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GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP AREA Priority Axes 4 & 6 - Calls Workshop Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy.

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Presentation on theme: "GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP AREA Priority Axes 4 & 6 - Calls Workshop Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 GREATER BIRMINGHAM & SOLIHULL LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP AREA Priority Axes 4 & 6 - Calls Workshop Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors & Preserving and protecting the Environment and Promoting Resource Efficiency. through European Structural and Investment Funding (ESIF) Chamberlain Room, Birmingham City Council House, B1 1BB Tuesday 11 th August 2015 12.45 – 15.30 To obtain further information regarding ESIF, please email

2 Today’s Programme Times are approximate Welcome & Coffee 12:45 to 13:00 Current Situation13:00 to 13:15 – The ERDF Operational Programme – The first ‘Calls for Proposals’ ESIF Priority Axis 4 – Call 213:15 to 14:15 – Priority Axis 4 Summarised – Introducing ESIF Priority Axis 6 – Call 114:15 to 14:45 – Priority Axis 6 Summarised – Introducing – Information Sheet &Contact Points Discussions/Networking 14:45 to 15:30

3 Introduction ESIF Background document available ERDF Operational Programme for England formally approved late June 2015 – 9 Priority Axes GB&S LEP has prioritised 4 of these: – Innovation – Business – Low Carbon – Environmental Protection This Workshop - Priority Axis 4: Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors Priority Axis 6: Preserving and protecting the Environment and Promoting Resource Efficiency.

4 The First Calls GB&S LEP subject of 39 Outline Applications Strategic advice on 32 Outline Applications In terms of projects seeking support from GB&S ‘notional allocations’ ESIF strategic ‘Green Light’ given to:  Innovation – 8 applications with grant value £12.45m  Business – 12 applications with a grant value £53.39m  Low Carbon– 1 applications with grant value £0.67m  Environmental Protection – No Early Call

5 Priority Axis 4 – Second Call 08/2015 Overall Objective: increase energy efficiency in particular in small and medium enterprises, including through the implementation of low carbon technologies, and, the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable resources Minimum value: £500,000 (approx £1M with match) – collaborative bids encouraged for scale and impact Deadline: 25 September 2015 (outlines) Duration: up to 3 years Geography: GBS funding should predominantly support businesses based GBS LEP area, preferably whole LEP geography. Cross-LEP projects encouraged with simultaneous bids to other LEP calls Budget Value: Up to £500,000 available in this call

6 Priority Axis 4a detail Building on the successes of Sustainability West Midlands’ Low Carbon Economy Programme Community Strand, there is scope for a programme of specialist support to new and developing community energy enterprises. It is proposed to support the delivery of community energy enterprise schemes which have the benefits of creating decentralised or off-grid production, and investing in local ownership of infrastructure, innovation and business expertise. Indicative budget £0.5m European Regional Development Fund.

7 GBS LEP PA4 Specific Actions NOT INCLUDED in second call The rest of 4a budget for renewable energy - need to ensure local strategy for renewable energy infrastructure is clear – also investigation of using a Financial Instrument 4b SME energy efficiency - partially included in the first call - there is still ambiguity around the specific eligibility of innovative energy efficiency retrofit actions 4c Public buildings energy efficiency - as above ambiguity around the specific eligibility of innovative retrofit actions 4e low carbon transport and energy distribution - held back by DCLG due to the need to determine the parameters of the local Low Carbon strategies 4f innovation - suggestion that these actions may be delivered under Investment Priorities

8 Priority Axis 6 – First Call 08/2015 Summary Overall Objective: Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services Minimum value: £500,000 (approx £1M with match) – collaborative bids encouraged for scale and impact Deadline: 25 September 2015 (outlines) Duration: up to 3 years Geography: GBS funding should predominantly support businesses based GBS LEP area, preferably whole LEP geography. Cross-LEP projects encouraged with simultaneous bids to other LEP calls Budget Value: Up to £1.5m available in this call

9 Priority Axis 6d and 6f detail 6d Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure 6f Promoting innovative technologies to improve environmental protection and resource efficiency in the waste sector, water sector and with regard to soil, or to reduce air pollution

10 Priority Axis 4 and 6 budget Open calls – 3 per year, varied content per call Sustainable Urban Development calls – expected mid 2016 Financial Instruments calls – expected 2015/16 but with delay for development and establishment of funds

11 Contact points Initial queries to and we will Recommended to use this route discuss your project with the Theme lead (Tara Verrell for PA4 and PA6) to support the strategic fit of the project which is assessed locally.

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