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The roles visually impaired users in the development of assistive technologies Tersia //Gowases. Roman Bednarik. Markku Tukiainen.

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Presentation on theme: "The roles visually impaired users in the development of assistive technologies Tersia //Gowases. Roman Bednarik. Markku Tukiainen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The roles visually impaired users in the development of assistive technologies Tersia //Gowases. Roman Bednarik. Markku Tukiainen

2 Visual impairement refers to a range of visual abilities and limitations Blind Sighted Field of view Acuity Contrast Color … …

3 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 9410 2468 33 VI publications (0.35% CHI articles) 6% VI worldwide (WHO, 2010) Total publications (1981-2012) Full text search

4 A A B Single study paperMulti study paper We identified 46 study cases from the 33 papers that reported involving VI participants

5 Construct conceptual framework Design & develop system architecture Build system (prototype) Observe & evaluate system System development research process Nunamaker et al (1990) State meaningful research questions Review literature for new ideas and approaches Define system functionalities and constraints Design unique architecture Define measureable requirements Produce high or low fidelity system prototype Demonstrate the feasibility of the design & theory Evaluate the usability and performance

6 The roles of research participants Allison Druin (2002)

7 Participant roles System development research processesUserTesterInformantCo-designer TOTAL Construct conceptual framework3070 10 Design & develop system architecture0002 2 Build system (prototype)2220 6 Observe & evaluate system01990 28 TOTAL (Percentage) 5 (12.8%) 21 (45.7%) 18 (39.1%) 2 (4.3%) 46 (100%) Role of VI participants at the different phases of system development

8 System development research processesUser Construct conceptual framework3 Design and develop system architecture0 Build system (prototype)2 Observe & evaluate system0 TOTAL (Percentage) 5 (12.8%) Role: User VI users contribute to the development of process by using the technology User feedback is collected indirectly (observations, videotape, think aloud) as they interact with the technology Laboratory observations

9 System development research processesTester Construct conceptual framework0 Design and develop system architecture0 Build system (prototype)2 Observe & evaluate system19 TOTAL (Percentage) 21 (45.7%) Role: Tester VI VI participants test the developed system. Measureable data (usability, performance measures) is collected as participant interacts with the system Participant feedback is indirect (observation or data logs). Findings can be used to validate or adapt system Laboratory studies, field studies, remote studies

10 System development research processes Informant Construct conceptual framework7 Design and develop system architecture0 Build system (prototype)2 Observe & evaluate system9 TOTAL (Percentage) 18 (39.1%) Role: Informant Informants are similar to testers, however they provide information on their subjective opinions and experiences, in addition to measurable data. Informants are used in different phases of the development “based on when researchers believe [they] can inform the design process” [Druin, 2002] Surveys (interviews and questionnaires).

11 System development research processesCo-designer Construct conceptual framework0 Design and develop system architecture2 Build system (prototype)0 Observe & evaluate system0 TOTAL (Percentage) 2 (4.3%) Role: Co-designer VI As co-designers visually impaired participants actively take part in the iterative design of the system. Continuous feedback as VI are members of small design teams which also included sighted users Example [O17]: 1 blind audio designer, 1 blind haptic designer and 1 sighted audio designer during the design of their assistive haptic feedback application.

12 National Federation for the Blind Jernigan Institute Research and training center developed and directed by the blind themselves 2004 Challenge: “In collaboration with the NFB--to build interface technologies that will empower blind people to drive a car independently. ”

13 Virgina Tech solution to blind driver challenge

14 Google’s self driving car

15 Implications of sightless driving Estimated $2 Trillion Industry – Drunk drivers – Car pools – Working in transit Texting and being on the phone while driving – Fewer accidents (I hope) … Self driving cars are now legal in Nevada and California (2012)

16 Participant roles System development research processesUserTesterInformantCo-designer Construct conceptual framework Design & develop system architecture Build system (prototype) Observe & evaluate system Involve participants at all phases of development process

17 References Druin, A. The role of children in the design of new technology Behaviour & Information Technology (2002), 21, 1-25. Nunamaker, J. F.; Chen, M. & Purdin, T. D. M. Systems development in information systems research Journal of Management Information Systems. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1990, 7, 89-106. Google self driving car. Airpix car for blind driver _blind_drivers.html _blind_drivers.html Blind driver challenge driver-challenge driver-challenge

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