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document.location ✗ Location Hijacking Phishing.

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3 document.location ✗ Location Hijacking Phishing


5 document.cookie Identity Theft ✗ Cookie Stealing


7 ✗ History Sniffing JavaScript Visited Not-Visited


9 See absolutely everything visitors do on your webpage. …

10 Behavior Tracking ✗

11 Plenty of Mischief Possible!

12 How Prevalent Are Malicious Flows? How to Detect Malicious Flows?

13 Motivation Flow Policies Dynamic Flow Tracking Flows in the Wild Conclusions

14 Flow Policies Specify different types of flows

15 Policies:History Sniffing 1. Create (invisible) link to color depends on history 2. Inspect link’s color style property color says if link was visited 3. Send sniffed info over network

16 Policies:History Sniffing link = createLink(“”); style = doc.getStyle(link); visited = style.color==“purple”; send(“”,“facebook=” + visited);

17 Policies:History Sniffing Inject Taints (At confidential sources) link = createLink(“”); style = doc.getStyle(link); visited = style.color==“purple”; send(“”,“facebook=” + visited); doc.getStyle(link);

18 Policies:History Sniffing Propagate Taints (At assignments, etc.) link = createLink(“”); style = doc.getStyle(link); visited = style.color==“purple”; send(“”,“facebook=” + visited); doc.getStyle(link); send(“”,“facebook=” + visited); style visited style.color==“purple” style.color==“purple”;

19 link = createLink(“”); style = doc.getStyle(link); visited = style.color==“purple”; send(“”,“facebook=” + visited); “cr=” + color Policies:History Sniffing Block Taints (At untrusted sinks) send(“”,“facebook=” + visited);

20 Flow Policies Inject Block

21 Flow Policies at doc.getStyle($1) if isLink($1) inject “secret” Taint style with “secret” Inject Block

22 Flow Policies Inject Block

23 Flow Policies at send($1, $2) block “secret” on $2 Block tainted values to third-party Inject Block

24 Flow Policies Inject Block at Site if Cond inject Taint at Site block Taint on Param

25 Flow Policies Expressive History Sniffing Behavior Tracking Cookie Stealing Location Hijacking…

26 Motivation Flow Policies Dynamic Flow Tracking Flows in the Wild Conclusions

27 Dynamic Flow Tracking Rewrite JS code to carry taints ParseExecute Source code AST Rewrite AST Dynamic Eval [Chander et al POPL 07]

28 Add.taint fields ParseExecute Source code AST Rewrite AST Dynamic Eval Inject, Propagate, Block Taints Rewritten Code

29 Rewriting Issues ParseExecute Source code AST Rewrite AST Boxing / Unboxing Indirect Flows Dynamic Eval

30 Rewriting Issues ParseExecute Source code AST Rewrite AST Boxing / Unboxing Indirect Flows Dynamic Eval

31 Dynamic Flow Tracking Rewrite JS code to carry taints ParseExecute Source code AST Rewrite AST Dynamic Eval Implemented in Chrome/V8

32 Dynamic Flow Tracking Performance (Overhead)

33 Performance: Policies Cookie Confidentiality cookie doesn’t flow to 3 rd party code Location Integrity location unaffected by 3 rd party code

34 Performance: Benchmark 10 sites with the largest JS code base in Alexa top 100 15 – 31 Kloc (avg. 21Kloc)

35 Performance: Figures Timing Overheads Page load (avg: 2x) JS execution (avg: 3x)

36 Performance: Upshot High for online use Acceptable for offline survey

37 Motivation Flow Policies Dynamic Flow Tracking Flows in the Wild Conclusions

38 Flows “In the Wild” History Sniffing Behavior Tracking

39 History Sniffing: Figures Alexa Top 50,000 sites 63 sites reported as sending history over network 1 site in Alexa Top 100 46 sites were real cases

40 var k = {0:"qpsoivc/dpn",1:"sfeuvcf/dpn", 2:"bevmugsjfoegfs/dpn“...}; var g = []; for (var m in k) { var d = k[m]; var a = ""; for (f=0; f<d.length; f++) a+=String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(f) - 1) var h = false; for (var j in { "http://":"", "http://www.":""}) { var l = document.createElement("a"); l.href = j + a; document.getElementById("ol").appendChild(l); var e = document.getComputedStyle(l).getPropertyValue("color") if (e == "rgb(12, 34, 56)" || e == "rgb(12,34,56)") { h = true } } if (h) { g.push(m) } } Encrypted URLs Decrypt URL Create Link Inspect Color History Sniffing: Example 1 site in Alexa Top 100

41 History Sniffing: Real Cases RankSiteDescSrcInspected URLs 61youpornadultyoupornpornhub,tube8,+ 21 867charter.netnewsinterclickcars,edmunds,+46 2333feedjittrafficfeedjittwitter,facebook,+6 2415gamestorrentsgamemeaningtoolamazon,ebay,+220 2811newsmaxnewsinterclickcars,edmunds,+46 3508nameprosforumfeedjittwitter,facebook,+6 3603fulltonomusicmeaningtoolamazon,ebay,+220 4266youporngayadultyouporngaypornhub,tube8,+ 21 4581osdirtechinterclickcars,edmunds,+46 5233gamesfreakgameinterclickcars,edmunds,+46 + 36 more cases…

42 History Sniffing: Real Cases


44   interclick

45 History Sniffing: Real Cases gamestorrents  harrenmedianetwork  meaningtool

46 History Sniffing: Upshot # of sniffed URLs: 8 to 222 46 of real cases 39 had third-party sniffing code 7 had home-grown code Obfuscated sniffing code Code was generated at runtime

47 Malicious Flows “In the Wild” History Hijacking Behavior Tracking

48 Log user behavior by JS event handlers Send log back to website

49 Behavior Tracking: Policy while(1){ e = getEvent(); if (e.isMouseOver()) onMouseOver(e); if (e.isClick()) onClick(e);... } onMouseOver = function(event) isMouseOver = true; } true

50 Behavior Tracking: Policy at $1.isMouseOver() inject “secret” at $1.isClick() inject “secret” … while(1){ e = getEvent(); if (e.isMouseOver()) onMouseOver(e); if (e.isClick()) onClick(e);... } e.isMouseOver()

51 Behavior Tracking: Figures Alexa Top 1300 sites 328 sites sent behavior 115 sites sent behavior covertly 10 sampled for manual inspection 7 manually reconstructed flow Automatically trigger JS event handlers Many user-visible (image swapping) Covert Filter: response < 100 bytes

52 Behavior Tracking: Real Cases



55 Motivation Flow Policies Dynamic Flow Tracking Flows in the Wild Conclusions

56 Flows Occur In The Wild Real cases for further study Dynamic Approach is Required Obfuscated & dynamically generated

57 Future work Larger Scale Study on Flows Deeper crawl & other types of flow Bullet-proof Protection Tool Policy enforcement without much slowdown & many false-alarms

58 Thank you!

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