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Journal Week: 11, Monday, November 5th List any facts you already know about Mitosis…identify vocab words you know….what is the function? What types of.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Week: 11, Monday, November 5th List any facts you already know about Mitosis…identify vocab words you know….what is the function? What types of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Week: 11, Monday, November 5th List any facts you already know about Mitosis…identify vocab words you know….what is the function? What types of cells does it occur in? Are they identical or different? After answering the Journal Question….Look up on the board and find the large lined paper….Make 4 pages in your notebook look like that! Label them accordingly!

2 Miss Hanna Biology The Cell Cycle: Growth & Division of Body Cells

3 1) Types of Cells…they all need to grow and divide! Body Cells Sex Cells- Gametes Why????

4 2) Types of Reproduction 2a) Mitosis/ The Cell Cycle Body cells o46 Chromosomes o2 Sets of 23 Chromosomes 2b) Meiosis Sex cells

5 Mitosis Reproduction of Body Cells / Division of Nucleus Certain cells reproduce all the time. Skin cells Certain cells only reproduce once. Brain cells

6 Cell Cycle Vocabulary: Chromosome: Histone: Chromatin: Chromatid: Centromere: You will define later! Write these on your colored paper square! You will glue/tape this in later.

7 2a) Body Cell Reproduction Stages “The Cell Cycle” i) The Cell Cycle has 2 stages/phases Growth & Division Growth Phase = Interphase Division = Mitosis & Cytokinesis ii) Within the Cell Cycle, Mitosis has 4 stages/phases Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase The Cell Cycle as a whole: A)Interphase G1 S G2 B) Mitosis C) Prophase D) Metaphase E) Anaphase F) Telophase G) Cytokinesis

8 A) Interphase Cell grows in size, Make Organelles and Proteins Duplicates DNA Checks for mistakes and make sure everything is needed for cell reproduction G1 phase cell grows to double in size and makes copies of organelles S phase chromosomes are replicated G2 Prepares for division


10 BC) Mitosis- Prophase Nucleus begins to break down Longest stage of Mitosis Spindle fibers begin to appear Chromosomes condense and Sister chromatids (DNA) appear Centrioles move to opposite sides of the nucleus

11 D)Mitosis- Metaphase Sister chromatids (DNA) line up in middle of cell on spindle fibers, centromeres attach to spindles Centrioles connect to each end of the spindle fibers

12 E) Mitosis- Anaphase Sister chromatids (DNA) split at centromeres Sister chromatids (DNA) move to opposite sides of cell

13 F) Mitosis- Telophase Chromosomes at opposite ends Cell begins to pinch and form 2 new daughter cells Nucleus reforms in each cell New Nuclei in each cell Mitosis is finished

14 G) Cytokinesis Division of the cytoplasm and organelles in the cell Two new IDENTICAL cells made

15 Clicker Concept Quiz 1)Which of the following best represents the 4 stages of Mitosis in order? A) Metaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis, Prophasse B) Telophase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase C) Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase D) Telophase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Prophase 2) (Choose 2) What phases of the cell cycle are not a part of Mitosis? A) Metaphase B) Cytokinesis C) Anaphase D) Interphase 3) Which structures aid in pulling sister chromatids apart in cell division? (choose all that apply) A) Centrioles B) Spindle Fibers C) Membrane D) Cytoplasm 4) Which words best describes the cells produced from the cell cycle? A) Different B) Opposite C) Identical D) Haploid 5) True/False: Mitosis is the division of the nucleus in somatic (gametes) cells.

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