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Rural Electrification Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)

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1 Rural Electrification Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)

2 Rural Electrification – Indian Perpsective
A vital programme for socio-economic development of rural areas To ensure rapid economic development by providing electricity as an input for productive uses in agriculture, rural industries, etc. To improve the quality of life of the rural people by supplying electricity for lighting of rural homes and hearths, shops, community centres, public places etc. 2

3 Genesis of India’s RE Programme
Evolution of India’s rural electrification programme can be divided into five distinctive stages. Stage I 1951-planned electrification of villages taken up with the main objective of providing electricity as a social amenity- More than 45,000 villages covered. Stage II Mid Sixties- focus on the role of electricity as development input with a primary objective of energizing pump sets- More than 2 lakh villages and more than one crore pump sets energised

4 Genesis of India’s RE Programme
Stage III Decade of Eighties- RE seen as a tool for correcting regional inequalities More than 2.20 lakh villages electrified, around 43 lakh pump sets energised Stage IV Decade of Nineties – Deteriorating financial conditions of SEBs break the tempo. Emphasis on improving system efficiencies rather than extensive coverage Only 41,000 villages electrified

5 Genesis of India’s RE Programme
Stage V 2001 onward- Household electrification rather than village electrification is the new focus of RE programme

6 Major RE Programmes Minimum Needs Programme Started in Vth Plan
Targetted states with village electrification lower than national average 100% loans for last mile connectivity Discontinued in because of lack of response from States

7 Major RE Programmes Kutir Jyoti Programme Initiated in 1988-89
Single point connection to BPL households 100% grant Rs. 612 crore released 71.7 lakh BPL household connected in 16 years Merged with AREP in 2004 and now with RGGVY

8 Major RE Programmes Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana (PMGY)
Launched in Funding provided for minimum services in rural areas (health, education, drinking water and electrification etc) Funding as additional central assistance on 90% loan and 10% grant principle Flexibility to states to decide on inter-allocation amongst basic services Discontinued from 2005

9 Major RE Programmes Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme (AREP)
Launched in 2002 Interest subsidy of 4% Applicable on loans given through PFC/REC and NABARD

10 Major RE Programmes Accelerated Electrification of one lakh villages and one crore households Launched in 2004 40% capital subsidy and 60% loan AREP and Kutir Jyoti schemes merged with the programme

11 Trend in Village Electrification

12 Status of Village Electrification (As per 2001 Census)

13 Status of Rural Household Electrification (2001 census)

14 Characteristics of RE Programme
Utilities view point High cost per unit Difficult recovery of cost of operations Sub-optimal and risky investment Involves large capital and revenue subsidy Sustainability

15 Characteristics of RE Programme
Users view point Accessibility Availability Reliability Affordability Quality

16 Accessibility States with more the 10% villages to be electrified
Barring these eight States, others have electrified more than 90% of their villages Has this apparent success led to access of electricity by the rural households ?

17 Availability States with > 25% households to be electrified
WB looks too high

18 Changing Definitions of village Electrification
Prior to October 1997 village was classified as electrified if electricity is being used within its revenue area for any purpose whatsoever. In 1997, the definition was modified to provide for the use of electricity to village habitations. a village will be deemed to be electrified if the electricity is used in the inhabited locality within the revenue boundary of the village, for any purpose whatsoever.

19 Changing Definitions of village Electrification
February 2004 a village would be declared electrified if: Basic infrastructure such as distribution transformer and distribution lines are provided in the inhabited locality as well as the dalit basti/hamlet where is exists. (For electrification through non-conventional sources a distribution transformer may not be necessary) Electricity is provided to public places like schools, panchayat offices, health centres, dispensaries, community centres etc, and The number of households electrified should be at least 10% of te total number of households in the village.

