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1 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac CS3451, Graphics  Objectives  Instructor  GVC areas  STL  Modules 

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1 1 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac CS3451, Graphics  Objectives  Instructor  GVC areas  STL  Modules  Grading  Texts  Projects  Web site  Advice Turn cell phones off Close laptops/PDAs, unless you need them to take notes. No email, chat, surfing, games... Take copious and detailed notes Ask for clarification right away No private conversations, please!

2 2 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Course objectives and philosophy  Master key foundations of –3D modeling –3D graphics –3D animation  Become familiar with current techniques and tools  Become comfortable with the mathematical underpinnings  Understand why things are done this way  Learn critical thinking and mathematical rigor  Develop intuition and algorithmic problem solving abilities  Practice communication and teamwork skills  Develop a taste for Research in Geometric & Visual Computing

3 3 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Blends Jarek (“Y-ah-r-eh-ck”) Rossignac (Rossignol + cognac)  Maitrise M.E. & Diplome d’Engenieur ENSEM (Nancy, France)  PhD E.E. in Solid Modeling (U. of Rochester, NY)  IBM TJ Watson Research Center (11 years) –Senior manger: Visualization, Modeling, Graphics, VR –Visualization: Managed IBM Data Explorer (DX) product R&D –Simplification: 3D Interaction Acceleration (3DIX), OpenGL Accelerator –Geometry compression: VRLM, MPEG-4, awards (ACM TOG)  Georgia Institute of Technology (since 1996) –Professor, College of Computing, School of Interactive Computing –Director of GVU Center, 1996-2001 –Compression: Edgebreaker, Awards (IEEE TVCG) –Collaborations: Korea, Spain, Italy, Emory, BME 3D morphs T=T+T+T Simplification Compression Sweeps SilhouettesInterference

4 4 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Geometric and Visual Computing areas  Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD): Curves/surfaces  Solid Modeling: Representations and Algorithms for solids  Computer-Aided Design (CAD): Automation of Shape Design  Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM): NC Machining  Reverse Engineering: Fitting surfaces to scanned 3D points  Computational Geometry: Provably efficient algorithms  Finite Element Meshing (FEM): Construction and simulation  Animation: Capture, Design, Simulation of shape behavior  Visualization: Graphical interpretations of (large) 3D or 4D datasets  Rendering: Making (realistic) pictures of 3D geometric shapes  Image-Based Rendering (IBR): Mix images and geometry  Computer Vision: Reconstruction of 3D models from images  Robotics: Compute motions amongst obstacles, manipulate them  Virtual Reality (VR): Immersion in interactive environments  Augmented Reality (AR): Track and mark-up what you see

5 5 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Specific focus of the course  S.L.T. : Space (shape), Light (color), Time (animation)  3D modeling (“geometry”) –Representations of 3D shapes (voxels, riangle meshes) –Construction techniques (subdivision, isosurfaces) –Algorithms (containment, intersection, volume, distances)  3D graphics (“photometry”) –Projective shading and raserization (OpenGL) –Light propagation: Photorealistic rendering –Image-Based Rendering  3D animation (“kinemetry”) –Motions, collisions, physic-based simulation –Deformations and warps –3D Morphing

6 6 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Syllabus ( ≈ 1 week modules )  01 - Graphic Systems  02 – Geometry  03 – Topology  04 – Arrangements  05 – Curves  06 – Animation  07 – Morphology  08 – Triangulation  09 - Mesh processing  10 - Light, perception  11 – Photorealism  12 - Graphics pipeline  13 - Image-based rendering  14 - Acceleration techniques  15 - GPU shaders and advanced effects

7 7 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Grading Policy  15% Quizzes (1 per module, closed books)  45% Projects  15% Midterm (closed books, 1 cheat-sheet)  25% Final (closed books, 2 cheat-sheets)

8 8 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Reference books (suggested)  Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. By Peter Shirley –Great (detailed) introduction to geometry and rendering  Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications. By de Berg, van Kerveld, Overmars, Schwartzkopf. –Efficient algorithms for convex hulls, Delaunay, Booleans, medial axis…  Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice: Second Edition in C, Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, 1996. –A classic. Comprehensive.  Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling: by David Salomon –More advanced modeling. Suitable for both graduates and undergraduates  Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques: Theory and Practice. By Watt, Watt. –Nice overview of graphics, plus advanced material on animation and rendering  Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications: An Introduction to the Mathematics and Geometry of Cad/Cam, Geometric Modeling, Scientific visualization: by Michael Mortenson  Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects (with Cdrom): by Jonas Gomes, Lucia Darsa, Luiz Velho  Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach: by Joe Warren, Henrik Weimer

9 9 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Projects guidelines and deliverables  Several small projects (some in small teams, some individual)  Ethics –It is OK to look at previous solutions (posted, published, or provided for class) –Not OK to copy from other students or teams –Cite clearly all sources of inspiration for your code and your write-up –Strive to improve them: produce an original, compact and elegant solution –Demonstrate ability to finish a small project  Working in teams –Work together (same time and space) on all aspects (do not split the job) –Learn from each other and lear how to negotiate and collaborate –Make sure that you each contribute much more than your share  Deliverable code –Processing (or other) applet linked from your Personal Project Page (PPP) –Short and simple source code (points for elegance and conciseness) –Comments (original, clear, useful)  Deliverable report –Short, concise, formal (title, authors, date, class, problem statement, refs…) –Demonstrate in-depth understanding of a topic –Explain what you have implemented, how, and why –Explain what does not work and why (suggest possible fixes) –Submit as web page with text, images, videos

10 10 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Web site for the course –Schedule –Slides –Handouts –Projects, solutions –Test dates

11 11 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Strategy for success  Attend all classes and pay close attention  Take detailed and comprehensive notes of what I and other students write, draw, or say  Work on these notes, clean them up, mark what needs clarifications, bring them when you meet me at my office hours  Make sure that you understand everything ASAP! –Carefully read notes and all material provided. –Search additional information in books or on the web. –Do all proposed exercises –Ask questions in class or at the beginning of the next class. –Work in small study groups and explain the stuff to others. –Come and talk to the TA or to me during office hours.  Make sure that I know: you, what you know, that you care

12 12 Georgia Tech, IIC MAGIC Lab Rossignac Expected amount of work per week  Study your notes, handouts and additional material: 3 –Right after class –Preferably in teams –Prepare cheat sheets with important results Allowed to use 1 page on the midtem and 2 on the final  Do practice exercises: 2 –Try doing them individually –Then compare/discuss solutions with team members  Work on projects: 3+ –Start right away and work hard at the beginning –Ask me for clarification in class –Ask TA for help –For team projects, work together on all aspects

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