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Proposal on a New Research Programme Teija Tiilikainen 9.4.2013 to be discussed at Haikko.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal on a New Research Programme Teija Tiilikainen 9.4.2013 to be discussed at Haikko."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal on a New Research Programme Teija Tiilikainen 9.4.2013 to be discussed at Haikko

2 FIIA RESEARCH PROGRAMME 2014-16 board discussed main guidelines; will approve final form 22.4. main structure & topics fixed for recruitment procedure (starts late April/ early May) will include some flexibility and room for new topics to be added during the term

3 CHARACTER OF FIIA RESEARCH Broad outlines defined so that it supports policy- making in the EU/Finland recruitment of researchers on the basis of standard (university) criteria; researchers have to adjust to FIIA functions (active participation in internal planning and teamwork; preparedness to contribute to FIIA publications/ seminars and to joint applications for external funding) additional goal for next programme period: enhance FIIA’s international visibility!

4 THREE RESEARCH PROGRAMMES EU PROGRAMME PROGRAMME ON THE EU’S EASTERN NEIGHBOURHOOD AND RUSSIA GLOBAL SECURITY PROGRAMME - exact sizes of programmes to be decided after conclusion of budget talks with the Parliament (May- June)

5 EU-programme; research focuses EU’s main trends of development (EU’s character, its treaty system and competences) and the member states’ policies concerning these EU’s political system: institutional characteristics and modes of democracy EU’s external policies and global role (Nordic policies in this context) EU’s economy; in particular the political implications of financial/sovereign debt crisis vereign debt crisis

6 NRUS-Programme Russia: foreign and security policy and global/regional role and the domestic conditions of these policies Russia: domestic political develoment and institutional/functional characteristics of its political system EU’s eastern neighbourhood countries: external policies and global/regional role and the domestic conditions of these policies The politics of the Arctic to be placed in any of the three programmes; joint topic for all of them

7 Focus on global trends that are relevant from the EU’s/Finnish point-of-view Global power structure; geopolitical emphasis on the US, Asia and the role of emerging powers Global governance & institutions : focuses on issues of broad security & environmental security (esp. international climate regime) European security policy: institutions and governance; new dimensions such as marine security or cyber security; Finland’s security policy environment Global Security-programme

8 Administratively separate unit linked with SEC- programme (different functions & working methods) The global power of the US and its domestic drivers Main goal to deepen expertise on US in Finland Exchange system; visits, seminars, networking (more activities to be identified) Centre for US Politics and Power

9 To add cross-cutting topics to the research agenda To enhance cooperation between the programmes To provide another career step & leadership opportunity to senior researchers (project manager) Should include external funding and be based on careful planning (inkl. publications) Length ideally 1-2 year Finnish Foreign Policy Project with particular goals/fundraising FIIA Projects

10 - assessment of FIIA publication formats (proposals and feed-back welcome) -titles of research staff: researcher (and senior researcher?) - any other issues from anyone? OTHER ISSUES TO BE DECIDED

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