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WP4: Brainstorming meeting Geneva – 19 th March 2009 Project summary, progress report Jean-Marie Le Goff DG-AS.

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Presentation on theme: "WP4: Brainstorming meeting Geneva – 19 th March 2009 Project summary, progress report Jean-Marie Le Goff DG-AS."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP4: Brainstorming meeting Geneva – 19 th March 2009 Project summary, progress report Jean-Marie Le Goff DG-AS

2 Technology Transfer 2 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009 Agenda TT Network project progress report Meeting objectives

3 Technology Transfer 3 TT Network status Document CERN/2778 – CERN/FC/5231 has been approved at the Council session of March 2008. TTN officially launched on June 2008 with an implementation phase organized as a project with 5 work packages. WP1: IP charter WP2: Framework to enlarge TT offer WP3: Methods for measuring TT activities and results (Quantitative and qualitative) WP4: Implementation WP5: Project coordination and reporting WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

4 Technology Transfer 4 Project WP 1: Description WP1: IP Charter Start: M1, End: M12FTE: 2 Months/Participants (M/P) + Deliverables development: 12 months Description of work: Establish a set principles and a code of practices for members of the TT network to facilitate the adoption of a sensible approach compatible with Open Science. Together with a set of contract templates for licensing, contracted and collaborative research will constitute the IP charter for PP. The IP charter will address all essential IPR issues such as licensing and of contracted and collaborative research. Objectives and deliverables: The objective is to build an IP charter for PP that will facilitate the adoption of the Innovation Model in parallel with the Open Science model. The deliverables include a charter containing rules, principles and good practices (M6), and contract templates (M12) to be used by the TT offices of PROs involved in PP activities. Conveners: M. Caccia (INFN, Italy), L. Paolucci (Universita' degli Studi dell'Insubria) Participants: o K. Wurr (DESY, Germany) M. Porchet (CEA/DSM, France), M. Cuzin (CEA/DRT, France), M. Ayass, B. Denis (CERN), H. Rhedin (CHALMERS, Sweden), G. Vesztergombi (KFKI, Hungary), E. Gazis (NTUA, Greece) WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

5 Technology Transfer 5 Project WP 2: Description WP2: Framework to enlarge TT offer Start: M1, End: M24FTE: 3 M/P (Year 1), 1 M/P (Year2) Deliverables: 1 pers. for 24 Months Description of work: Perform an inventory of all the technologies with IP protection by the TT network members. Establish a template to present technologies with reference to the patents (when available) that will highlight for each technology the possible applications, the innovative features, the advantages and other important results obtained from technology assessments. Identify technologies/patents with complementarities and/or overlaps. Establish and implement a method to present the corresponding technology offer and include these aspects in the template. Address the particular case of software an adjust template and method if necessary. Develop a Technology Transfer for Particle Physics Website that will provide an overview of all the technologies available for transfer including a link to the local PROs TT websites from where the technology is originating. Establish and implement a strategy to advertise the link to the TT for PP website as widely as possible. Objectives and deliverables: The objective is to make more visible to industry the technologies and the expertise originating from the PP community. The deliverables include a beta version (End of M12) of a Technology Transfer for Particle Physics Website referenced as widely as possible, a template and a procedure to introduce a new technology and a final version at M24. Conveners: S. Zaninotti, M. Porchet (CEA/DSM, France) Participants: o N. Häbe (DESY, Germany), H. Hillemanns (CERN), G. Clerc (EPFL, Switzerland), M. Soberman (CNRS/IN2P3, France) o All TT Network having technologies should be contributing to this work package. WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

6 Technology Transfer 6 Project WP 3: Description WP3: Methods for measuring TT activities and results (quantitative and qualitative) Start: M1, End: M18FTE: 2M/P + 6 Months for deliverables Description of work: Investigate, define and classify a set of criteria to measure TT activities. Analyze criteria for TT Network members’ results. Objectives and deliverables: The objective is to provide a set of criteria to position the TT activity of PROs involved in PP in PRO. The deliverables include a list of quantitative and qualitative criteria possibly with indicators (ex: number of licenses, number of jobs created by licensee, number of licenses resulting from collaborative research / number of collaborative research contracts, value of licences, etc.) Conveners: K. Henjes-Kunst (DESY, Germany), M. Soberman (CNRS/IN2P3, France) Participants: o G. Clerc (EPFL, Switzerland), M. Caccia (INFN, Italy), L. Paolucci (Universita' degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy), P. Dargent (CNRS/IN2P3, France), K. Laigaard (Copenhagen University, Denmark), E. Sirage (CERN) WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

