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Journal Club Algorithm

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1 Journal Club Algorithm
Journal Club (JC) Facilitator1 chooses and reviews research article* and completes appropriate critique form Facilitator posts or s JC flier, article link, and critique form to participants5 at least 10 days before JC Facilitator holds JC (brings sign in sheet and evaluation forms). Encourages discussion among participants using critique form and suggested questions. Collects evaluations, distributes CE, provides roster, evaluations, and completed facilitator critique form to CE coordinator. Copies all documents, if needed, for credentialing Identifies Burning Clinical Question Decides on JC format, date, time, location Collaborates with JC Research Mentor2 ( to review the article and prepare for discussion of findings and data analysis Collaborates with CNS/Educator/ANCC Designated Lead Nurse Planner 3 to complete and submit ANCC CE application including flier 3 weeks prior to JC Live Virtual Receives ANCC CE Approval from CE coordinator4 Facilitator s CE coordinator: JC flier, article link, and evaluation form CE coordinator will open JC and post online: JC flier, article link, and evaluation Facilitator monitors blogs, encourages discussion among participants using critique form and suggested questions#, collects critique and evaluation forms. Sends evaluations, rosters, and completed facilitator critique form to CE coordinator who sends CE certificate to participants. Prints documents and blog discussion, if needed, for credentialing. * Journal club article: quantitative , qualitative , meta analysis, systematic review or meta-synthesis research # CE coordinator closes virtual JC based on CE application date (JC stays open for two weeks)

2 There are five distinct roles associated with journal club (JC).
1) Facilitator: sets the stage. Ensures participants have advance notice and access to the article and critique forms. Completes and submits the ANCC CE application and develops flier in collaboration with CNS/Educator. Coordinates the logistics (schedules the JC [date, time, location], provides article link and critique form). Prepares the article facilitator critique form. Reviews critique form with Journal Club Research Mentor. Facilitates the JC. Collects completed critique and evaluation forms and sends evaluations, critique forms, and rosters to CE Coordinator. Sends completed facilitator critique form to CE Coordinator for her records. 2) Journal Club Research Mentor: has taken a Master’s or graduate level research course, has completed JC research mentor training, and has been verified as a JC Research Mentor. (e.g., Research Nurse Scientist, CNS/Educator, Level IV RN, other) Reviews critique form with the journal club facilitator. May or may not attend the journal club. Helps the facilitator prepare for the discussion of the findings, strengths and limitations of the research article, and the statistical analyses used. 3) CNS/Educator/ANCC Designated Lead Nurse Planner (e.g. CNS, CNS/Educator, or Educator): works with facilitator to develop ANCC CE application and coordinate logistics. 4) CE Coordinator: Assists with the approval process for ANCC CE application, launches and closes virtual JC. 5) Participant: Comes prepared to JC, discusses the research article, completes the participant critique form.

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