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And the role of the Volusia Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) More importantly, how do we get transportation projects funded?

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Presentation on theme: "And the role of the Volusia Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) More importantly, how do we get transportation projects funded?"— Presentation transcript:

1 And the role of the Volusia Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) More importantly, how do we get transportation projects funded?

2 Transportation Choices OrganizationsFunding OptionsDocuments Mass Transit Bus & Rail Private SectorTolls & Partnerships Comprehensive Plans Highway / CarsFHWA / FTAStateLRTP BicyclingTPOLocalTDP / TDSP TrailsCitiesTPO Set-AsideTIP SidewalksCounty / VotranGrantsTrail Plans FDOTFederalMaster Plans What’s Involved?

3 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Were created by Congress as part of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 Are required for any urbanized areas (UZA) with a population greater than 50,000 Are intended to ensure that expenditures of public funds for transportation projects and programs are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive planning process Are primarily responsible for prioritizing Federal Highway and Transit-funded projects within the planning area MPOs are required by law to provide local input in the coordination and planning of transportation

4 VOLUSIA TPO’S HISTORY Originally created as the Daytona Beach Urbanized Area MPO - January 1977 Expanded to include the entire county in 1988 becoming the Volusia County MPO Expanded again in 2004 due to 2000 census to include Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach Re-organized in 2009 to become Volusia TPO Based on the 2010 census, we are currently working to expand the planning area boundaries

5 BOARD REQUIREMENTS TPO Board cannot be larger than 19 members County Council must have no less than 1/3 of total vote Remaining members of TPO Board must be elected officials from member local governments TPO Board must represent all forms of transportation Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (TDLCB) TPO Board of Directors Executive Director & StaffFDOT is an advisor

6 REQUIRED ACTIVITIES All MPOs/TPOs are required to develop four documents: Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Listing of Prioritized Projects Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

7 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT TPO 20-Year Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Project Priority Listing FDOT Five-Year Work Program TPO Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Local Government Transportation Plan Transit Development Plan (TDP) Comp. Plans, Capital Improvement Plans Capital Replacement Plan

8 Upcoming Activities Development of Rail (SunRail, All Aboard Florida) Reapportionment of the Volusia TPO Major Projects Widening of I-95 & I-4 Replacement of the Veterans Memorial Bridge Increased bus service on US-1 Continued expansion of the trails system Increased emphasis on safety, freight and performance measures (MAP-21) Kick-off for the 2040 Long Range Plan

9 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Develop a Vision, Goals and Objectives Involve the Public Analyze Issues of Environmental Justice Technical Analysis Explore Alternatives Financial Estimates Identify the Needs for 2040 Develop the Cost Feasible Plan

10 Contact Information Volusia Transportation Planning Organization Interim Executive Director – Lois Bollenback E-mail - Office Telephone – 386-226-0422 Website –

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