: The Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 Increase 3x usage of biofuel in 10 years with advanced biofuel Frees the industry from reliance on a single commodity Avoid threatening food supply and biodiversity

14 Categories Corn Wheat Soybean First Generation Biofuel Industrial waste Woodchips Leaves Second Generation Biofuel

15 Derived from non-food commodities E.g. woodchips, industrial waste, leaves Less greenhouse gas emission Higher energy output Substitute of corn-biofuel with better performance Prices of corn ??

16 Short term (3-5 years) Corn prices Target set by America’s Environmental Agency High fixed cost to invest in non-food biofuel Food-biofuel still dominates with raising demand

17 Long Term (5-10 years) Joint ventures emerge US government grants and loans to investors Oil companies are joining the ventures Solazym and Chevron BP and Dupont Prices of corn will substantially

18 Q & A

19 Emerging trends European Union’s goal of reaching 10% of transportation fuel as biofuel Shell and Cosan team up on ethanol Generation game A champion of futuristic biofuels embraces the old-fashioned kind Feb 4th 2010 | SÃO PAULO | America's biofuel muddle Coming up empty America will have trouble meeting its ambitious goals for biofuels Mar 25th 2010 | CHICAGO Joint ventures Higher targets

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