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Feedback for Multi-connection China mobile Jin Peng Jun Wang

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1 Feedback for Multi-connection China mobile Jin Peng Jun Wang Feb.21 2008

2 2 Different service transferred through different AN ▪The multi-terminal support GPRS and WLAN; ▪GPRS is selected for voice and WLAN is selected for a file downloading from internet; ▪The strategy of AN selection is a crucial issue, which depends on the factors, such as service requirements, network characteristics and state, channel state of user and cost, etc;

3 3 Different stream of same service transferred through different AN ▪The multi-terminal support HSPA and Wimax; ▪Neither Wimax nor HSPA can provide the requrired bandwidth of VOD in the current network state; ▪The combination of the availabe resource can meet the requirement; ▪The strategy of AN selection and splitting stream into multi substream;

4 4 Relation between Multi-connection and Multi-homing Multiple Connections Multihoming –both connected, even 1 application will take two connections –Switch without upseting applications Switch or not –Layer 2.5 Joint Radio Reouce Mangement –Layer 3 all connected –Layer 4/5/7 Service / Application multiple connect –Layer 3 Basic Multihoming –Layer 3.5 Shim6 (IPv6) –Layer 4 Which Layer –Increase bandwidth, –Efficient use radio resource, –IPv4/IPv6 –Service/Application multiple connection –Operator leads –Redundancy, Load Shareing, Operational policy, Cost, maybe multiple service provider. Purpose –Layer 2 report –Layer 3 IP address united –RACF/NACF control –Addressing Routing Methods( possible)

5 5 Relation between Multi-connection and Multi-homing ▪Multi-homing focuses on stream routing and management in the IP layer and Transport layer. But it does not consider the combination of different network to provide service jointly, which is focus of multi-connection; ▪There is overlap in some degree in the research of data stream routing and management in IP layer and Transport layer, but research in multi-connection are not just limited in the two layers for the function, we hope the cross-layer technique can bring some contribution

6 6 Relation with handover ▪Handover happens when one connection fades while other connections are more suitable to support the communications to maintain the connection; ▪ Multi-connection can guarantee the terminal connected to different AN simultaneously, which can maintain the service continuity but also to enhance the throughoutput, reliability, load balance

7 7 Research Scope ▪New functionality introduce to cooperate the different AN between the layer 2 and layer 3 –Access network selection and Joint resource allocation; –Load balancing strategy; –Seamless mobility management in the multi- connection service environment ; –… ▪The strategy of stream management ▪IP architecture and the mapping strategy between IP layer and Link layer ▪Controllability and Management of Multi- connection ▪Effects to NGN architecture framework by introduction of NGN ▪Fulfillment of billing function in multi-connection service environment

8 8 Inclusion of SG19 ▪The meeting decided to approve the proposed new Question subject to finalization of the text in a Correspondence Group to address the remaining items of concern; ▪The Correspondence Group will use the main SG 19 reflector, will be moderated by the SG 19 Chairman, and will reach its conclusion on 31 March 2008; ▪If the concerns have been addressed to the satisfaction of all participants by that time, the Question will be confirmed;

9 9 Reference ▪Key Scenarios and Implications for WINNER II ▪WINNER II System Concept Description; ▪WINNER II intramode and intermode cooperation schemes definition; ▪Draft System Description, Ambient Networks Phase 2; ▪Final Application Scenarios and Prototype Design, Ambient Networks Phase2; ▪Multi-Access & ARI design and Initial Specification, Ambient Networks Phase2; ▪Motivations and Scenarios for Using Multiple Interfaces and Global Addresses,Internet-Draft Monami6 Working Group; ▪Analysis of Multihoming in Mobile IPv6, Internet-draft, MONAMI6 Working Group; ▪Framework of Multi-homing for IPv6-based NGN, Question 9/13; ▪3GPP TR 25.891; ▪RFC2960,RFC3257,RFC3286,RFC3578,RFC4460,etc ▪IEEE 802.21 ▪

10 Thank you!

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