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In accidents injured persons may die... How can we save their lives? Blood Transfusion ( 輸血 ) Any criteria for Blood Transfusion? ( 准則 )

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2 In accidents injured persons may die... How can we save their lives? Blood Transfusion ( 輸血 ) Any criteria for Blood Transfusion? ( 准則 )

3 First of all, you should know something about blood group.

4 How many types of blood groups are there in human population? 25% 10%40% How do we classify them into these four groups? A, B, AB and O Four

5 Blood Transfusion DonorRecipient The donor donate blood to the recipient.

6 Group AGroup B We must consider whether the blood group of donor and recipient are compatible ( 相容 ) or incompatible ( 不相容 ). Antibodies

7 What will happen if blood groups of donor and recipient are incompatible? blood cells clump together / agglutinate to form clots 2.Blockage of blood vessels 3. Death A blood vessel

8 Antibodies in different types of blood Anti-B antibody (Y B ) Anti-A antibody (Y A ) can’t have any antibody Both (Y A & Y B )

9 Recipient Donor(antigen) ABABO YBYB Y A NilY A & Y B Universal Donor Universal Recipient

10 The functions of blood in transport lungssmall intestine liver kidneys O2O2 (respiratory gases) CO 2 nutrients urea (excretory products) All body cells, tissues and organs

11 white blood cells in blood muscle endocrine glands liver hormones antibodiesheat Distributed all over body in blood Target cells and organs transported by plasma The functions of blood in transport

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