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Statistics for Everyone Workshop Fall 2010 Part 1 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research: Summarizing & Graphically Representing Data Workshop presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics for Everyone Workshop Fall 2010 Part 1 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research: Summarizing & Graphically Representing Data Workshop presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics for Everyone Workshop Fall 2010 Part 1 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research: Summarizing & Graphically Representing Data Workshop presented by Linda Henkel and Laura McSweeney of Fairfield University Funded by the Core Integration Initiative and the Center for Academic Excellence at Fairfield University

2 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research Types of Research Questions Descriptive (What does X look like?) Correlational (Is there an association between X and Y? As X increases, what does Y do?) Experimental (Do changes in X cause changes in Y?) Different statistical procedures allow us to answer the different kinds of research questions

3 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research  Start with the science and use statistics as a tool to answer the research question Get your students to formulate a research question first: How often does this happen? Did all plants/people/chemicals act the same? What happens when I add more sunlight, give more praise, pour in more water?

4 Statistics as a Tool in Scientific Research Can collect data in class Can use already collected data (yours or database)database Helping students to formulate research question: Ask them to think about what would be interesting to know. What do they want to find out? What do they expect? For example, what research questions might you ask from the survey? Descriptive, correlational, experimental

5 Types of Data: Measurement Scales Categorical: male/female blood type (A, B, AB, O) Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 melanoma Numerical: weight # of white blood cells mpg

6 Types of Data: Measurement Scales Categorical: Nominal (name/label) Ordinal (rank order) Numerical: Interval (equal intervals) Ratio (equal intervals and absolute zero)

7 Types of Data: Measurement Scales Nominal: numbers are arbitrary; 1= male, 2 = female Ordinal: numbers have order (i.e., more or less) but you do not know how much more or less; 1 st place runner was faster but you do not know how much faster than 2 nd place runner Interval: numbers have order and equal intervals so you know how much more or less; A temperature of 102 is 2 points higher than one of 100 Ratio: same as interval but because there is an absolute zero you can talk meaningfully about twice as much and half as much; Weighing 200 pounds is twice as heavy as 100 pounds

8 Types of Data on Questionnaire 1. What College are you from? CASBusinessEngineering Nursing Other 2. How many years have you been teaching at Fairfield University? 3.How important do you think it is to integrate statistics into your courses? Not at allSomewhat Important ImportantVery Important 4. How excited are you about integrating statistics into your courses? 1234567 Not at all Extremely excited excited

9 Types of Data on Questionnaire 5.Are you male or female? 6. How many hours a week do you watch television on average? 7. How many hours a day do you spend on the internet on average? 8. Of the following reality/game shows, which one would you most like to be on? (a) Dancing With the Stars (b) American Idol (c) Bachelor/Bachelorette(d) The Apprentice 9. Can you roll your tongue? YesNo 10. How many siblings do you have?

10 Types of Statistical Procedures Descriptive: Organize and summarize data Inferential: Draw inferences about the relations between variables; use samples to generalize to population

11 Descriptive Statistics The first step is ALWAYS getting to know your data  Summarize and visualize your data It is a big mistake to just throw numbers into the computer and look at the output of a statistical test without any idea what those numbers are trying to tell you or without checking if the assumptions for the test are met.

12 Descriptive Statistics Numerical Summaries: Frequencies Contingency tables Measures of central tendency Measures of variability Representing numerical summaries in tables Graphical Summaries: Bar graphs or Pie graphs Histograms Scatterplots Time series plot

13 Summarizing and Reporting Categorical Data Frequency = number of times each score occurs in a set of data Relative Frequency = percent or proportion of times each score occurs in a set of data

14 Frequency Table Marital Status Frequency (f) Relative Frequency (rel f) Married34.14 Widowed129.54 Divorced35.15 Separated30.12 Never Married13.05 Total2411.00

15 Contingency Table A display to summarize two categorical variables in a table. Each entry in the table represents the number of observations in a sample with a certain outcome for the 2 variables.

