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The Acts of the Apostles Inauguration of Gentile Mission, 10:1-15:35 Scripture Workshop Episcopal Church of the Resurrection January 20, 2011.

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1 The Acts of the Apostles Inauguration of Gentile Mission, 10:1-15:35 Scripture Workshop Episcopal Church of the Resurrection January 20, 2011

2 Peter and Cornelius, 10:1-33 God is very actively directing events in this scene through visions and voices Cornelius is a Roman officer Peter’s vision of eating unclean things. Violates primary Jewish identity marker Peter comes to see Jesus’ mission was for all people, not just Jews. – “I should not call any person profane or unclean.” Cornelius says “here in the presence of God” about his home. Same words used for temple in OT – Sacred space extends to wherever people do God’s will

3 Peter Evangelizes Cornelius, 10:34-48 “…in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him.” HS descends on circumcised and un-circumcised. 2 nd Jewish identity marker falls. Pentecost for gentiles Circumcision clearly not required to be part of KOG Peter has traveled from Jewish lands, Joppa, to Gentile lands, Caesarea

4 Peter Explains Actions to Jerusalem Church, 11:1-18 Peter is criticized for eating with and baptizing Gentiles “Who was I to hinder God?” Luke tells the same story of Peter’s three times In Paul’s letters these exchanges are much more contentious In speech, Peter says Cornelius is “saved”, and says it was not till Pentecost that the disciples came to believe

5 Antioch Mission, 11:19-30 Persecution scatters missionaries to Phonecia, Cyprus and Antioch. Jerusalem ratifies this Disciples first called Christians Christos simply means messiah in Greek

6 Great Reversals: Peter and Herod, 12:1-25 Peter imprisoned, led by an angel out of prison. Herod hailed as a god by the people and struck dead by an angel “Great escape” was Hellenistic literary tool Luke begins to call Jesus movement “the church” and “the Jews” start to become villains Familiar themes of death at Passover and liberation from bondage Largely the end of Peter’s story

7 Mission of Barnabus and Paul, 13:1-15 HS sets Paul and Barnabus apart. Paul dominates the rest of Acts Paul uses a magic trick on a magician Magicians punishment parallels Paul’s blindness Sergius Paulus is Paul’s first Gentile disciple

8 Paul in Pisidian Antioch, 13:16-52 In synagogue, Paul connects Israel to Jesus by interpreting Jesus from the OT Audience is Jews and God-fearers Theology – David saw corruption, Jesus did not – In Jesus, one is justified under the law. Big change Paul turns to Gentiles and converts many, which upsets the Jews HS fills people with joy

9 Paul and Barnabus, Antioch to Antioch, 14:1-28 Many people converted, with help of signs & wonders Growing tension with the Jews who attack Paul Paul heals crippled man much like Jesus and Peter did Paul appeals to common ground in speech about living God, who provides rains, etc Persecution becoming a fact of Christian life “They appointed presbyters…” Priests? Church starting to show structure

10 Council in Jerusalem: Must Gentiles Become Jews? 15:1-35 Jewish law and circumcision at issue in council In Jerusalem there’s now a “church”, “apostles” and “presbyters” Peter speaks forcefully for Gentile inclusion, saying HS has come to both. Says Jews haven’t been able to bear this yoke “we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus.” James proposes dietary compromise, which had long been required of resident aliens in Israel (Lev 17-18) Paul and Barnabas sent to Antioch to bring some order to the growing church and communicate the compromise

11 Questions Where is Jesus? How would you describe God’s role in the stories? What is this theology? Is Paul a Christ-figure? What does saved mean? What is grace? What prerequisites (like circumcision) do we put on folks who want to join our community today?

12 Acts, Outline January 27 – Mission of Paul to whole earth I (15:36-21:40) February 3 – Mission of Paul to whole earth II (22:1-28:31) Need a new date: – Feb 2? – Feb 7? – Feb 16? – Feb 17?

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