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INFECTIOUS DISEASE- passed from person to person.

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1 INFECTIOUS DISEASE- passed from person to person

2 Pathogens Bacteria- 1. Environment- warm, moist, dark 2.Good bacteria- yogurt, cheese, penicillin 3.Bad bacteria- produces a TOXIN (poison) Diseases: tetanus, strep throat, food poisoning, gonorrhea, syphilis, diphtheria Virus- smallest pathogen 1.Needs a “host” cell Diseases: cold, flu, warts, chicken pox, mono, cold sore, small pox, measles, mumps

3 Fungi- microscopic plantlike organism 1.Environment- dark, damp 2.Good fungi- yeast, mushroom Diseases: ringworm, athletes foot Protist- single celled, larger than bacteria 1. Commonly found in tropical countries Diseases: malaria, dysentery Parasite- usually visible without a microscope 1.Feed on others Disease: trichinosis, crabs, tape worm

4 Transmission: ways diseases are spread. Direct Contact- physical contact with infected person: hand shake, hug, kiss Indirect Contact- close contact with infected person: sneeze, cough Contact with Objects- drinks, cans, pencils, silverware, phones, hats, combs Contact with animals- bites (rabies) stings (malaria)

5 Carriers People who can give a disease to others, yet show NO sign or symptom of the disease. They pass it on to others who become ill from the disease.

6 Immunity: the body’s ability to fight off infection. Things that may affect your immunity level: 1.Poor nutrition 2.Chronic illness 3.Drug use 4.Overweight 5.Stress

7 Preventing Infectious Disease 1.Eat well balances meals 2.Get 8 hours of sleep 3.Exercise 4.Avoid stress 5.Do not share items that transfer pathogens 6.Avoid substance abuse 7.Wash your hands / keep clean 8.Get immunizations

8 3 Lines of the Body’s Defenses 1 st Line- Structural (physical) 1.Skin 2.Mucous Membrane 3.Lachrymal glands- tears 4.Cilia 5.Cerumen- earwax 6.Salivary glands- saliva 7.Hydrochloric acid- stomach 8.Reflexes- sneezing, coughing, blinking, fever

9 2 nd Line- Cellular LYMPH SYSTEM- a network of vessels that collect fluid from the tissues in your body and return it to your bloodstream. Lymphocytes- white blood cells that carry out most of the immune systems functions 1.B lymphocytes (B cells)- produce ANTIBODIES 2.T lymphocytes (T cells)- live in the blood and lymph system Helper T- identify pathogens Killer T- kill pathogens Memory cells- remember how to fight the disease. Last a life time

10 Circulatory System- (blood) White Blood Cells called PHAGOCYTES rush to the infected area and destroy pathogens. Phagocytes “eat up” pathogens

11 This is what happens when a pathogen enters your body (cut, scrape, breath it in) 1.Damaged cells release chemicals 2.Blood vessels and glands in the injured area become enlarged 3.Fluid leaks out of the blood vessels along with PHAGOCYTES 4.Phagocytes eat up pathogen 5.Area becomes swollen /sore/ inflamed 6.The fluid, phagocytes, and dead cells accumulate, making a thick white liquid called “pus” 7.Eventually the cellular process heals the damage and it goes away

12 3 rd Line- Immune System If a pathogen enters your body for the first time, your immune system must recognize it, and build an arsenal of weapons to fight it. This takes time- this time allows the pathogen to multiply and make you sick. If a pathogen that has previously entered your body comes back and enters again, your immune system will quickly recognize it and launch an attack. This generally occurs so quickly you will never become ill.

13 Types of Immunity Passive Immunity- will not last forever 1.Killed virus vaccine- need a booster shot flu, tetanus 2. Mom at birth- she has memory cells in her blood Active Immunity- will last a lifetime 1.Live virus vaccine- mumps, measles 2.Get the disease

14 11 Infectious Diseases 1.Rubella (German Measles) danger to pregnant women= birth defects VIRUS- indirect contact Fever, rash better in a few days Vaccination- MMR 2.Polio- stiffness in back and legs=paralysis VIRUS- indirect contact Vaccine= oral

15 3. Diphtheria- coughing- grey membrane grows over throat- death BACTERIA- indirect Vaccine- DPT 4. Pertussis (Whooping Cough)-cough- spasms-lungs collapse BACTERIA-indirect Vaccine-DPT 5. Tetanus (Lockjaw)- puncture wound. Muscles lock can cause death BACTERIA- puncture wound Vaccine-DPT needs booster shot every 6-8 years

16 6. Cold- VIRUS- indirect NO CURE Medication for symptoms but does not cure 7. Influenza (Flu) body aches-high fever- can kill----do not take aspirin VIRUS- indirect Vaccine- Flu Shot 8.Hepatitis (A, B, C) damages the liver VIRUS A= infected food or water B&C= Blood Vaccine

17 9.Mononucleosis (mono) need a blood test to identify- last for 3-6 weeks Tired, swollen glands, sore throat VIRUS- saliva No medicine- bed rest and good nutrition 10. Tuberculosis (TB) cough- weight loss, blood coughed up Need blood test and chest x-ray BACTERIA- indirect Vaccine 11. Smallpox- abdominal pain, scabbing, can die VIRUS- DIRECT CONTACT VACCINE=====DEAD DISEASE

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