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BREAKOUT SESSION CHARTER RUSSELL LEFEVRE IEEE. BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1-Stakeholder Network (Co-Chairs: Michael Nyenhuis, Hans-Peter Plag) B2-Advisory Board.

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Presentation on theme: "BREAKOUT SESSION CHARTER RUSSELL LEFEVRE IEEE. BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1-Stakeholder Network (Co-Chairs: Michael Nyenhuis, Hans-Peter Plag) B2-Advisory Board."— Presentation transcript:


2 BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1-Stakeholder Network (Co-Chairs: Michael Nyenhuis, Hans-Peter Plag) B2-Advisory Board (Co-Chairs: Douglas Cripe, Stuart Minchin) B3-GEOSS S&T needs: Developing processes for matching research funding and research teams (Co-Chairs: Gilles Ollier, Bente Lilje Bye) B4-Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBAs (Co-Chairs: Udo Gärtner, Kathy Fontaine)

3 BREAKOUT SESSIONS B1 AND B2 What to do: –Organize –Agree on working modes –Identify actions –Analyze membership, gaps and steps to close gaps –Solicit inputs What to consider –EGIDA Objectives and Goals

4 OUTPUTS Stakeholder Network –Objectives, goals –Working Mode –Mode of Participation –Plan of Action Advisory Board –Terms Of Reference –(Co-)Chair(s) –Membership –Working Mode/Meetings/Plan of Action

5 BREAKOUT SESSIONS B3 AND B4 What to do –Analyze the current situation –Identify necessary actions –Propose an approach

6 BREAKOUT SESSION B3 Analysis of the current situation – Who are the potential partners for the dialog? – What dialog is taking place with and without GEO? Identify necessary actions – Who should initiate the dialog Propose an approach –Description of processes for communication of research needs and opportunities to funding agencies communication of funding opportunities to GEO joint program developments.

7 BREAKOUT SESSION B4 Analysis of the current situation –What are the cross-cutting S&T issues? –To what extent are S&T issues in the SBAs cross-linked? –What are the missing links? Identify necessary actions –Depends on the analysis. Propose an approach –Description of a processes for Identification of high-priority cross-cutting S&T issues Improved linkage of S&T issues in the SBAs.


9 B1-STAKEHOLDERS NETWORK 0900-0915 Jörn Hoffmann: The STC Road Map 0915-0930 Michael Nyenhuis: The Role of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network in the GEO and GEOSS Context 0930-0945 Hans-Peter Plag: Mapping Stakeholders and STC Road Map 0945-1000 Giuseppe Manzella: Ensuring Stakeholder Input to the Review of the GEO Work Plan 1000-1015 Francoise Pearlman and Jay Pearlman: Using GEOSS Workshops to get Input from Stakeholders in Requirements 1015-1030 Russell Lefevre: Reaching Out to S&T Stakeholders 1030-1045 Bente Lilja Bye: Using new Media to Connect to Stakeholders in all SBAs 1045 - 1115:Coffee Break 1115-1130nn: Stakeholder Support for a State-of-the-Art GCI 1130-1145 Michael Diepenbroek: PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science) in the Context of the ICSU World Data System (WDS)PANGAEAWDS 1145-1200 nn: Integrating Contributions from Commercial Stakeholders 1200-1215 nn: Facilitating Resources and Expertise for GEOSS research 1215-1225 Holm Voigt: GWSP Presentation and Potential Role in GEO 1225-1245 All: Discussion of the Scope, Membership, and Activities of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network 1245-1300 Hans-Peter Plag: Membership, Activity Plan, and Working Mode of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network

10 B3-GEOSS S&T NEEDS: DEVELOPING PROCESSES FOR MATCHING RESEARCH FUNDING AND RESEARCH TEAMS 1400-1405 Bente Lilja Bye and Gilles Ollier: Introduction to session — goals/outline of work 1405-1435 Per Koch: The OECD Governance of International Co-operation on Science, Technology and Innovation for Global Challenges project - developing methodologies for funding global challenges 1435-1500 Maria Uhle: Belmont Forum/ICSU/ISSC Earth Visioning and Earth System Research for Global Sustainability initiative 1500-1530 Aris Kaloudis and Per Koch: ERANet- a European tool to fund overarching (national and disciplines) S&T activities 1530 - 1600:Coffee Break 1600-1620 Janos Bogardi: Global Water System Project support mechanism 1620-1630 Gilles Ollier: European Commission's funding of GEOSS 1630-1650 Douglas Cripe or Alexia Massacand: GEO – overview including workplan and CfP process 1650-1700 Stuart Minchin: GEO gap analysis: Identifying research needs 1700-1800 All: Discussion

11 B4-Linking GEOSS and S&T in all SBAs 1400-1415 Udo Gärtner and Kathleen Fontaine: Introduction 1415-1435 Hans-Peter Plag: The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology (html)html 1435-1455 Jean-Louise Fellous: GEO and Science 1455-1515 Wouter Los: Lifewatch 1530 - 1600:Coffee Break 1600-1620 Sergio Cinnirella: Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)GMOS 1620-1640 Roberto Pastres: MEDINA 1640-1700 Stefan Winkler-Nees: Research/Data Infrastructures 1700-1720 Martin Schultz: Air Quality CoPAir Quality CoP 1720-1740 nn: Agriculture CoP 1740-1800 Udo Gärtner and Kathleen Fontaine: Wrap-Up


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