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DI Eberhard Binder Hradec Kralove 29/30. 3. 2004 eRights Charter.

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2 DI Eberhard Binder Hradec Kralove 29/30. 3. 2004 eRights Charter

3 What is TeleCities? TeleCities is the major European Network of cities committed to leadership in the Information and Knowledge-based Society Established in 1993 as a EUROCITIES’ sub-network, TeleCities is open to democratically elected city governments as well as to business and scientific partners TeleCities provides a platform of over 100 local authorities from 20 different European countries sharing experience and developing practical solutions to achieve an Inclusive Information Society Its aim is to promote eGovernment and eCitizenship at local level to ensure that all citizens can equally gain from the benefits of the Information Society

4 TeleCities Presidency & Steering Committee President Barcelona Vice President Naestved Steering Committee Members (14) Amaroussion Antwerp Helsinki Kingston upon Hull Cologne Marseille Nice Siena Stockholm The Hague Vienna Prague (Observer)

5 TeleCities Members Other Local Authorities (101) Amsterdam Bari Belfast Berlin Bilbao Birmingham Birkirkara Bologna Bonn Bradford Bremen Bristol Brussels Capital Region Camden-London Cannes Cardiff Copenhagen Cuenca Edinburgh Eindhoven Espoo Frankfurt Frederikshavn Gdansk Genova Gent Gijón Girona Glasgow Göteborg Grenoble Grosseto Hagen Heraklion Jena Jun Katowice Koper Leeds Leeuwarden Leipzig Lille Linköping Linz Lisbon Liverpool Livorno Lodz Lyon Madrid Manchester Metz Milan Modena Montpellier Munich Münster Nantes Naples Newcastle Nottingham Nuremberg Oulu Ostrava Palermo Porto Reus Rijéka Rome Ronneby Rotterdam Sabadell Salerno St Petersburg San Sebastian Seville Sheffield Siena Southampton Strasbourg Tallinn Tampere Terrassa Thessaloniki Totana Tranås Turin Turku Utrecht Valencia Valladolid Vantaa Venice Viladecans Vilafranca del Penedès Vilnius Waterford Yalova Zaragoza

6 TeleCities Members Business Members (8) apc Interactive Clip Card Fabasoft AT Software GoPro Development Master Metropolis Oracle Schweers Sun Microsystems Other Organisations (3) CSP-ICT Research Center CIPAL (Centre of Informatics for the Provinces Antwerp and Limburg) ITOSZ (National Association of National Settlements)

7 Number of Members per Member State - date 2004

8 TeleCities Services to the Members Policy development and lobbying the European Agenda to ensure that the positions of cities are taken into account Information provision to members (eNewsbrief, website…) Exchange of experience, transfer of know-how. Enforced co- operation and networking with South European and CEE cities is pursued Development and management of projects relevant to the members and the network

9 Policy Development Place the city related aspects of the developments brought about by the Information Society, higher on: the EU agenda (regular dialogue and more) national governments agenda (national branches) local political level (local decision makers)

10 Exchange & Networking The organisation of events, from large conferences to project-related technical workshops, four times a year, as well as the activities of the TeleCities Working Groups, will support the exchange As for the networking, the main objective is to help cities learning from each other through the exchange of information and experience, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge

11 TeleCities Events in 2004  “Urban Impacts of the Information Society: Facts, Fiction and Policies?” 17-19 March 2004, The Hague - Final conference connected with the MUTEIS projects (on the impact of ICT in the urban areas) - Quality of content and presentation of the final results of the MUTEIS project  “Flexible Citizen in a knowledge based city” 2-4 June 2004, Ronneby - Adequate access to public services - Trust and confidence - Life long learning

12 TeleCities Events in 2004  “Knowledge based Economy” 29 Sept- 2 October, Gijon  Presentation of the results of the « Foster the Knowledge based Economy » Working Group  “Cities for a new perspective on social and economic prosperity” 11-13 November, Vienna  TeleCities AGM  Contribution to EUROCITIES Conference

