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DAC Back-to-School Training College and Career Readiness Presented By: Joy Barr KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "DAC Back-to-School Training College and Career Readiness Presented By: Joy Barr KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAC Back-to-School Training College and Career Readiness Presented By: Joy Barr KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 1

2 COLLEGE/CAREER READINESS The ACT ACT Compass KYOTE ASVAB ACT WorkKeys KOSSA Industry Certificates KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 2

3 College/Career Readiness Rate College Ready: Must meet benchmarks on one of the following: College Ready The ACT ACT Compass KYOTE Bonus: College AND Career Ready must meet at least one from each area College Ready Academic Career Ready Technical The ACT or ACT Compass or KYOTE KOSSA Industry Certificates NOTES: (1) By meeting the College Ready Academic definition, the student does not have to take the additional tests of ASVAB or Work Keys for the bonus area. (2) For accountability purposes, the bonus shall not allow the readiness percentage to exceed 100 percent. 3 Career Ready: Must meet benchmarks for one requirement in Career Academic area and must meet one requirement in Career Technical area Career Ready Academic Career Ready Technical Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) ACT WorkKeys (Applied Math, Locating information, and Reading for Information) Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) Industry Certificates KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

4 COLLEGE READY The ACT ACT Compass KYOTE 4 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

5 5 The ACT Reading = 20 English = 18 Mathematics = 19 ACT Compass Reading = 85 English (Writing Skills) = 74 Mathematics (Algebra) = 36 KYOTE College Ready Math= 22 College Algebra = 14 English (Writing) = 6 Reading = 20 College Ready CPE Benchmarks 1 point College Placement Tests College Entrance Exam KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

6 College/Career Readiness Rate Based on grade 12 students (graduates or completers with G-Codes in IC) Includes best score on English, Mathematics and Reading from all The ACT State and National Administrations in Kentucky Data reviewed by schools and districts prior to fall reporting 6 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

7 Demonstrating College Readiness 4 Year Graduates Will Take The ACT – Junior year – Grade 11 (required) ACT Compass or KYOTE – Senior year – Grade 12 (optional) Early Graduates May Take The ACT once in high school If benchmarks are not met on the ACT, Early Graduates may take – Compass – KYOTE 7 703 KAR 5:240 Assigned grade level determines state administered tests. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

8 The ACT All grade 11 students and any approved early graduates. Exceptions are: Alternate K-PREP, Foreign Exchange and First Year EL. Any student retained in grade 11 should complete The ACT assessment again. Administered to all high school juniors in March. Confirm that high schools have determined test site establishment and accommodations procedures. ACT online pilot available. Follow The ACT calculator policy. 8 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

9 The ACT Initial Test Day March 1 Makeup Day March 15 Accommodations /ACT Online (pilot) Window March 1-15 9 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

10 ACT TESTING STAFF Training November 2015 Attend or Access Training Test Coordinator (TC) Back-Up Test Coordinator Test Accommodations Coordinator Technical Coordinator DACs KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 10

11 DAC Responsibilities – The ACT DAC is responsible in SDRR for – completing the official state roster. – working with Test Coordinator to record non-participation (i.e., who did not test and why). – printing copies and/or saving the roster electronically. DAC is responsible for assuring – all appointed staff are identified and trained. – all staff proctoring or handling materials have completed Administration Code and/or Inclusion of Special Populations trainings. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 11

12 The ACT ACT Customer Service 800-553-6244 General Questions ext. 2800 Accommodated Testing ext. 1788 12 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

13 The Future of Compass On June 11, 2015 ACT announced the phase-out of all Compass products by December 2016. The current eCompass system will continue to be used in the 2015-16 school year. KDE will work with our postsecondary partners to determine what is next. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 13

14 ACT Compass College placement test administered through KDE and available to grade 12 students who have not met the CPE benchmarks on the ACT. College Ready Status File—fall Compass Training Series and Update Open August 3, 2015 – July 15, 2016 Follow The ACT calculator policy. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 14

15 DAC Responsibilities for ACT Compass Provide oversight and adherence to guidelines Ensure staff is trained – Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Regulations Training – Compass On-demand Training Series – Compass Update Training Documentation is kept – Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training Signature Forms – Seating Charts – Irregularity Reports sent to KDE ( – Staff Update Forms KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 15

