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Welcome to the International Peer Program Group Leader Training Wednesday, September 2 nd, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the International Peer Program Group Leader Training Wednesday, September 2 nd, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the International Peer Program Group Leader Training Wednesday, September 2 nd, 2009

2 Meet the Team…. Craig Wallace- Advisor Gerry Hernandez Dzifa Foli (pronounced Gee-fa) Hasan Kular Sonia Shao Malinee Narang Asuka Ichikawa Samantha Chu

3 Evolution with Rock, Paper and Scissors State your name and play EGG  CHICKEN  SUPREME BEING Egg- all hunkered down, low to the ground Chicken - elbows out and says “bah bahk bahk” Supreme being -yelling “I am a supreme being” If you win you move up If you lose you move down

4 Agenda for today What is IPP? The structure of IPP Roles and responsibilities of group leaders Introduction to the Council System How to use the WIKI? Meeting with Student Manager in GL Clusters Lunch (12-1pm)- and it’s not PIZZA!!! Introduction to Academic Coaching Scenarios Activity Event Planning strategies Calendar of the year and Important Dates

5 What is IPP? A program that facilitates the transition of new international students (international peers) to university life in Canada by matching them with continuing students (senior peers) who are mentored by two group leaders.

6 Why have IPP? Throughout the academic year, peers learn from one another by sharing their experiences, cultures and perspectives, participate in an academic coaching program, get involved in a variety of group activities, volunteer on campus and beyond. They build intercultural communication and leadership skills, make new friends from around the world, and develop a greater sense of belonging to UBC.

7 GOALS What are some of the GOALS you have this year with IPP?

8 IPP Program Goals Smooth transition for international students from high school/college/other universities to life at UBC and in Canada Increase integration of international students into campus life and enhance their sense of belonging to the UBC community Stimulate academic progress Develop leadership and intercultural communication skills Develop appreciation for volunteerism and community service Increase self-awareness: understanding yourself and your own culture Learn more about different countries and cultures Learn more about UBC, Vancouver, and Canada HEALTHY MINDS

9 The Structure of IPP

10 The components of IPP

11 The International House Resources to know about… International Student Advisors (ISAs) Go Global - International Learning Programs GALA - International Orientation International Peer Advisors

12 So for those of you who are returning leaders… wondering what’s NEW this year?

13 Breaking the hierarchy…. THE COUNCIL SYSTEM Introducing a new COUNCIL System Get Involved with an area you are passionate about… Take a new leadership role Get Involved Make a difference YOU can SHAPE the direction of IPP’s future

14 Breaking the hierarchy…. How does it work? * Membership is OPTIONAL Each council will be overseen by one student manager and membership will be open to any group leader, senior peer AND international peers who are interested A chance for members to put ideas into action and for student managers to obtain input and feedback from members to make changes and improvements It is NOT an event planning committee but a place for members to to help unite, share, express ideas and take a leadership role

15 So what councils are there? International Peer Academic Coaching (IPAC) Assessment Campus Relations Program Development Community Engagement

16 IPAC (HASAN) International Peer Academic Coaching Discussing how the Academic Coaching component of IPP is going- What is working and what needs to be changed- how? Meeting Time: Monday 4:00pm

17 Assessment (SONIA) Discussing and managing feedback and evaluations of all IPP workshops and events to assess the overall program

18 Campus Relations (Malinee and Beza) Discussing how to build new connections and strengthen ties with other resources on campus. Students can share their experiences and knowledge of existing campus resources that they feel would be beneficial for IPP or create new ones. Meeting time:

19 Program Development (GERRY) Marketing IPP throughout the year at UBC events and participating fully in the recruitment and selection process for future IPP group leaders and senior peers

20 Community Engagement (DZIFA) Working towards exposing members to different cultural groups and societies in the greater Vancouver region as well as offering volunteer opportunities to all students involved with International Peer Program.

21 Questions & Answers Time Commitment? Monthly MEETINGS and extra hours based on volunteering for tasks as needed How to join? CONTACT THE STUDENT MANAGER IN CHARGE Outcomes of Councils? IDEAS  ACTION  FEEDBACK

22 What are the Roles and Responsibilities for Group Leaders Facilitating, supporting and monitoring the progress of your group COMMUNICATING with Senior Peers and Student Manager on a REGULAR basis MAINTAINING and MANAGING your group page on the WIKI ATTENDING weekly meetings on Wednesday from 6:00-7:15pm ATTENDING leadership training opportunities TRAINING AS AN ACADEMIC COACH AND BEING PROACTIVE TO PRACTICE THIS SKILL

23 Programming EXPECTATIONS OF GROUP LEADERS PER TERM: Facilitating and planning ONE Academic Coaching Workshop with your respective Student Manager Participating in ONE Academic Coaching Workshop as an Academic Coach Organizing TWO events for your group Attending ONE IPP wide or Campus Wide Event


25 GL groupings… What is a Student Manager/ Group Leader Cluster? All group leaders are split into 5 groups with one SM overseeing the progress of each group You are expected to COMMUNICATE with your SM on a regular basis to check-in

26 LUNCH time!!!!! =) Line up by GL clusters Please have as much as you want- there’s plenty of food!!! Please remember to clean up after yourselves

27 Academic Coaching Presented by Hasan

28 Ice-breaker 2: Let’s make a machine… Create a machine out of a group of people! You will be given a machine name, and don’t tell other groups what machine you are! Each person of the group is then accountable for one noise and one motion of the machine. The group members should then put their motions and sounds together to create the machine.

29 What to do next? Make a connection with your Senior Peers – call them, email them or meet with them in person….plan a way to keep in touch on a regular basis Start updating the WIKI and make your senior peers a part of the process Plan some ice-breakers to do for MEET YOUR PEER DAY – expect 30-40 students in your group =)

30 Important Dates coming up… Wednesday, September 9 th, 5-7pm I. House Upper Lounge: Senior Peer Training Thursday, September 10th,5-7pm, I. House Lower Lounge: Senior Peer Training Saturday, September 12th- Coordinated Peer Program Training part 1 Sunday, September 13 th - IPP MEET YOUR PEER DAY Sunday September 20 th, Coordinated Peer Program Training part 2 Weekly meetings starting September 23 th at I. House, Upper Lounge from 6:00-7:15pm

31 What do you think your IPP experience will be??? An amazing year of fun and challenge. A year of self discovery. IPP is a community of learners, leaders and doers. IPP is network of students who help each other achieve student success. IPP is where you learn to be the best version of yourself.

32 Quotes for leaders One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is getting so wrapped up in achieving results, they forget to ensure that people are having fun along the way. One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is getting so wrapped up in achieving results, they forget to ensure that people are having fun along the way. When the entire team feels fully engaged and a part of the process, then every team member takes personal pride in achieving the results. When the entire team feels fully engaged and a part of the process, then every team member takes personal pride in achieving the results. As a leader, YOU need to define fun, and communicate Your definition of fun to your team As a leader, YOU need to define fun, and communicate Your definition of fun to your team Working in an environment where people are challenged, they learn new skills, they grow, they seek opportunity and advancement, they take risks, they ask forgiveness - not always permission. Working in an environment where people are challenged, they learn new skills, they grow, they seek opportunity and advancement, they take risks, they ask forgiveness - not always permission.

33 Things to remember Be creative and proactive Reflect, learn and grow Respect yourself and others Communication is the key YOU can make a difference

34 THANK YOU We look forward to seeing you next week =)

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