13 TeleCities Working Groups Share experiences and practices Transform these experiences into ideas, guidelines and recommendations for future policies (e.g. 6 th FP for Research and Technological Development) Accomplish a range of surveys to provide Knowledge of the different issues using the more than 120 member-cities as a source of information Set-up project initiatives

14 TeleCities Working Groups  Four main WGs related to future vision for cities Foster the Knowledge based economy Overcome the barriers to the development of the Information Society Ensure Information knowledge society rights for citizens Promote the modernisation of local Public Administrations trough eGovernment

15 TeleCities Projects TeleCities participates directly in EU funded Projects at the benefit of its Members: MUTEIS (Macro-economic & Urban Trends in Europe’s Information Society) FLOSS-POLS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software - Policy Support ) AUXILIA (A European environment for the integration of Youth Disable in Education ) INTELCITIES (Intelligent Cities)

16 TeleCities Special Activity eCitizenship for All Initiative in cooperation with Deloitte eCitizenship for All Survey: annual benchmark survey into the state- of-the-art of eCitizenship for All (Re-engineering, eLearning, eDemocracy, eSecurity) amongst its members > Creation of a Knowledge Base for TeleCities Members eCitizenship for All Award: recognition of best local projects amongst participating cities in each of these eCitizenship for All Challenges

17 Winners of the eCitizenship For All Awards Category eLearning and Inclusion – City of Helsinki – “Nettimanula” Project Category eDemocracy and Community Building – City of Tampere – “Participation Palette” Project Re-engineering of Local Public Administration – The London Borough of Camden “Home Connections Choice-Based Lettings” Project Category eSecurity – City of Bremen – “Bremen Online” Project

18 TeleCities Coordination Office (TCO) Brussels Tel: +32 2 552 08 68 Fax: +32 2 552 08 89 e-mail: TeleCities Contact Details

19 Policy Development the EU agenda (regular dialogue and more) national governments agenda (national branches) local political level (local decision makers) Place the city related aspects of the developments brought about by the Information Society, higher on:

20 Policy Development TeleCities has developed its own vision for the cities Knowledge-based City Main topics: Foster the Knowledge based economy Overcome the barriers to the development of the Information Society Promote the modernisation of local Public Administrations trough eGovernment Ensure Information knowledge society rights for citizens (eRights)

21 IS and the role of local authorities Local authorities have a key role to play in the development of an Inclusive Information Society Closest to the citizens Providers of services

22 A Charter of European eRights….. ………is the direction cities are working towards a successful IS ! WHAT IS IT?

23 It is a framework of rights… …….for all members of society to gain from the benefits of the Information Society……. INSTRUMENT for local public decision-makers to develop policies and services all aiming at the Lisbon goals – tailored to the territorial needs a CITIZEN-ORIENTED approach to develop an Inclusive Information Society at LOCAL and EUROPEAN level

24 Charter of European eRights Rights to accessibility Rights to education and training Information rights Rights to participation

25 Accessibility rights Guarantee access to broadband – public policy eg. Broadband network of public access points Ensure security and user protection – confidence in ICT

26 Education and Training rights Rights to training for all to enable people to effectively benefit from services and information through ICT Stress on tailored training for teachers and specific groups

27 Information rights Accessibility to user-friendly, highly understandable, complete, diversified, up to date, transparent public information Citizens personalise their relation with an innovative networked public service

28 Participation rights Right to a transparent Public Administration at all levels of decision making - eParticipation Benefit from a Public Administration that is committed to fostering citizen participation and strengthening civil society

29 What to do with the Charter…. at the LOCAL level – relevant community and institutional stakeholders in order to adapt it at the EUROPEAN level – aiming at future pan-European frameworks It will be further promoted

30 DI Eberhard Binder CIO City Of Vienna Chief Executive Office - ICT Strategy and Management E-Mail: Tel: +43-1-4000-75011 Fax: +43-1-4000-99-75011

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