20 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Aims at… Electrifying all villages and habitations. Providing access to electricity to all rural households. Giving Electricity Connection to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families free of charge. Main Features All ongoing schemes merged in “Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana” (RGGVY) 90% grant and 10% loan Electrification as per new definition Franchisee arrangement for revenue sustainability

21 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Through creation of : Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with 33/11 KV (or 66/11 KV) sub-station of adequate capacity in blocks where these do not exist. Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with provision of distribution transformer of appropriate capacity in villages/habitations. Decentralised Distributed Generation (DDG) Systems based on conventional & non conventional energy sources where grid supply is not feasible or cost-effective.

22 RGGVY – Implementation Framework
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) RGGVY – Implementation Framework For effective and expeditious implementation, REC has prepared- Guidelines for project formulation Guidelines for procurement Tripartite / Quadripartite agreements MOUs with CPSUs for providing services to states Specifications of equipment / material Construction standards Franchisee guidelines 3rd party quality monitoring guidelines

23 Role of REC….. Nodal Agency
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) Role of REC….. Nodal Agency Project scrutiny and Appraisal Preparation of specification for equipment & material and Construction standard for erection Co-ordination with MOP, Implementing agencies/ State Govts. Release of funds to implementing agencies Monitoring of projects Ensuring appointment of the franchisee by SPUs.

24 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Role of MOP Policy framework Sanction of projects through Monitoring Committee Release of Capital Subsidy Monitoring of programme

25 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Role of CPSUs State may opt services of CPSUs for- Project Formulation System planning Design engineering Procurement of goods and services Construction/implementation/ Commission Project monitoring and supervision of quality of work.

26 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Role of State Govts./state power utility Appointment of independent agency for monitoring and supervision of quality of works Deployment of franchisees for the management of rural distribution Determination of Bulk Supply Tariff to ensure commercial viability of franchisees Provision of requisite revenue subsidy to the state utilities, as required under Electricity Act, 2003. Adequate arrangement for supply of electricity Providing authenticated BPL List

27 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Role of Monitoring Committee Ministry of Power has constituted monitoring committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Power) with representatives from Planning Commission, Dept. of Expenditure, MNRE, Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Panchayti Raj Monitoring Committee review and monitor the implementation of scheme including sanction of projects, revised cost estimates and issue necessary guidelines from time to time for effective implementation of the scheme.

28 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Project Outlay and Coverage (All India) Projects No. of Projects Un-electrified Villages Intensive Electrification of Villages BPL HH covered Outlay in Rs. Cr. (Sanctioned cost) Approved under 10th Plan 235 68763 111936 83.10 Lakh 9733 Approved under 11th Plan 338 49736 243031 Lakh 16620 Total 573 118499 354967 Lakh 26353 As on

29 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Project Outlay and Coverage (Southern Region) Projects No. of Projects Un-electrified Villages Intensive Electrification of Villages BPL HH covered Outlay in Rs. Cr. (Sanctioned cost) Approved under 10th Plan 35 46* 42813 27.64 Lakh 1043 Approved under 11th Plan 49 23* 25905 13.22 979 Total 84 69* 68718 40.86 2022 As on * Revised Coverage in Karnataka

30 Project Outlay and Coverage (Southern Region – State wise)
States No. of Projects Un-electrified Villages (Revised Coverage) Intensive Electrification of Villages BPL HH covered Outlay in Rs. Cr. (Sanctioned cost) Andhra Pradesh X Plan 17 - 21623 21.14 Lakh 648 XI Plan 9 5858 4.78 Lakh 192 Total 26 27481 Lakh 840 Karnataka 46* 21152 6.32 Lakh 375 8 23* 7039 2.60 Lakh 225 25 69* 28191 8.92 Lakh 600 Kerala 1 38 0.18 Lakh 20 6 592 0.38 Lakh 114 7 630 0.56 Lakh 134 Tamil Nadu 12416 5.45 Lakh 447 Total (Southern Region) 35 42813 27.64 Lakh 1043 49 25905 13.22 Lakh 979 84 68718 40.86 Lakh 2022

31 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Physical Achievement so far – As on (All India) Particulars Electrification of UEV Intensive Electrification of Electrified Villages Connections to BPL H/Hs Coverage Achievement X Plan 68763 62047 (90%) 111936 90743(81%) 83.10 Lakh 68.96 Lakh (83%) XI Plan 49736 23096(46%) 243031 61000(25%) (Lakh) 60.82 Lakh (37%) Grand Total 118499 85143(72%) 354967 151743(43%) 246.45 (Lakh) Lakh (53%) 31

