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Best Practices In Alternative Education: The Role of Accountability Beth Anderson, Founder and CEO Phoenix Charter Academy Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices In Alternative Education: The Role of Accountability Beth Anderson, Founder and CEO Phoenix Charter Academy Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices In Alternative Education: The Role of Accountability Beth Anderson, Founder and CEO Phoenix Charter Academy Network

2 Mission The Phoenix Charter Academy Network operates schools that challenges disconnected students with rigorous academics and relentless support so they recast themselves as resilient, self-sufficient adults in order to succeed in high school, college and beyond.

3 Model Advanced Placement Classes High-Dosage Tutoring Heterogeneously Mixed Classes Categorized Class Structure College Prep Dual Enrollment in College Courses Independent Lab-Based Learning Student Support Team On-Site Little Scholars Center Attendance Transformation Team Individualized College Planning Center S.C.H.O.L.A.R. Feather Merit System Rigorous Academics Relentless Support

4 Best Practices for Over-Age, Under-Credited Students Phoenix was highlighted by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools for effective use of flexible calendar and extended learning time in re-engaging disconnected youth Extended Days: 9AM- 5PM Extended Year: 190 Days To give students more time to learn and earn credits at accelerated rate and less “off” time to disengage Multi-Quarter Enrollment: 5 Times Annually To give more youth increased access to education and opportunity to move forward in their academic careers

5 Accountability: Getting By Is Not Enough “Many Setting the right academic bar Defining social- emotional supports to include high behavioral expectations Some post-secondary certification is a key driver of economic viability; our students must be prepared to succeed academically after high school. National Alternative Education Association (NAEA) provides 16 recommendations for Curriculum and Instruction: None of them include any mention of rigor or academic preparedness for a post-secondary world.

6 Phoenix Results Competitive MCAS scores vs sending districts with 70% of students achieving Advanced and/or Proficient scores 100% of graduates accepted to college 80% of eligible graduates attending college, with 75% persisting through first year

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