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School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising Processes.

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1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Advising Processes

2 Advising Team advising

3 OSU academic advising is a teaching and learning process dedicated to student success. Academic advising engages students in developing a plan to realize their educational, career and life goals. Student:  Familiarize yourself with program and college requirements  Understand polices and timelines  Take responsibility for your academic success

4 Meet with an Advisor  Attend a Group Advising Session at least once per year.  NOVEMBER 12, 2012, 5:00-6:00 pm  Peer Advisor Walk-in Hours  They can help complete 2-year plans, answer questions about courses and curriculum and give general advice  Monday – 10-12 & 2-4  Tuesday – 11-12 & 1-2  Wednesday – 1-4  Thursday – 10-12 & 1-2  Friday – 11-12 & 1-3  Schedule an appointment:  Online:  EECS Office Front Desk

5 2-Year Plans  Are tools that help you plan your program of study, based on curriculum requirements.  The plan includes all courses required to graduate and their pre-requisites.  Grayed boxes represent courses NOT offered at OSU during a particular term.

6 2-Year Plans  CS and ECE programs are divided into three main sections: Pre-Professional School (Pre-Core) Professional-School (Pro-School) BacCore  Pre-Core courses are generally taken during a students’ first two years at OSU. These requirements can also be fulfilled by transfer credit.  Several Pre-Core courses are required for admission into Pro-School. They are represented in BOLD font on 2-year plans.  Applicants for Pro-School must have a “C” or better in ALL “Pre-Core” courses and a cumulative 2.25 GPA in all “Pre-Core” courses to apply.  Courses can be repeated to improve GPA, but the second grade (even if lower) will be used in the calculation.

7 Step 1 - Enter Name and OSU ID#

8 Step 2 - Fill in Done Column Enter an X in the “Done” column for all completed courses.

9 Step 3 - Fill in Term Information Start from the top and work your way down Put the number of credits for the course in the box corresponding to the term you plan on taking the course Pay attention to the Pre-Requisites (highlighted in Red on presentation)

10 Step 4 - Add Major Courses Enter in additional coursework for your major (CS Electives, ECE Restricted Electives, Minors, etc.)

11 Step 5 - Add Additional Courses Use the bottom (or back) of the sheet to add additional courses not listed on the academic plan. These courses are usually not part of your major or option requirements. (i.e. ALS, Foreign Language, NS, MS, PAC, optional minor)

12 Step 6 - Fill in Later Column Put an X in the “Later” column for each course that is neither marked off in the “Done” column nor scheduled in one of the terms

13  Make sure you are completing the correct academic plan  Double check course prerequisites  Schedule your BacCore courses last. Use these courses to fill in where needed  A typical course load for a full time student is 15 credits per term (excluding summer)  Use the following chart as a quick reference when scheduling technical courses (i.e. MTH, PH, ENGR, ECE, CS, etc.). If your OSU GPA isSchedule this many Technical Courses per term Below 2.50No more than 2 2.50-2.99No more than 3 3.00 or aboveNo more than 4 Important Tips

14 My Degrees Use My Degrees in conjunction with your 2-Year Plan to :  See your plan in action  Make sure that you are on track to graduate  Ensure that transfer credits have been articulated properly

15  Pre/Pro Coursework – Students must earn a “C” or better in all required courses.  Baccalaureate Core (BacCore) – Students must earn a “D-” or better in their baccalaureate core courses.  Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) – Up to 36 credits of BacCore courses ONLY can be taken as S/U (which means the grade won’t count in your GPA)

16 Academic Standing and GPA Requirements: OSU Academic Standing (Pre-Core)  Academic Warning - If a student has an OSU term GPA below 2.0, the student is placed on academic warning.  Academic Probation – If a student has an overall OSU GPA (does not include transfer GPA) below a 2.0 and has been here for two or more terms, that student will be placed on academic probation.  Academic Suspension – If a student is on academic probation and has an OSU term GPA below 2.0, that student will be suspended from the university. 1. Are assessed each term 2. All students must meet OSU requirements 3. Pro-School students must meet COE Requirements too

17 Familiarize Yourself With Campus Resources  Academic Success Center  The HUB- Academic Coaching  The Collaborative Learning Center  Worm Hole- Physics help  Mole Hole- Chemistry help  Center for Writing and Learning  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)  Disability Access Services (DAS)  International Student Resources  Math Lab

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