32 Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidhyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY)
Physical Achievement so far – As on (Southern Region) Particulars Electrification of UEV Intensive Electrification of Electrified Villages Connections to BPL H/Hs Coverage Achievement X Plan 46* 46 (100%) 42813 37009(86%) 27.64 Lakh 27.73 Lakh (100%) XI Plan 23* 13(57%) 25905 11128(43%) 13.22 10.14 Lakh (77%) Grand Total 69* 59(86%) 68718 48137(70%) 40.86 37.87 Lakh (93%) *Revised Coverage in Karnataka 32

33 Physical Achievement so far - As on 15. 10
Physical Achievement so far - As on (Southern Region – State wise) States Electrification of UEV Intensive Electrification of Electrified Villages Connections to BPL H/Hs Revised Coverage Achd % Coverage Achd. Andhra Pradesh X Plan - 21623 17773 82% 21.14 Lakh 21.20 Lakh 100% XI Plan 5858 3421 58% 4.78 Lakh 3.93 Lakh Total 27481 21194 77% 25.92 Lakh 25.13 Lakh 97% Karnataka 46* 46 21152 19199 91% 6.32 Lakh 6.36 Lakh 23* 13 57% 7039 3636 52% 2.60 Lakh 1.23 Lakh 47% 69* 59 86% 28191 22835 81% 8.92 Lakh 7.59 Lakh 85% Kerala 38 37 0.18 Lakh 0.17 Lakh 592 0.38 Lakh 630 6% 0.56 Lakh 31% Tamil Nadu 12416 4071 33% 5.45 Lakh 4.98 Lakh (Southern Region) 42813 37009 27.64 Lakh 27.73 Lakh 25905 11128 43% 13.21 Lakh 10.14 Lakh 68718 48137 70% 40.85 Lakh 37.87 Lakh 93%

34 Thank You


36 X Plan Projects (Andhra Pradesh)
SL. No. Name of District Name of State Power Utility and Implementing agency Coverage BPL HH Total sanctioned project cost (Lacs) Total Award project cost (Lacs) Date of Saction Award Date UE Villages IE Villages 1 Anantapur CPDCL - 926 51408 7-Oct-05 7-Jun-06 2 Mahboob-nagar 1477 220158 24-Oct-05 20-Aug-06 3 Kurnool 902 135203 25-Oct-05 10-Apr-07 4 Nalgonda 1124 78352 26-Oct-05 17-Jan-06 5 Srikakulam EPDCL 1819 194941 17-Mar-06 6 Vizianangaram 1438 149755 27-Oct-05 4-Mar-06 7 West Godavari 1141 87831 28-Oct-05 8 Vishakhapatnam ESDCL 2620 204113 9 Khammam NPDCL 1245 132334 10-Apr-06

37 X Plan Projects (Andhra Pradesh)
SL. No. Name of District Name of State Power Utility and Implementing agency Coverage BPL HH Total sanctioned project cost (Lacs) Total Award project cost (Lacs) Date of Sanction Award Date UE Villages IE Villages 10 Nizamabad NPDCL - 1050 60036 5-Mar-08 10-Apr-06 11 Adilabad 1760 103184 24-Oct-05 12 Guntur SPDCL 694 135273 7-Oct-05 2-Aug-06 13 Chittoor 1274 120186 23-Feb-06 14 Krishna 1005 87774 15 Kadapa 954 104205 16 Prakasham 1067 127633 17 Nellore 1127 121931 10-Mar-06 Total (Ar.P.) 21623