7 Technology Transfer 7 Project WP 4: Description WP4:Implementation Start: M10, End: M36FTE: 1Y/P + 1.5 pers. Full time for coordination and deliverables Description of work: Implement WP1 and WP2 on new cases. For technologies with complementarities and/or overlap, it will provide and implement a modus operandi covering all aspects of the TT process from IP identification and protection, to collaborative research and licensing, including contract negotiations. Evaluate results according to the indicators provided in WP3. Objectives and deliverables: The objectives are: - to implement the Innovation model in parallel with the Open Science model and validate the tools developed in WP1 and WP2 to support the TT activities of the Network members including those with complementary and/or overlapping technologies. - to analyse the results according to the criteria defined in WP3. - to propose when necessary improvements of the tools. The deliverables include an implementation report. Convener: TBD Participants: o All TT Network members WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

8 Technology Transfer 8 Project WP 5: Description WP5: Project coordination and reporting Start: M1, End: M36 FTE: 3M/P +.5 pers./year for coordination and TT Network operation Description of work: Coordinate the execution of the TT network project. Steer TT network meetings. Prepare report for Council based on the WP deliverables. Network structures: - TT Network Board (1 representative per Network Member) - Network Steering Committee (WP conveners) Objectives and deliverables: The objective are: - To define and review the programme of work of the Network. - To ensure a timely and effective execution of the Project and to report to Council. - To address the issues related to the permanent structure of the Network for the operational phase. is to ensure a timely and effective execution of the Project and to report to Council. The deliverables include consecutive reports to Council. Convener: J.-M. Le Goff, H. Hillemanns (CERN) Participants: o All TT Network Members WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

9 Technology Transfer 9 Project Milestones (rev. Dec. 5, 2008) M1: 1 st TT Network meeting (June). Discuss tasks 1,2,4 M13: IP Charter ready M10: WP4 Kickoff M13: (Beta version (static)) TT for particle physics website available M13: Criteria for measuring TT activities and results available M16: mid-term assessment on phase 1 tasks and activities M27: TT for particle physics website available M36: End of project WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

10 Technology Transfer WP1 status Questionnaire on IP management good practices finalized. A number of institutes with high level reputation in IP management good practices have been interviewed. EPFL, Cambridge (Enterprise), ESRF, KIT, CERN, Polimi, Santa Anna, Lund GSI, CEA-DEM will fill in the questionnaire Plans to interview: Louvain university Topics:  Institutional info (Positioning of HEP activities)  IP Management within the Institution (Disclosure, ownership, protection and dissemination)  IP in collaborative and contract research (Costing & revenue sharing, IP ownership, IP protection, IP dissemination & use) Analysis of results (April) IP charter document (June): Summary of best practices, recommendations on IP management Principles set out in COM(2007) 182 final (Commission of the European Communities) considered as a good basis 10 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

11 Technology Transfer WP2 status Conceptual Study & Specs done On individual technologies Discussions on complementary technology offers Next step: Implementation of β-version: Person for internship found Implementation at CEA, regular follow-up by CERN Hosting β-version: CERN Implementation tool: tbd Parallel activity: Prepare general content of web site Prepare representative technology offer for β- version 11 TT Network Kick-off Meeting – Updated version Geneva, April 10, 2008

12 Technology Transfer WP3 status A questionnaire with glossary is being finalized Headings: Background, IP, Contracts (see next slide) Addressed to HEP community Inspired by ASTP, AUTM questionnaires Questions elaborated in order to extract indicators pertinent to HEP The targeted list of institutes intends to address more than 80% of HEP activities in Europe One TT Node to introduce and possibly assist interviewee Main topics: (List next slide)  Background information on Institute and TT Office  IP matters and TT  Collaborative Research and service agreements  Process extended for benchmarking later to: particularly BNL, SLAC, Berkeley, Triumph, TEK, ITEP Analysis and indicators (Report ready end of May, see minutes of last meeting) Principles and results available on web site TT Offices will be able to assess improvements 12 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

