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The Next Step : Getting Into College and Being Successful There: Advising and Placing Students Who Have Learning Disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD College Advising.

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Presentation on theme: "The Next Step : Getting Into College and Being Successful There: Advising and Placing Students Who Have Learning Disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD College Advising."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Step : Getting Into College and Being Successful There: Advising and Placing Students Who Have Learning Disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD College Advising for Students Who Have Learning Disabilities and/or ADD/ADHD by Dr. Michelle Berg

2 Intro:  Students with learning disabilities or ADD are often some of the brightest and hardest working people in their schools.  When these students learn to compensate for their disabilities they often develop a level of maturity and work ethic that is not found in their peers.  It is critical that students understand their disability and acquire learning strategies

3 Understanding your student’s learning issues and needs: Key areas to consider before approaching the college application and selection process  Is there a diagnosis?  Does the diagnosis accurately reflect my student’s current level of functioning?  Is your student using learning strategies that target his/her specific deficits?

4 Expert Diagnosis

5 Issues to consider before applying to college: What kind of learning environment works best for my student?  Academics  Executive skills  Independent Living skills  Social skills  Understand his/her disability  Self advocacy

6 Mission Impossible: Are we asking our kids to be independent, critical thinkers while still following the school program? Can a student with learning disabilities be successful in school without considering their learning styles and individual abilities?

7 Choosing schools: What is the right fit?  A right fit school is one where a student gets the kind of support that they need to learn, is stimulated by the curriculum and the environment and can navigate their surroundings to reach their goals. Selecting a right fit school involves many factors that go beyond determining how much support your student needs and which schools offer that support.

8 Overview of the two kinds of support at college: Structured vs. Self Directed  Structured Support :  formal LD program  may have different admissions standards  may need to apply directly to the LD program  Students are assigned an advisor within the LD program  These programs require a separate fee per semester.

9 Overview of support: Continued  Self Directed Support:  Student with a documented learning disability is granted services/accommodations but is not part of a formal program.  Completely student directed and driven  Students may have to renew their request each semester to get continued services.  These services can run the gamut from assistive technology to extra time on tests to having a note taker.  Most schools provide services without extra fees but some schools charge for individual tutoring or for academic coaching if it is available.

10 Getting more specific: Structured support programs at college may offer any combination of the following:  One-on-one academic coaching (most include executive skills)  Priority registration  A personal academic advisor  Regular meetings with a Social Worker  Individualized tutoring (professional/peer)

11 Structured support programs at college may offer any combination of the following: continued  Assisted Technology – Live Scribe pen, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil, Imagination, etc  Smaller classes and Separate study space for students in the program  Small group workshops – independent living/stress management/executive functioning skills  Option to take a lighter course load - and make up classes during the summer or school breaks  Summer Bridge programs  Email check-ins or phone calls from an academic adviser

12 Questions to ask when considering Structured Support Programs:  The availability of support.. How often can a student meet with a tutor, etc?  Who is the service provider and what is their training?  Does the program last for all four years of college? Is a student expected to use less services over time?  Approximately how many of the students who enter the program graduate from the college?

13 Questions to ask when considering Structured Support Programs Continued:  Will my student be taking classes with other students who are not part of the LD program?  Are admissions standards different for LD/ADD?  Does the LD program include or start with a Summer Bridge program?

14 Self Directed support programs: What do these programs look like? How do they work?  Students Apply directly to the College  Documentation is submitted most often to DSS (Disability Services)  Some services that may be offered:  Notetaker, extra time on exams or projects, quiet location for tests  Assistive Technology, get syllabus/assignments ahead of time, Tutoring (usually by a peer)  Take an exam in a different modality than it is being offered (ex. If it is a written exam – student takes it verbally)

15 Self Directed Programs: Continued  Academic coaching (fee based)  Mentor program  Small group review sessions (exams), small group study sessions (weekly to understand material)  Mid term early warning system for poor academic performance

16 Questions to consider for Self Directed Programs  Can my student advocate, speak intelligently about his/her disability to professors and get his/her needs met without a formal program?  Does my student require one on one tutoring? Professional tutoring?  Does the school offer academic or executive coaching for a fee? Can they put you in contact with an outside referral who could provide that service?  How much contact does an advisor have with their students?

17 In addition to academic support at college what matters? Some important issues…  How does this school support my student’s strengths?  For many students with LD, that means finding out about the strength of the arts or sports programs that are offered.  What is the school’s philosophy or approach to providing services?  Are climate, school spirit, sense of community, political views, outdoor sports or the arts very important to your student?  Does your student want to do an internship?  Can big schools work for students who have LD?  Does my student need significant transition programming?

18 Documenting a learning disability and/or ADD.. A word about documentation..  A psycho educational evaluation that has been done within the last three to five years– must measure cognitive abilities and achievement. Some schools prefer a neuro psych eval, every school has different requirements so you must check with each school  Submit an IEP or 504 plan if your student has one so schools can see what services your student currently receives

19 Another form of Support: Transition Programming: (not offered by all colleges)  First Year Experience/First Year Seminar  Social support  Summer Bridge Program  Fall semester Bridge Program

20 Navigating the Applications  Start the process early  Make a timeline and stick to it  Get your documentation in order  Disclose your LD/ADD to colleges

21 Dr. Michelle Berg  1 (203) 856-5499  

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