38 XI Plan Projects (Andhra Pradesh)
Sr.No. Name of the District(s) Name of Implementing Agency Coverage BPL HH Sanctioned Project Cos t (Lacs) Total Award project cost (Lacs) Date of approval Status of Award UE Villages IE Villages 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Medak CPDCL 1061 34367 22-Jan-08 Awarded 2 Ranga Reddy 893 14883 940.83 East Godavari EPDCL 1323 245334 Awarded Karimnagar NPDCL 935 19417 Awarded Warangal 1003 71199 Anakapalle(Vishakhapattnam) RE-coop society 143 39368 Awarded Cheepurupalli (Vizianagaram) 104 29200 804.13 Awarded Kuppam(Chittor) 223 14835 594.20 Awarded Sircilla (Karimnagar) 173 9220 481.67 Awarded 5858 477823

39 X Plan Projects (Karnataka)
SL. No. Name of District Name of State Power Utility and Implementing agency Coverage BPL HH Total sanctioned project cost Date of Saction Award Date UE Villages IE Villages 1 Tumkur BESCOM 10* 3224 26094 14-Sep-05 17-Mar-06 2 Bangalore (Rural) 2043 39406 3 Kolar 3307 36744 4 Davangere 795 50472 27-Mar-06 5 Chitradurga 1174 36188 6 Hassan CESCOM 34* 2471 41565 4-Oct-05 2-Jan-06 7 Mandya 1404 8760 819.03 8 Mysore 1478 92345 9 Bidar GESCOM 613 25863 3-Feb-06 10 Koppal 624 28515 11 Raichur 814 28335 12 Bellary 537 45889 13 Dharwad HESCOM 388 21936 20-Jan-06 14 Haveri 690 39429 15 Bijapur 665 48899 16 Gadag 321 27911 17 Bagalkot 604 33477 Total (Karnataka) 46* 21152 631828 *Revised Coverage

40 XI Plan Projects (Karnataka)
Sr.No. Name of the District(s) Name of Implementing Agency Coverage BPL HH Sanctioned Project Cost Date of Sanction Status of Award UE Villages IE Villages 1 Chamrajnagar CESCOM 422 22781 22-Jan-08 Awarded 2 Kodagu 296 39669 04-Aug-09 Awarded 3 Gulbarga GESCOM 1344 58973 Awarded 4 Belgaum HESCOM 5 1131 62430 Awarded Uttar Kannada 18* 1219 19657 6 Hukeri 123 14074 721.80 13-Mar-08 7 Shimoga MESCOM 0* 1471 23098 Awarded 8 Chickmagulur 1033 19429 Total (karnataka) 23* 7039 260111 *Revised Coverage

41 X Plan Projects (Kerala)
SL. No. Name of District Name of State Power Utility and Implementing agency Coverage BPL HH Total sanctioned project cost Date of Saction Award Date UE Villages IE Villages 1 Idukki KSEB - 38 17834 5-Aug-05 27-Jan-07 Total (Kerala)

42 Name of Implementing agency Total sanctioned project cost
XI Plan Projects (Kerala) SL. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Coverage BPL HH Total sanctioned project cost Date of Sanction UE Villages IE Villages 1 Kozhikode KSEB - 87 11920 23-Feb-10 2 Kannur 78 5136 3 Mallapuram 122 7897 4 Kasargod 113 4194 5 Pallakad 144 3955 6 Wyanad 48 5415 Total (Kerala) 592 38517

43 XI Plan Projects (Tamil Nadu)
Sr.No. Name of the District(s) Name of Implementing Agency Coverage BPL HH Sanctioned Project Cost (Lacs) Total Award Project Cost (Lacs) Date of Sanction Status of Award / Award expected to be finalised UE Villages IE Villages 1 Karur TNEB 154 16679 * 04-Feb-08 Awarded 2 Salem 380 27586 * 3 Trichirapalli 451 23047 * 4 Coimbatore 388 27935 * 22-Jan-08 5 Cuddalore 685 37703 * 6 Dindigul 337 13321 * 7 Erode 343 17369 * 8 Kancheepuram 904 18723 * 9 Kanya Kumari 81 3095 269.81 269.81* 10 Krishnagari 345 8602 * 11 Madurai 425 16152 * 12 Nagapattinam 424 32252 * 13 Namakkal 300 13981 889.31 889.31*

