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Your pathway to a recognized degree. 修讀認可學位課程。 Information Seminar OUHK/VTC Full-time Top-up Degree Programmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Your pathway to a recognized degree. 修讀認可學位課程。 Information Seminar OUHK/VTC Full-time Top-up Degree Programmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your pathway to a recognized degree. 修讀認可學位課程。 Information Seminar OUHK/VTC Full-time Top-up Degree Programmes

2 Dr. Andy Kan Assistant Professor Programme Leader (Full-time) School of Business Administration The Open University of Hong Kong 9 March 2006

3 The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) Established by the government of Hong Kong in 1989 Acquired its university status in May 1997. Established by the government of Hong Kong in 1989 Acquired its university status in May 1997.

4 Current status 20,000 students Offers over 100 sub-degree, degree and post-graduate degree programmes Offers over 100 courses for each semester Produces about 2000 graduates each year Has about 380 full-time staff, and 1000 part-time tutors 20,000 students Offers over 100 sub-degree, degree and post-graduate degree programmes Offers over 100 courses for each semester Produces about 2000 graduates each year Has about 380 full-time staff, and 1000 part-time tutors

5 Current status In 2001, we extended our services by offering our first full-time face-to-face Associate degree programme. This was followed by the full-time Bachelor’s programmes in 2003. Currently there are over 1,200 students taking programmes on a full-time basis. In 2001, we extended our services by offering our first full-time face-to-face Associate degree programme. This was followed by the full-time Bachelor’s programmes in 2003. Currently there are over 1,200 students taking programmes on a full-time basis.

6  Local and International Recognition  a government-established university  degrees recognised by local and international professional bodies such as ACCA, AIA, CIMA, CMA, HKICS, HKIM, HKIRM, HKICPA, HKSI and ICSA l Why studying with the Open University of Hong Kong

7 修讀途徑 Study Path

8 Bachelor of Business Administration in: Banking & Finance Corporate Administration Human Resources Management International Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management Marketing Management Business Information Systems 中國商業 School of Business & Administration

9 Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Accounting Bachelor of Hospitality Management

10 Duration: BBA (Hons) in Accounting [BBAHACCTF] – Full-time 18 months – 4 semesters x 13 weeks – Sept 2006 to Feb 2008 BBA in Accounting [BBAACCTF] – Full-time 1 year – 2 semesters x 13 weeks – Sept 2006 to May 2007 BBA (Hons) in Accounting

11 * Subject to review. # There are 17 lecture hours of Integrated Seminar III/IV per semester. Course CodeCourse TitleCredits B280F*Introduction to Financial Management5 B301FCompany Accounting10 B302FCompany Law10 B313FManagement and Cost Accounting5 B386FFinancial Decision Making5 B399FManagement Policy and strategy5 B033F # Integrated Seminar III0 Courses: Semesters 1 and 2 for BBA (Hons) in Accounting and BBA in Accounting BBA (Hons) in Accounting

12 Courses: # There are 17 lecture hours of Integrated Seminar III/IV per semester. Semesters 3 and 4 for BBA (Hons) in Accounting Course CodeCourse TitleCredits B304FAccounting Information Systems5 B402FAdvanced Financial Reporting and Analysis10 B404FTaxation10 B405FAdvanced Management Accounting5 B406FAuditing10 B034F # Integrated Seminar IV0 BBA (Hons) in Accounting

13 External Recognition: –BBA (Hons) in Accounting [BBAHACCTF] programme has been accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) as an approved accountancy degree programme. –Holders of OUHK’s BBA (Hons) in Accounting [BBAHACCTF] may directly enter to HKICPA’s Qualification Programme.

14 Duration: – Full-time 1 year – 2 semesters x 13 weeks – Sept 2006 to May 2007 BBA in Management

15 Course CodeCourse TitleCredits B280F*Introduction to Financial Management5 B342FTraining and Development5 B363FConsumer Behaviour5 B365FServices Marketing5 B366FMarketing Communications5 B391FInternational Business Management I5 B392FInternational Business Management II5 B399FManagement Policy and Strategy5 B033F # Integrated Seminar III0 Courses: * Subject to review. # There are 17 lecture hours of Integrated Seminar III per semester. BBA in Management

16 Programme Fee BBA (Hons) in Accounting –$98,800* (in 4 instalments ) BBA in Accounting –$49,400* (in 2 instalments ) BBA in Management –$49,400* (in 2 instalments ) BBA (Hons) in Accounting –$98,800* (in 4 instalments ) BBA in Accounting –$49,400* (in 2 instalments ) BBA in Management –$49,400* (in 2 instalments ) * Subject to review.

17  Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS) offered by the Government  Continuing Education Fund (CEF) Financial Assistance

18 Admission & Programme Enquiries BBA (Hons) in Accounting [BBAHACCTF] / BBA in Accounting [BBAACCTF ] –Mr. Patrick Ng BA(Hons) (Essex), M.Phil (Cambridge), FCPA, FCCA –Tel: 2595 8226 Email: Bachelor of Business Administration in Management [BBAMGTF] –Dr. Charles Chiu BBA(Hons), PhD (CUHK), CFA, MHKSFA –Tel: 2595 8379 Email: BBA (Hons) in Accounting [BBAHACCTF] / BBA in Accounting [BBAACCTF ] –Mr. Patrick Ng BA(Hons) (Essex), M.Phil (Cambridge), FCPA, FCCA –Tel: 2595 8226 Email: Bachelor of Business Administration in Management [BBAMGTF] –Dr. Charles Chiu BBA(Hons), PhD (CUHK), CFA, MHKSFA –Tel: 2595 8379 Email:

19 Campus Life

20 Study Tours

21 BBA full-time students take US trip to become 'global citizens' Kenneth and Virgina outside the UN headquarters. (2004/05) Regina (2003/04)

22 Future leaders organized by the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau ( 工商 及科技局 ) with local Chinese daily Ming Pao The 'future leaders' 40 students of local universities

23 Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) a global non-profit organization that supports student teams on more than 1,800 university campuses in more than 40 countries to develop educational outreach projects that teach people entrepreneurship skills, business ethics and financial responsibility.

24 Student Societies

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