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NEW TESTAMENT FOUNDATIONS NT 102 Lecture 2. Paul: The Man & His Letters The Beginnings of the Gentile Church (Paul’s missionary journeys)

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2 Paul: The Man & His Letters The Beginnings of the Gentile Church (Paul’s missionary journeys)

3 I.Paul: The Man & His Letters I.1Introduction I.2Paul's Jewish Upbringing

4 Tarsus & Jerusalem

5 a.Hellenistic (1) grew up in Tarsus in Cilicia (2) received Greek education

6 Tarsus

7 (3) familiar with Greek religions & customs b.Jewish I.3Paul’s Conversion

8 Roman road

9 What happened on Damascus road? a. He received his revelation. b. He received his apostleship/calling

10 Implications of Paul’s call: 1. Jesus as Lord (LXX = God) 2. Importance of the resurrection i. Jesus’ vindication by God (the Jewish hope) ii. In-breaking of the kingdom 3. Implication for Torah 4. Implications of the Cross 5. Theology of Grace

11 I.4Paul's Missionary Career 1.Post call 2.Paul the traveler

12 Roman Forum

13 Ephesian theater

14 3.Paul’s missionary journeys a. From Paul’s conversion to the first missionary journey

15 b. From Paul's first missionary journey to his death

16 Chronology of Paul’s Life

17 Paul’s first missionary journey

18 Paul’s second missionary journey

19 Roman Agora in Athens

20 Stoa in Athens

21 Paul’s third missionary journey

22 Chronology of Paul’s Life

23 I.5Paul’s Character 1.Passionate & zealous 2.Leadership ability 3.Motivated by Christ’s love

24 Imageries of Paul to his converts: a.Like a father (1 Cor. 4:15; 1 Thess. 2:11) b.Like a mother (Gal. 4:19; 1 Thess. 2:7) c.Like a brother (Phil. 1:12) d.Partners in the gospel (Phil. 1:7) Implications for our life & ministry today

25 I.6Paul’s Theology I.6.1Current “issues” & “Debate” A. What letters did Paul write? B. Pauline Thought: Coherence, Development, and Contingency.

26 Is Paul’s theology: i.Inconsistent & incoherent? ii.Developed chronologically? iii.Interplay between a constant core and contingent interpretation?

27 iv.Is there a theological center of Paul’s theology? Some proposals: a. “Justification by faith” (e.g. Käsemann) b. Anthropology (e.g. Bultmann) c. Salvation-historical (continuity between Judaism & Paul) d. Jewish apocalypticism (e.g. Beker) e. Christocentrism (Pauline gospel) v.Is there a central Pauline narrative or story?

28 C. Paul & Politics D. Portraits of Paul 1.Demeanor: the orator? 2.Who, what and when? 3.Paul the Man a. the anti-Semitic Hellenist b. the platonically radicalized now universalist Jew c. the fundamentally Jewish Christian d. Hellenistic Jewish Christian

29 E.Paul’s formative influences 1. Jerusalem or Tarsus or both 2. influence of Greek rhetoric F.Paul & Jesus G.First century model for Pauline churches 1. Synagogue 2. Philosophical school 3. Voluntary association 4. A heterogeneous mix of some or all BUT in the context of the house

30 H.Pauline Christology 1. Wisdom Christology? 2. High Christology?

31 I.6.2Shape of Pauline Theology a. The revelation of Christ b. Early Christian traditions c. OT d. Graeco-Roman world e. Judaism

32 I.7Paul’s Letters A.Innovation B.Form 1.Introduction 3 part salutation a. self-identification of the writer b. identification of the addressees c. greetings

33 2.Prayer, wish and/or thanksgiving 3.Main body 4.Personal news & greetings 5.Farewell section (greetings, peace, farewells, etc.)

34 C.Character of Letters 1.creative 2.contingency versus coherence 3.a particular task versus systematic theology 4.“development” in Paul’s thought?

35 D.Issues of Authenticity 1.References to Forgeries 2.Pseudonymity & the NT a. pseudonymous letters are unknown from NT period b. Church’s attitude c. lack of evidence 3.Secretaries & scribes 4.Question of co-authorship 5.Theological/exegetical & hermeneutical considerations

36 A. Exegetical concerns (“what the letter meant back then”) 1. Recognize the letter as written in response to a particular situation 2. Read against that background 3. Reconstruct as best as possible the historical situation being addressed

37 B. Hermeneutical concerns (“what the letter means now”) 1. Acknowledge historical and cultural distance 2. Emphasize theological principles over superficial similarities

38 C. Our concerns/focus on NT Letters: 1. primarily exegetical-theological 2. some hermeneutical comments

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