16 ACT Compass Contact Information KDE General Program Information (OAA) – Kathy Moore – Pam Powers (502) 564-4394 – Intervention Information – April Pieper (NGL) (502) 564-2106 ACT ACT Compass® Technical Support – (800) 645-1992 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 16

17 KYOTE Kentucky Online Testing placement exams for grade 12 students who have not met the CPE ACT benchmarks in English, reading or mathematics. Trainings are available in August. Program details are available from the user manual and the training sessions. Irregularity Report Spreadsheet Follow KDE calculator policy. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 17

18 KYOTE Steve Newman (859) 572-5332 Paul Eakin (859) 257-6798 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 18 Available through University of Kentucky and Northern Kentucky University Contact Information:

19 CAREER READY ASVAB ACT WorkKeys KOSSA Industry Certificates 19 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

20 College/Career Readiness Rate 20 College Ready: Must meet benchmarks on one of the following: College Ready The ACT ACT Compass KYOTE Career Ready: Must meet benchmarks for one requirement in Career Academic area and must meet one requirement in Career Technical area Career Ready Academic Career Ready Technical Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) ACT WorkKeys (Applied Math, Locating information, and Reading for Information) Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) Industry Certificates Bonus: College AND Career Ready must meet at least one from each area College Ready Academic Career Ready Technical The ACT or ACT Compass or KYOTE KOSSA Industry Certificates NOTES: (1) By meeting the College Ready Academic definition, the student does not have to take the additional tests of ASVAB or Work Keys for the bonus area. (2) For accountability purposes, the bonus shall not allow the readiness percentage to exceed 100 percent. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015

21 Opportunities to Demonstrate Career Readiness Career Measures – Throughout high school – Career academic (ASVAB or WorkKeys) – Career technical (KOSSA or Industry certificates) While the tests are optional, students must have these measures to be CCR. Unless CTE Preparatory Student, ASVAB and WorkKeys does not increase your CCR. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 21

22 Preparatory Students Student who has completed two career and technical education credits in a preparatory program and is enrolled in the third credit course(s) in the same career pathway. What If… A student is enrolled in welding for 2 credits and takes nursing for another credit. Is this student considered a Preparatory Student? KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 22

23 Career Ready ACADEMIC ACT WorkKeys = Silver or Above – Applied Math – Locating Information – Reading for Information ---OR--- ASVAB = 50 – Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery TECHNICAL KOSSA – Multiple-Choice = 70 – Constructed-Response = 75 ---OR--- Industry Certificate – Certification based on industry standards KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 23 1 point

24 ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Available year-round through local Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Districts are responsible for entering data into TEDS. Contact: Gene Phelan, Program Manager (502) 582-5921, Ext. 2241 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 24 Score = 50

25 ACT WorkKeys Job Skills Assessment Administered: --Computer Based (Dec. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016) --Paper/Pencil (Jan. 25, 2016 – Feb. 8, 2016) Available through KDE to all schools directly through ACT, Inc. Student data should be entered into TEDS. Contact:Angie Fischer (502) 564-3472 ext. 4236 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 25 Silver or Higher

26 KOSSA Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards Assessment Administered February 1 – March 31 KDE Contact: Pamela Moore (502) 564-3472 ext. 4215 Data is entered by KDE into TEDS. KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 26

27 Industry Certificates KDE accepted Industry Certificates listed on KDE Website. Career and Tech Staff—KDE contact or local TEDS Coordinator Contact:Joe Morgan Office of Career and Technical Education (502) 564-4286, ext. 4230 KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 27

28 COLLEGE AND CAREER READY The ACTKOSSA ACT CompassIndustry Certificate KYOTE KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 28

29 College & Career Ready College ReadyAcademicThe ACT and/or ACT COMPASS and/or KYOTECareer ReadyTechnicalKOSSA or Industry Certificate KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 29 0.5 point

30 Division of Support and Research Jennifer Stafford, Director Casey Duvall, Branch Manager Joy Barr, Program Consultant Kevin O’Hair, Program Consultant Pam Powers, Systems Consultant IT Cindy Warren, Program Consultant Chris Williams, Program Consultant Teresa King, Support Staff KDE:OAA:DSR: jb:7/17/2015 30 (502) 564-4394

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