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Starting an AMSN Chapter Presented by the Chapter Development Committee 2006.

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1 Starting an AMSN Chapter Presented by the Chapter Development Committee 2006

2 AMSN Contacts National AMSN Office Noreen Dunn AMSN and MSNCB Information Services Manager East Holly Avenue Box 56 Pitman, NJ 08071 866-877-2676 or 856-256-2424 fax: 856.218.0557

3 AMSN Contacts Chapter Development Committee Diana Anderson, RN, CMSRN Chairperson 928-537-6574

4 GettingStarted Getting Started  Review information on AMSN website under “Chapter” tab, “Starting a Chapter”  Guidelines for Chapter Formation Chapter Charter Petition Chapter Profile Dissolution Agreement  Contact National AMSN Office for a list of national AMSN members in your area

5 Schedule an Organizational Meeting Get everyone excited Get everyone excited!  Send an organizational meeting notice to national AMSN members in your zip code area  Identify colleagues from area hospitals, networking groups, local universities and colleges of nursing  Select meeting location, date, time most convenient to majority.  Consider developing a “theme” to build enthusiasm and excitement and be sure to include refreshments !

6 Organizational Meeting Agenda  Welcome, introductions  Elect officers  Establish Chapter goals  Develop budget/ fundraising ideas  Set meeting schedule  Prioritize educational activities  Complete Chapter Profile and Chapter Petition  Sign Dissolution Agreement  Other business (sign up for committee work, update member contact information, etc)

7 Finding Members  The National office will send you a list of National members in your area  Contact the directors or educators for local med surg units.  Post flyers about your meetings in local hospitals  Consider putting a notice in local newspapers and in hospital newsletters  Post flyers around your community in schools, churches, and stores

8 Election of Chapter Officers Electing officers at an organizational meeting can seem a little awkward, but some advance planning can help move things along at a comfortable pace. You can usually find some interest to run for a board position from some of your core group of organizers. Develop a ballot which includes information about the candidates for each of the major officer positions and send it out with the notice for your first organizational meeting. Include a position description for each office. Be sure to leave slots open for write-in candidates, and allow for additional nominations “from the floor” from interested parties.

9 Election of Chapter Officers Consider the following officers:  President  President-elect  Secretary  Treasurer Determine how long you want each term to be. It is suggested that your initial officers serve for two years to get your chapter “up and running”.

10 Committees While a new Chapter is not required to have committees, most Chapters find them helpful. Some committees to consider include:  Fundraising  Educational planning  Refreshments  Social activities  Outreach and membership

11 Establishing Chapter Goals Keep it simple, especially the first year. Some ideas for “beginner”chapters might focus on membership recruitment and completing educational activity requirements.

12 Examples of simple goals:  Enhance the image of the professional Medical-Surgical nurse.  Facilitate communication and collaboration among Medical- Surgical nurses in the (Chapter name) area.  Enhance the professional growth of Chapter members and of Medical-Surgical nurses in the area through educational program offerings.  Increase local and national AMSN membership through Chapter activities and program marketing.

13 Developing a Chapter Budget Once you achieve National Chapter status, you will receive $75.00 in seed money from AMSN. Consider some of the following ideas to ensure a sound Chapter budget:  Set local dues - most Chapters set annual local dues at $15-20 per year.  Some Chapters charge non-members a fee for attending educational offerings at meetings  Plan fundraising activities

14 Fundraising activities Fundraising activities:  have fun,  earn some money, and  get visibility Ideas for fundraising:  Bake sales  Raffles  Garage sales  Educational workshops  Selling items such as t-shirts and other promotional items locally and at the national convention.

15 Setting a Meeting Schedule There are many different ways to establish a regular meeting schedule and you need to consider what will best suit your chapter membership.  Quarterly meetings which incorporate an educational offering with a business session can improve meeting attendance, especially where chapters cover a geographically large area.  Scheduling meetings every month or every other month may be more attractive to established Chapters with more comprehensive goals and activities.

16 Prioritizing Educational Activities Offering educational programs can be a significant benefit for your Chapter membership and a great way to attract new members. It can also be a profitable fundraiser as well as giving more visibility to your Chapter and the AMSN organization.

17 Educational Program Considerations  Survey membership to assess educational needs and identify priorities. Consider starting with topics for which you may have the easiest time finding qualified speakers.  Include topics which meet re-licensure requirements, such as HIV/AIDS and Domestic Violence, especially during the quarter preceding license renewal periods.

18 Educational Program Considerations  Contact hours are recommended, but not required. Obtaining contact hours can be easier by working with area hospitals or universities with Colleges of Nursing, and will usually guarantee a larger attendance and less effort by co-sponsoring educational programs.  If you rotate meeting sites between several area hospitals, consider selecting a topic which allows the hospital to “showcase” a particular service or product line, such as a cardiovascular program with a tour of their cardiac rehab unit.

19 Educational Program Considerations  Remember that new Chapters must have 2.0 hours of educational offerings per year, and established Chapters need 4.0 hours per year.  Contact hours (CEUs) are no longer required, but are highly recommended.

20 Completing the Chapter Charter Petition This is really much simpler than it looks. All you do is fill in the blanks which identify the following:  the proposed name of your Chapter  the zip codes, cities and counties you expect to include in your Chapter area  acknowledgement of your responsibility to plan at least two Chapter activities per year to maintain Chapter status  acknowledgement of dissolution agreement terms The last step simply requires signatures from at least three active national members.

21 Completing the Chapter Profile  Simply fill in the names and addresses of your Charter officers.  Major officers also sign the Dissolution Agreement.

22 The Finishing Touches  Attach a list of your Charter Chapter members (remember they must also be national members).  Enclose a copy of the minutes from your first meeting. … and you’re in business!!!

23 Building a Successful Chapter Your core group of founding members are usually the “movers and shakers,” but it is easy to get burned out if only a few always take on the majority of the tasks. Recruiting new members will probably be your most important initial priority. Offering an educational program, combined with good food and Chapter members who know how to “meet and greet” will help ensure an increase in your membership base.

24 Building a Successful Chapter  Sponsoring fundraising activities and/or community service projects is another good way to gain visibility and market your local Chapter to prospective new members.  Build a network with other Chapter Presidents and with the Chapter Development Committee. We have all been exactly where you are now and would be pleased to lend a hand!

25 Building a Successful Chapter  Plan to attend the national convention! This is a perfect way to network with other Chapter members from around the country and pick up some great ideas to take back with you!  Read each issue of the MedSurg Nursing magazine, Med Surg Matters and the AMSN Med Surg Nursing Connection newsletter to keep up with important dates and catch some great ideas from other Chapters and National!  Watch the AMSN website for more news and information! (

26 Conclusion By now, you should have an idea of how to proceed to start your Chapter. Don’t hesitate to call either the National office or the Chapter Development Committee for help and ideas! Have fun!

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