13 Technology Transfer 13 Questionnaire - Headings Section 1 – Background Information 1.1 Identification 1.2 Scope of activities 1.3 Level of maturity Knowledge/T echnology Transfer and in Industry Partnership 1.4 Written Policy 1.5 Revenue distribution & Incentives Section 2 - IP matters & TT (in HEP) 2.1 Portfolio of invention disclosures and patents 2.2 IP transfer and/or exploitation agreements 2.3 Spin-offs (company establishme nts) Section 3 – Collaborative Research & Service agreements 3.1 Collaborative & Contract Research 3.2 Services & facilities

14 Technology Transfer TTN node Contact person InstituteMember State Marcel Soberman / Pascal Dargent CNRS / IN2P3 France INSU – to be confirmed CEA-IRFU -to be confirmed- Massimo Caccia / Lorenza Paolucci INFN Italy Gabriel Clerc / Robert Rudolph PSI Switzerland University of Geneva ETH Zürich EPFL Dorothee Rück / Karsten Wurr DESY - Deutsches Elektron Synchrotron Germany GSI - Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Darmstadt Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Julich Forschungszentrum Johan Holmberg / Henric Rhedin Chalmers Sweden Lund University Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm University Uppsala University 14

15 Technology Transfer TTN node Contact person InstituteMember State Penny Woodman University of Birmingham United Kingdom University of Bristol Cambridge University University College London Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) Imperial College London University of Oxford Robert Klopping - To be confirmed Nikhef The Netherlands Paloma Dorado / Maria Chamizo CIEMAT Spain Evangelos Gazis Institute of Nuclear Physics - National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" Greece Aristotle, University of Thessaloniki National Technical University of Athens Leander Litov Sofia University Bulgaria Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Stefan MolokacCryosoft spol. S r.o. Slovakia 15

16 Technology Transfer 16 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009 Agenda TT Network project progress report Meeting objectives

17 Technology Transfer WP4: Objectives WP4 is the TT Network implementation work package: (Extracted from CERN/2712): WP4 will address the implementation of WP1 and WP2 on new cases. For technologies with complementarities and/or overlap, it will provide and implement a modus operandi covering all aspects of the TT process from IP identification and protection, to collaborative research and licensing, including contract negotiations. Results will be evaluated according to the indicators provided in WP3. What is pertinent for us to do together? Main aspects IP management Promotion (Communication) Dissemination (R&D and commercialization of IP) Others? To be discussed during this session In addition, complementary issues related to TTTF should be considered Training Raising awareness (Scaled down to the TT Network activities?) 17 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

18 Technology Transfer WP4 Objectives Duration Practical implementation: 24 months starting Jul 08 (from M10 -> M34) Analysis of results, assessment and use of tools: 6 Months (From M28 -> M34) Contributions All TT Nodes to take part in one or more cases  Cases to continue beyond WP4 duration to reach milestones All TT Nodes involved in the analysis, assessment and use of tools Implementation on concrete cases Ex: Patent pooling on Micro pattern gaseous detectors The set of cases should as much as possible address all the aspects of the TT Process with a particular focus on cases with jointly owned IP and/or complementary IP Not strictly limited to technology with complementarities and/or overlap. Ex: Trans-national Industry partnerships Financing will be addressed at a later stage 18 WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

19 Technology Transfer 19 Project Milestones (Including WP4) M1: 1 st TT Network meeting (June). Discuss tasks 1,2,4 M13: IP Charter ready M10: WP4 Kickoff M13: (Beta version (static)) TT for particle physics website available M13: Criteria for measuring TT activities and results available M16: mid-term assessment on phase 1 tasks and activities M27: TT for particle physics website available M34: End of WP4 (Analysis and report completed) M36: End of project WP4: Brainstorming session Geneva, March 19, 2009

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