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Methodology A random sample of 353 residents (aged 18 years or older) from residences within the Strait Richmond area completed the 2015 Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Methodology A random sample of 353 residents (aged 18 years or older) from residences within the Strait Richmond area completed the 2015 Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methodology A random sample of 353 residents (aged 18 years or older) from residences within the Strait Richmond area completed the 2015 Understanding Our Health Survey. To ensure this random sample was representative of the district population by age and gender, quotas and sample weights were developed and applied to the data. The use of a random, representative sample allows for a high level of confidence that the results of this study can be generalized to the population. The sampling unit was defined as a household member, 18 years of age or older, with the next birthday. The estimated margin of error (MoE) for this sample size is +/‐ 5% at a confidence interval of 95%. Subsample results will be less accurate. The sampling frame was generated using a pure random digit dialing (RDD) methodology (directory listed and non‐listed residential numbers) and included all households in Guysborough with telephone service. The interviews were conducted using Computer‐Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI). The questionnaire for the Understanding Our Health Survey was developed by GASHA and Forum Research, and is based on selected questions from the 2013 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) Questionnaire that were chosen by GASHA.

2 Respondent Characteristics Respondents were a fairly equal mix of males (55%) and females (45%). Slightly over one-half of respondents were between the ages of 35-64 (56%). 63% of respondents from Guysborough had annual household incomes of at least $40,000 per year, only 30% had household incomes of $80,000 per year or more. Household Income

3 Neigbourhood Environment Strait Richmond area respondents’ opinion was split fairly evenly on the statement ‘my neighbourhood has several free or low cost recreation facilities, such as parks, walking trails, bike paths, recreation centers, playgrounds, public swimming pools, etc.’ with similar proportions likely to disagree (51%: strongly disagree + somewhat disagree) and to agree (49%: strongly agree + somewhat agree). Responses for the Strait Richmond area are nearly the same as the District averages. The most common type of housing in the Strait Richmond area was ‘detached single-family housing’ (73%) followed distantly by ‘townhouses, row houses, apartment or condos of 2-3 storeys’ and ‘mix of single-family residences and townhouses, row houses, apartments or condos’ (15%, and 10% respectively). Only 2% of the respondents indicated that ‘apartments and condos of 4-12 storeys’ are the main type of housing in their neighbourhood. Low Cost Recreation Facilities in the Neighbourhood (%)

4 Transportation 82% of Strait Richmond area respondents reported that they have a valid driver’s license. Strait Richmond area respondents were less likely than respondents from the District as a whole to hold a valid driver’s (82%, compared to 88% for the District). Just under half (44%) of Strait Richmond area respondents indicated that their school aged child or youth spends less than 15 minutes on a school bus to and from school each day, and just over a quarter of the respondents indicated that their child spends at least 45 minutes on a school bus each day (26%: ‘between 45 minutes and hour’ + ‘over an hour’). Time Spent on a School Bus to and from School Each Day (% - Respondents With School Aged Children)

5 Health and Well-being The majority of respondents (72%) reported to be at least in good health, and just under a quarter (24%) indicated their health to be fair. A small percentage (5%) of respondents reported their health to be somewhat poor or worse. Strait Richmond area respondents’ rates of belonging to the local community are lower than the District average (76% very strong + somewhat strong compared to 82%), and higher than the nationwide results (62%). Strait Richmond area respondents reported that most days are a bit stressful (35%), quite a bit stressful (12%), or extremely stressful (1%). Just under a fifth of Strait Richmond area respondents (19%) have considered suicide, slightly higher than the District average of 13%. The majority (79%) of Strait Richmond area respondents felt they should be doing something to improve their physical health. Amount of Stress in Daily Life

6 Flu Shots Just over half (54%) of Strait Richmond area respondents report that they had their last flu shot less than 1 year ago. One in seven (14%) say they had it 1 year to less than 2 years go, and nearly one third (32%) had theirs 2 years ago or more. Looking at age reveals that the younger respondents are less likely to have had their flu shot recently. Accordingly, only a quarter (24%) of young adults had their flu shot less than a year ago, compared to over half (54%) of adults, and a strong majority of seniors (80%). Flu Shots by Age