44 XI Plan Projects (Tamil Nadu)
Sr.No. Name of the District(s) Name of Implementing Agency Coverage BPL HH Sanctioned Project Cost (Lacs) Total Award Project Cost (Lacs) Date of Sanction Status of Award UE Villages IE Villages 14 Perambalur TNEB  - 346 16826 * 22-Jan-08 Awarded 15 Pudukkottai - 765 27073 * 16 Ramnathpuram 385 18931 * 17 Sivaganga 445 12862 * 18 Thanjavur 589 35525 * 19 Theni 133 7333 594.09 594.09* 20 Thiruvannmalai 860 35106 * 21 Thiruvar 413 19175 * 22 Tiruvallur 539 16543 * 23 Tuticorin 408 528 * 24 Vellore 762 32517 * 25 Villupuram 1104 55674 * 26 Virudhunagar 450 10973 * 12416 545511 *

45 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Andhra Pradesh X Plan Anantapur CPDCL 7-Jun-06 - 926 51408 904 101803 Mahboob-nagar 20-Aug-06 1477 220158 1117 121577 Kurnool 10-Apr-07 902 135203 575 126779 Nalgonda 17-Jan-06 1124 78352 71027 Total CPDCL 4429 485121 3720 421186 5 Srikakulam EPDCL 17-Mar-06 1819 194941 1702 153695 Vizianangaram 4-Mar-06 1438 149755 1349 118900 West Godavari 1141 87831 834 81533 Vishakhapatnam 2620 204113 141635 Total EPDCL 7018 636640 6505 495763 Khammam NPDCL 10-Apr-06 1245 132334 955 92139 Nizamabad 1050 60036 538 86927 Adilabad 1760 103184 1314 117834 Total NPDCL ` 4055 295554 2807 296900 12 Guntur SPDCL 2-Aug-06 694 135273 416 188290 13 Chittoor 23-Feb-06 1274 120186 1025 166897 14 Krishna 1005 87774 725 130714 15 Kadapa 954 104205 890 121578 16 Prakasham 1067 127633 688 159350 17 Nellore 10-Mar-06 1127 121931 997 139889 Total SPDCL 6121 697002 4741 906718 Total (Ar.P. X Paln) 21623 17773

46 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Andhra Pradesh XI Plan Medak CPDCL 23-Feb-10 - 1061 34367 528 44499 Ranga Reddy 893 14883 495 27184 Total CPDCL 1954 49250 1023 71683 East Godavari EPDCL 23-Sep-06 1323 245334 448 110563 Total EPDCL Karimnagar NPDCL 10-Apr-06 935 19417 723 88612 Warangal 1003 71199 858 81783 Total NPDCL 1938 90616 1581 170395 5 Anakapalle(Vishakhapattnam) RE-coop society 4-Feb-09 143 39368 76 18925 Cheepurupalli (Vizianagaram) 8-Dec-08 104 29200 57 9673 Kuppam(Chittor) 18-Dec-08 223 14835 176 6336 Sircilla (Karimnagar) 20-Jan-09 173 9220 60 5961 Total RE-coop 643 92623 369 40895 Total (Ar.P XI Plan) 5858 477823 3421 393536 26 Total (Ar.P. X Paln & XI Plan) 27481 21194

47 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Karnataka X Plan Tumkur BESCOM 17-Mar-06 10* 3224 26094 2849 28379 Bangalore (Rural) 2043 39406 1793 35103 Kolar 3307 36744 3248 42165 Davangere 27-Mar-06 795 50472 755 41266 5 Chitradurga 1174 36188 1113 39571 Total BESCOM 12 10543 188904 9758 186484 Hassan CESCOM 2-Jan-06 34* 2471 41565 34 2274 60062 Mandya 1404 8760 1216 30109 Mysore 1478 92345 1122 88109 Total CESCOM 5353 142670 4612 178280 Bidar GESCOM 3-Feb-06 613 25863 610 23978 Koppal 624 28515 438 27979 Raichur 814 28335 680 Bellary 537 45889 526 38361 Total GESCOM 2588 128602 2254 118653 13 Dharwad HESCOM 20-Jan-06 388 21936 14 Haveri 690 39429 682 39939 15 Bijapur 665 48899 583 32439 16 Gadag 321 27911 318 21351 17 Bagalkot 604 33477 36427 Total HESCOM 2668 171652 2575 152092 Total (Karnataka X Plan) 46* 21152 631828 46 19199 635509

