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Pratirodh Sansthan Bhadesar, Chittorgarh Residential School for Girls.

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1 Pratirodh Sansthan Bhadesar, Chittorgarh Residential School for Girls

2 Background Pratirodh Sansthan is working with Tribal community of Bhadesar district, Chittorgarh (Rajasthan) since 2004-2005 Its an offshoot of Prayas which has been actively advocating Tribal Rights since over few decades with diverse initiatives ◦ Tribal land rights ◦ Cast discrimination and Khat Andolan ◦ Women rights and SHG mobilization ◦ RTI and MNREGA Advocacy ◦ Food Rights Pratirodh Sanstan focuses primarily on girl education and women rights/awareness, with flagship project seeded through AfE-SV support in November 2008 The organization has philosophical roots in tribal rights movement, but, with a singular focus and belief in women being the change makers in the society

3 Objectives & Goals Uplift and Empower backward and marginalized tribes through education and awareness Prepare and motivate young girls as change makers, not only to empower but to influence the next generation of community! Bring awareness about education in the community with expectation that it will in turn lead to inquisitiveness and awareness in general – education is a big enabler! ◦ Motivation is to make children ecologically & socially aware and get some basic literacy, instead of attaining grades and class attendance Bridge the divide between the first generation learners and the government schools/programs ◦ Use self-paced/self-motivated learning techniques that is suitable to the environmental realities Leverage government schemes & programs and bring policy benefits to the community such programs are meant to ◦ Not to run a formal school but to act as a bridge for motivated children to get access to the government schools

4 Objectives & Goals Residential School for Girls was started in late 2008 with AfE-SV funding Employ alternate education, self-paced/self-motivated, learning method for first generation learners from tribal community Train girls to Grade-V equivalent level and enroll motivated students into Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya for Girls ◦ KGBV is a part of central government scheme under which residential higher secondary level schools are opened/operated across the country Make students socially & ecologically aware; and build strong long-term partnership with their communities/families ◦ Address rampant social issues e.g. child marriages, illiteracy through empowerment of girl child

5 KGBV Scheme Background KGBV is a GoI scheme under MHRD-HED to establish up to 750 residential higher secondary level schools, primarily targeted at elementary level in areas with predominantly SC/ST/OBC or minorities in general. Scheme is applicable for those identified under EBB where as per census data of 2001 the rural female literacy is below national average and gender gap in literacy is more than national average KGBV establishment and management is folded under SSA at district level and coordinated between MHRD, MTA, and MSJE departments Residential schools are setup in eligible areas where at least 50 girls predominantly from SC/ST and minority communities are available to study at the elementary or middle school level with education of such girls guaranteed up-to 10+ level NGO and other non-government/non-profit bodies are to be involved in running of the schools, with separate guidelines for corporate bodies to adopt the schools ◦ Out of 700 KGBV [technically] running today, none have been adopted

6 Project Background Residential school in Amarpura, Bhadesar Distt., Chittorgarh Rented facility in close vicinity of the village and tribal hamlets Has seating capacity for 200 children, with durable mud-reinforced floor built with help of students and local residents Large 40x30ft hall with a 35 cot capacity for children to sleep. Additional room for staff that has spillover capacity ◦ Minimal infrastructure investment, although rental facility has caused some minor issued in the past Two full-time residential female teachers, one cook and one helper, and one coordinator (one of the project funders)

7 Project Discussion Project uses alternate self-paced learning model based on methods and tools from Degantar Learning model is based on a mix of scheduled classes and self-paced group activities State curriculum is used for measuring and evaluation of learning level specifically to meet Grade-V requirement Teachers identify motivated students and coach them specifically for graduation and admission into KGRS program Formal evaluation and class structure along with self-paced model is critical to ensure transition into formal school environment Residential school model is not to isolate children from there home environment but to give them space for self exploration and group learning Environment of the school and pedagogy is to ensure preservation of the cultural and social engagement – language, ecology etc.

8 Project Discussion General day schedule: ◦ Day starts between 5:00 (summers)-6:30 (winters) ◦ Exercise/yoga, prayer, and breakfast every morning ◦ Classes start 10:00 AM everyday ◦ Lunch is served between 1:00-2:00 ◦ Post lunch break and nap time 2:00-3:00 ◦ 3:00-5:00 self paced learning group classes ◦ 6:00-7:00 break and group play/free time ◦ Dinner is served between 7:00-8:00 ◦ 9:00-10:30 reading sessions and self-paced classes Timetables are flexible and indicative only Teachers always float between groups/classes to assist as needed Self-paced sessions are moderated not taught Lot of open interaction and playful environment

9 Project Status 2008-2009 ◦ 77 students enrolled ◦ 10 students graduated and enrolled in KGBV Nahagragh; 19 students drop-off 2009-2010 ◦ 48 carryover students and 20 new students, total of 68 students ◦ 16 students graduated and admitted in KGBV Nahargarh; 18 students dropped-off 2010-2011 ◦ 34 carryover students and 24 new students, total of 58 students ◦ 26 students graduated and admitted in KGBV Nahargarh; no drop-offs yet 2 students have dropped-off from KGBV since 2008-2009 and overall have very good retention and performance rate Case study: “ Meera Bheel d/o Narayan Bheel was 13 year old and first time learner when admitted in the Amarpura residential school. She cleared grade-V evaluation within a year and was admitted in KGBV Nahargarh. She also scored first place in grade-VI evaluation, and won an Upper Primary School General Knowledge competition this year. Manju Meena also from Amarpura School won the second place ”

10 Project Status Dr. Pendse (Ob-Gyn) from Udaipur visited the school and spent a day with the girls ◦ Important and relevant from age group and social context of the girls Block Development Officer & Block Asst. Education Officer visited the school this year 24 girls preparing for the grade-V examination visited KGRS as a part of their preparation Students from the school participated in the inter-school meet

11 Proposal [Budget] ParticularsUnitRateBudget Total Human Resources Coordinator (salary)1x125,00060000 Teacher (salary)2x125,000120000 Mess staff (salary)2x123,00072000 252000 Operations Stationary & material50x125030000 Books & Aids50x11688400 Health Care50x124024000 Food & Nutrition50x36520365000 Toiletries & Sanitation50x123018000 Travel1x124004800 Water & Electricity1x12120014400 464600 Administrative Exposure Tour 50 (7days)1,00050000 Audit Fees 1x13,0003000 53000 Total 769600.00

12 Issues and Discussion Teachers will likely attend the annual five-day training camp in Khargaon, MP, and are also invited to attend the Jaipal Singh Reed Society Summit in Deheradoon ◦ Teacher Training is not explicitly funded and will be dependent upon funding from Prayas or other sources! ◦ Its desirable that AfE-SV explore options of funding teacher training component or use partners in the vicinity [if possible] for the purpose Salary of watchman is necessary for the residential school (its removed to adjust for budget cuts) ◦ Its requested to support the watchman salary at 4050/mo to meet the state minimum wages rules Project has been progressively limiting its intake and has to turn away quite a few girls due to budget/funding constraints RoI is relatively high considering that the project has been able to not only get children into government programs/schools not also able to retain them in the schools!

13 Goals for 2012 & Progress The project aims to get 24 of the currently enrolled students (based on their current evaluation level) into KGRS in 2012 Admit 34 new students and the coordinator is working in Amarpura and adjoining hamlets to get the girls enrolled right now

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