16 Contingency Tables GenderBinge Drinker Non-binge Drinker Total Male190820173925 Female285441256979 Total4762614210904

17 Contingency Tables GenderBinge Drinker Non-binge Drinker Total Male49%51%3925 Female41%59%6979 Total4762614210904

18 Choosing the Appropriate Type of Graph One categorical variable (e.g., Political party): Bar Chart or Pie Graph Two categorical variables (e.g., Political party vs. Gender): Side-by-side Bar Chart *Notice with 2 variables, one variable may be treated as the dependent variable and one variable may be treated as the independent variable.

19 Choosing the Appropriate Type of Graph One numerical variable (e.g., Height): Histogram One numerical variable and one categorical variable (e.g., Height vs. Gender): Side-by-side Histograms Two paired numerical variables (e.g., Weight vs. Exercise per week): Scatterplot One numerical variable over time (e.g., Number of Cells vs. Minutes): Time Series Plot *Notice with 2 variables, one variable may be treated as the dependent variable and one variable may be treated as the independent variable.

20 Bar Graph (Frequency)

21 Bar Graph (Relative Frequency)

22 Pie Chart

23 Simple Frequency Tables and Bar Graphs

24 Side by Side Bar Charts Conditioned Proportions Binge Drinker Nonbinge Drinker Male0.490.51 Female0.410.59

25 Histogram of Simple Frequency Data

26 Side by Side Histograms

27 Percent Overweight Threshold of Pain 892 903 754 304.5 515.5 757 629 4513 9015 2014 Scatterplot

28 Time Series Plot MonthNumber of Updates 1323 2268 3290 4405 5383 6368... 1275

29 Shapes of Distributions Normal (approximately symmetric) Skewed Unimodal/Bimodal/Uniform/Other Outliers

30 The Normal Curve “Bell-shaped” Most scores in center, tapering off symmetrically in both tails Amount of peakedness (kurtosis) can vary

31 Variations to Normal Distribution Skew = Asymmetrical distribution Positive/right skew = greater frequency of low scores than high scores (longer tail on high end/right) Negative/left skew = greater frequency of high scores than low scores (longer tail on low end/left)

32 Histogram Showing Positive (Right) Skew

33 Variations to Normal Distribution Bimodal distribution: two peaks Rectangular/Uniform: all scores occur with equal frequency Potential Outlier: An observation that is well above or below the overall bulk of the data Important to determine normality (look at the histogram of the data) so you can choose appropriate measures of central tendency and variability

34 Variations to Normal Distribution

35 Examples of Bad Graphs: What is Wrong With the Picture?


37 A BETTER Graph


39 Example of a Bad Graph Graph the distribution of the first digits. First Digit Frequency 1109 275 377 499 572 6117 789 862 943

40 Example of a Bad Graph Graph the distribution of the first digits. First Digit Frequency 1109 275 377 499 572 6117 789 862 943

41 Example of a GOOD Graph Graph the distribution of the first digits. First Digit Frequency 1109 275 377 499 572 6117 789 862 943

42 Example of a Bad Graph Graph the distribution of the number of bacteria in the cultures sampled. Number of Bacteria 41 33 43 52 46 37 44 49 53 30

43 Example of a Bad Graph Graph the distribution of the number of bacteria in the cultures sampled. Number of Bacteria 41 33 43 52 46 37 44 49 53 30

44 Example of a GOOD Graph Graph the distribution of the number of bacteria in the cultures sampled. Number of Bacteria 41 33 43 52 46 37 44 49 53 30

45 Guidelines for Good Graphs Label both axes and provide a heading to make clear what the graph is representing. Vertical axes should usually start at 0 to help our eyes compare relative sizes. Remove any clutter that isn’t needed or is distracting The axes may need to be resized to remove extra white space Be careful in using unusual bars since it can be easy to get the relative percentages that the figures represent incorrect. Sometimes displaying information for more than one group on the same graph can be difficult especially when the values differ greatly. Consider using relative frequencies or separate graphs instead.

46 Other Guidelines to Making Graphs Y axis should be ¾ as tall as X axis When the number of score values on X axis is large, scores should be collapsed so there are at least 5 intervals but no more than 12 The width of each interval on the X axis should be equal Frequency on the Y axis must be continuous and regular Range on the Y axis and X axis must neither unduly compress nor unduly stretch the data

47 Looking at shape of distribution Making graphs Teaching tips: Hands-on practice is important for your students Sometimes working with a partner helps Time to Practice

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