48 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Karnataka XI Plan Kodagu CESCOM 4-Aug-09 296 39669 108 3516 Chamrajnagar 27-Sep-08 422 22781 364 36780 Total CESCOM 718 62450 472 40296 Gulbarga GESCOM 8-Feb-06 1344 58973 545 3014 Total GESCOM Belgaum HESCOM 13-Feb-07 5 1131 62430 921 42373 Hukeri Not awarded 123 14074 Uttar Kannada 18* 1219 19657 13 668 18414 Total HESCOM 23* 2473 96161 1589 60787 Shimoga MESCOM 2-Mar-09 0* 1471 23098 695 12305 Chickmagulur 1033 19429 335 6122 Total MESCOM 2504 42527 1030 18427 Total (Karnataka XI Plan) 7039 260111 3636 122524 25 Total (Karnataka X & XI Plan) 69* 28191 891939 59 22835 758033

49 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kerala (X Plan) Idukki KSEB 27-Jan-07 - 38 17834 37 17238 Total (Kerala X Plan) Kerala (XI Plan) Kozhikode Not awarded 87 11920 Kannur 78 5136 Mallapuram 122 7897 Kasargod 113 4194 5 Pallakad 144 3955 Wyanad 48 5415 Total (Kerala XI Plan) 592 38517 Total (Kerala X & XI Plan) 630 56351

50 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tamil Nadu XI Plan Karur TNEB 18-Jun-08 154 16679 74 6937 Salem 380 27586 169 16396 Trichirapalli 451 23047 243 18056 Coimbatore 388 27935 338 24553 5 Cuddalore 685 37703 290 42758 Dindigul 337 13321 72 11938 Erode 343 17369 224 15960 Kancheepuram 904 18723 208 18780 Kanya Kumari 81 3095 70 6381 Krishnagari 345 8602 102 11423 Madurai 425 16152 92 19223 12 Nagapattinam 424 32252 30 23737 13 Namakkal 300 13981 84 7774 14 Perambalur 346 16826 57 14907

51 Project Wise Coverage and Achievement
Sl. No. Name of District Name of Implementing agency Award Date Proposed Coverage Cumulative Achievement ( ) Un/De-electrified Villages Electrified Villages BPL HH`s 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 Pudukkottai TNEB 18-Jun-08 765 27073 210 22382 16 Ramnathpuram 385 18931 21 6305 17 Sivaganga 445 12862 101 10814 18 Thanjavur 589 35525 76 39200 19 Theni 133 7333 131 8541 20 Thiruvannmalai 860 35106 144 37756 Thiruvar 413 19175 65 19461 22 Tiruvallur 539 16543 260 18798 23 Tuticorin 408 528 40 6504 24 Vellore 762 32517 383 29810 25 Villupuram 1104 55674 451 50786 26 Virudhunagar 450 10973 136 8323 Total (Tamil Nadu XI Plan) 12416 545511 4071 497503

52 Salient Features of DDG Projects under DDG
Guidelines for DDG Projects under RGGVY issued by MOP on Capital subsidy of Rs 540 crore for DDG projects during XI th Plan Projects can be based on conventional or renewable sources REC to be the Nodal Agency Ownership with State Governments Implementing agencies would be SREDAs / Depts. dealing with renewable / State Utilities / CPSUs Projects will be approved and monitored by Monitoring Committee of MoP

53 Selection of villages / hamlets
List to be finalized by SREDA/ Depts. dealing with renewable in consultation with state utilities and MNRE Villages / hamlets with population less than 100 to be excluded Villages / hamlets included in MNRE plans to be excluded

54 Selection of Technology
Technology choices for DDG Small / Mini Hydro Diesel generating sets powered by biofuels (non-edible vegetable oils such as Jatropha, Pongamia, etc) Biogas Solar Photo Voltaic Wind / diesel / hybrid / new technology etc

55 Pattern of payment 90% of capital cost + DPR cost to be paid as subsidy Balance 10% to be arranged by implementing agency at their own or loan from any FI/REC.

