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Membrane- Bound Components Lipid Bilayer MitochondriaERGolgi Various vesicles Genome: 23 x2 Chromosomes; 6 billion basepairs (ATCGAC…) Vesicles & Cytoplasm.

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Presentation on theme: "Membrane- Bound Components Lipid Bilayer MitochondriaERGolgi Various vesicles Genome: 23 x2 Chromosomes; 6 billion basepairs (ATCGAC…) Vesicles & Cytoplasm."— Presentation transcript:


2 Membrane- Bound Components Lipid Bilayer MitochondriaERGolgi Various vesicles Genome: 23 x2 Chromosomes; 6 billion basepairs (ATCGAC…) Vesicles & Cytoplasm Actin Filaments Stress Fibers Signal Transduction Microtubules Cell Shape, spatial orientation Intermediate Filaments Maintains shape under tension Lamina Nuclear Morphology and support

3 Protein Nucleic Acids Lipids Carbohydrates paradigm of molecular biology polypeptide ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWYACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY nucleic acids AT C GTA G C RNA AU C GUA G C transcription translation Transcribing fixed, permanent information onto a portable, temporary template Translating language of DNA into language of protein folding STRUCTURE&FUNCTION DNA mature protein

4 Pyramid Life’s Complexity Pyramid Z.N. Oltvai and A.-L. B. Science, 2002.

5 TruthBelief Knowledge

6 Truth: The actual reality of the universe. We can’t know truth because we can’t remove ourselves from the universe. Facts: Information that is justifiably believed to be Truth. Facts are backed up by evidence that they are true that also lack evidence that they are not. Belief: A psychological state in which a person accepts a piece of information as fact. Beliefs do not necessarily relate to Facts or Truth. “accepted to be true”. If a belief is accepted as a Truth, there will be strong resistance to its ability to change. Knowledge: The paradigm of information Faith: Loosely defined, is Based on the interpretation of intangibles (emotion, hope, etc.)

7 Let us define the following concepts TruthBeliefKnowledge fact idea Faith PhilosophyEpistemologyScience model TheoryPrincipleLaw

8 Philosophy is divided into 4 major branches Epistemology Logic Ethics Metaphysics Philosophy is the Love of Knowledge Knowledge begins in wonder Why? Because humans want to comprehend the world and universe they live in

9 Knowledge Epistemology Study of Science Search for Belief Requires Philosophy Love of Faith Truth Describes Originates from Idea Suggests fact A discrete quantity of Requires Semantic web of relationships within our discussion

10 Let us define the following concepts Truth

11 Domain Kingdom Class Family Order Genus Species Phylum 3 Domains BacteriaEukaryaArchae Questions that current research addresses: What makes them special?

12 Domain Kingdom Class Family Order Genus Species Phylum 3 Domains BacteriaEukaryaArchae Questions that current research addresses: Are they an ancient lineage? Or did they break off from Bacteria? What are the evolutionary relationships between Archae and the bacteria and eukarya? Did they evolve differently? What was the nature of the last archael ancestor? What makes them special? Their membranes are composed of different kinds of fat than that of bacteria and eukaryotes. Their parts look more like “our” parts, but their size, shape, and overall look & feel are much more like bacteria. The molecular machines that are responsible for duplicating their DNA are completely different from bacteria. Their molecular systems are far more complex than bacteria – but much less so than eukaryotes.

13 Domain Kingdom Class Family Order Genus Species Phylum 3 Domains BacteriaEukaryaArchae Questions that current research addresses: What makes them special?

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