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March 9 th, 2012 KEY CLUB.  Key Club Chant  Giving away ONE t-shirt!  To win, you have to recite the chant to the entire club  The officers/club will.

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Presentation on theme: "March 9 th, 2012 KEY CLUB.  Key Club Chant  Giving away ONE t-shirt!  To win, you have to recite the chant to the entire club  The officers/club will."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 9 th, 2012 KEY CLUB

2  Key Club Chant  Giving away ONE t-shirt!  To win, you have to recite the chant to the entire club  The officers/club will decide the winner based on spirit and overall performance T-Shirt Giveaway

3 Chant Hey Key Clubbers! How do you feel? We feel good – uhhh we feel so good! Uhh! Double it up – uhhh uhhh! Triple it up – uhhh uhhh! One long uhhh – uhhhhhhh! Rapper style – uhh uhh uhh uhh uhh! Toasty!!!

4 Thank You!  To those who…  Recycled – we appreciate it!  Attended the You, Me, We Festival  Helped with Northwest Harvest  Attended the Kent Kids’ Art Day  Signed up to donate blood!

5 District Convention (DCON)  3 weeks away!  Pre-Con will be held in A-20 on Friday, March 16 th  Bond with members from our Division and get ready for convention  Poster making, learning chants, music & snacks  3:00 pm – 5:30 pm  Please plan on attending!

6 DCON Spirit Gear  Includes the D32 t-shirt, a foam finger and shutter shades  $15 for entire package  $10 for just the t-shirt  $5 for foam finger + shades  Comment on our Facebook post with your size / package OR email Tracy Tran  Bring money to Pre-Con!

7 Division 32 T-shirt Design

8 Reading / Math Night  Monday, March 19 th  Sunrise Elementary  6 to 7 pm – Math  7 to 8 pm – Reading  Many volunteers needed!  Contact Ella Anguiano TODAY with your book or game choice

9 Northwest Harvest Update  Thank you to the volunteers who attended!  However, many who signed up were not there  In the future, please let someone know if you can’t attend – we need more club involvement if we are to do events like this again

10 Blood Drive  Friday, March 23 rd  Special Chargers Gym  Our goal is 110 donors!  Sign up during your lunch  Must be 16 years old and 110 lbs to donate  Spread the word and help us reach our goal!

11 Blood Drive Runners  Friday, March 23 rd  Throughout the day  Volunteers needed to miss a class during the day and bring the donors to the gym from their classrooms  Limited number of spots!  Contact Uma Trivede

12 Cedar River Planting Events  Saturday, March 10 th  King County Parks – Marymoor Wetlands in Redmond  10 am – 2 pm  Volunteers needed to plant native trees and shrubs  Contact Kenneth Lam

13 Cedar River Planting Events  Saturday, March 17 th  King County Parks – Taylor Mountain Forest in Hobart  10 am – 2 pm  Plant a newly acquired area of this forest  Contact Kenneth Lam

14 Emerald Park – Math Night  Thursday, March 22 nd  6:15 pm – 8:15 pm  Emerald Park Elementary  Volunteers needed to help with 20 minute session games with students  Contact April Dinius at

15 Emerald Park – Bingo Night  Friday, April 27 th  7 pm – 9 pm  Emerald Park Elementary  Volunteers needed to check bingo cards, watch prize tables, clean up, etc  Contact April Dinius at

16 Emerald Park - Carnival  Friday, June 1 st  3:30 pm – 8:30 pm  Emerald Park Elementary  Volunteers needed to help with set up, games, booths, prizes and more  Contact April Dinius at

17 KCCP Benefit Dinner  Sunday, March 25 th  Golden Steer Restaurant in downtown Kent  4 pm – 8 pm  Division 32 social event!  Show up and eat anytime during that time and 20 % of the proceeds from your dinner will benefit this cause

18 Healthy Kids Day  Fri, April 27 th – Sat, April 28 th  Auburn Valley YMCA  Volunteers needed on Friday (5 pm – 7 pm) to set up  Volunteers on Saturday (10 am – 1 pm) will assist with carnival games, crowd control, greet members, take pictures  Contact Ryan Mann

19 Membership Cards  Pick it up today!  If you paid your dues for the first time this year, be sure to pick up your official Key Club card and member guide  If you didn’t get your card from previous years, we have them too

20 Stay connected to Key Club!  Please check our website, Facebook group, your email and the monthly newsletter for the most up to date service projects and events!  The website also has a calendar of events that is updated regularly  We are the largest club in PNW…stay involved!

21 Pictures  Collecting pictures for the 2011-2012 scrapbook!  If you have any pictures of you and your friends at any event this year, please send them to:

22 Recycling  Extra recycling today!  Unable to collect last week  After school EVERY Friday unless otherwise noted  Meet in Room B-5  First come, first serve  Need all the help we can get!

23 March 23 rd 21 days until DCON! NEXT MEETING

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