56 Project implementation procedure
Implementing Agencies will invite tenders on Build, Operate, Maintain & Transfer (BOMT) basis. Successful developer to run the project for a period of 5 years. Successful developer to collect the tariff from villagers. The reimbursement of gap between O&M cost and revenue recovery from villagers will be paid out of service charges of Implementing Agencies 8% for State Governments and 9% for CPSUs)

57 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 10th plan
Sl State No. of Projects No. of un- Electrified Villages covered electrified villages No. of BPL households Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andhra Pr. 17 21623 648.15 Arunachal Pr. 237 321 4377 43.30 Assam 903 1746 148971 158.03 Bihar 26 17125 843499 Chhattisgarh 117 3504 122326 148.94 Gujarat 2409 188471 60.84 Haryana 1075 49198 48.48 8 Himachal Pr. 1118 647 25.02 9 J & K 103 1444 59731 97.62 10 Jharkhand 13 8727 4379 942319 57

58 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 10th plan (Contd…)
Sl. State No. of Projects un-electrified villages covered Electrified BPLhouse holds Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 Karnataka 17 49 21152 631828 375.39 12 Kerala 38 17834 19.75 13 M. P. 8 115 9653 311295 395.57 14 Maharashtra 4052 262538 78.86 15 Manipur 186 270 14447 64.07 16 Meghalaya 174 797 23676 45.99 Mizoram 90 209 8618 41.75 18 Nagaland 279 14290 16.25 19 Orissa 2602 4637 335080 434.10 20 Punjab 58

59 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 10th plan (cont..)
Sl. State No. of Projects No. of un- electrified villages covered Electrified No. of BPL households Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21 Rajasthan 25 1705 15608 699951 453.23 22 Sikkim 16 158 3724 26.09 23 Tamilnadu 24 Tripura 48 72 13119 19.57 Uttar Pradesh 64 30802 3287 26 Uttarakhand 13 1469 14105 281615 643.89 27 West Bengal 4283 97847 385.03 235 68763 111936 59

60 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 11th plan
Sl State No. of Projects No. of un- Electrified Villages covered electrified villages No. of BPL households Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Andhra Pr. 9 5858 477823 191.94 Arunachal Pr. 14 1892 1435 36433 494.39 Assam 20 7622 11584 842685 Bihar 17 6086 6651 Chhattisgarh 11 1015 12829 654839 956.27 Gujarat 22 15525 766679 299.59 Haryana 4910 174875 148.92 8 Himachal Pr. 93 9548 11801 180.23 J & K 180 4606 76999 538.31 10 Jharkhand 11010 3243 749478 60

61 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 11th plan (Contd…)
Sl. State No. of Projects un-electrified villages covered Electrified BPLhouse holds Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 Karnataka 8 83 7039 260111 224.71 12 Kerala 592 38517 114.57 13 M. P. 24 691 24441 14 Maharashtra 30 36240 634.58 15 Manipur 696 1108 92922 293.72 16 Meghalaya 1769 2739 92771 244.42 17 Mizoram 47 361 18799 62.50 18 Nagaland 9 93 873 55610 94.92 19 Orissa 27 15293 24355 20 Punjab 11840 148860 154.59 61

62 State-wise Projects Sanctioned under 11th plan (Contd…)
Sl. State No. of Projects No. of un- electrified villages covered Electrified No. of BPL households Total Sanctioned Project Cost (Rs. Cr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 21 Rajasthan 15 2749 19233 801.26 22 Sikkim 9 260 7734 31.01 23 Tamilnadu 26 12416 545511 447.41 24 Tripura 112 570 181611 111.89 25 Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand 27 West Bengal 290 24775 338 49736 243031 62

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