7 Physical Activity and BMI Nearly half (45%) of Strait Richmond area respondents were physically inactive, nearly a quarter (24%) were moderately active, and nearly a third (32%) were regularly active. Out of Strait Richmond area respondents, just under a quarter (24%) are normal weight, half (50%) are overweight, just over a quarter (26%) are obese, and 1% are underweight. Looking at data from previous report periods reveals an increase in the proportion of overweight respondents, and a decrease of obesity rates. Young adults are the most likely of all other age groups to be overweight (66%, compared to 48% for adults, and 40% for seniors). Further, the adults are the most likely to be obese (30%, compared to 17% for young adults, and 27% for seniors), and the young adults are the least likely to be of normal weight (17%, compared to 21% for adults, and 32% for seniors). Females respondents are more likely to be overweight than males (54%, compared to 46%). The opposite is true for being obese (31% for males, compared to 21% for females). Roughly equal proportion of males and females are of normal weight (23% for males, 24% for females). BMI by Gender

8 Healthy Eating The majority of Strait Richmond area respondents have always had enough of the kinds of food they wanted to eat (77%), 14% had enough to eat, but not always the kind of food they wanted, and just under a tenth (9%) often didn’t have enough to eat. The majority of households never did not have enough food to eat because of lack of money (86%), never worried about whether the food would run out before they got money to buy more (90%), and never bought food that just didn’t last with no money to buy more (85%). Only 1% of the Strait Richmond area respondents had instances in the past 12 months where they didn’t eat because they couldn’t afford enough food. Strait Richmond area respondents were less likely to report not being able to afford food than the District as a whole (1%, compared to 3% District average). Household Food Consumption Over the Past 12 Months

9 Smoking Behaviour, Alcohol Use, and Illicit Drug Use A quarter (25%) of Strait Richmond area respondents currently smoke. Data from previous survey periods reveals that after having gone down to 18% in 2010, the proportion of smokers has now slightly surpassed the 2005 rates (25% now, 23% in 2005). The Strait Richmond area had more multiple smoker households than the District (57%, compared to 36% for the District). Of the respondents who have had one or more drinks of alcohol in the past 12 months, 58% were regular drinkers, while the remaining 42% were occasional drinkers. Male respondents were more were likely to be regular drinkers than females (70%, compared to 44%). Just under half of the Strait Richmond area respondents have tried marijuana at least once (44%). Compared to the previous reporting period, the proportion of those who admit having tried marijuana has increased slightly (from 39%, to 44%). Over a tenth (13%) of Strait Richmond area respondents had ever tried crack or cocaine, 87% have never tried either crack or cocaine. Drinking by Gender

10 Problem Gambling Three percent of respondents indicated that gambling sometimes caused them health problems – this result is identical to that from the 2010 report. Under a fifth (17%) indicated that they sometimes spent more money on gambling than they wanted to - this finding is an increase from the 2010 report (17%, compared to 8%). Additionally, a small proportion (2%) say that this happened most of the time. Used Drugs or Alcohol When Gambling in Past 12 Months

11 Health Care Services: Access and Use Just over half of the respondents (52%) reported that they needed to meet a medical specialist for a diagnosis or consultation in the past 12 months. Strait Richmond area respondents were less likely to require a medical specialist than the District average (52%, compared to 57% for the District). Of those respondents who sought specialty consultation, a fifth (21%) experienced difficulty getting the care needed. Strait Richmond area respondents were more likely than the District average to experience such difficulty (21%, compared to 17% for the District). In the past 12 months, just over half (51%) of the respondents required health information for themselves or a family member. Nearly a tenth (9%) of Strait Richmond area respondents received home care in the past 12 months, with the cost covered at least partially by the government. When asked whether they felt they needed home care, but did not receive any in the past 12 months, 3% of the Strait Richmond area respondents felt they did. Needed Medical Specialist for Diagnosis or Consultation in Past 12 months

12 Social Support When asked about available support when looking for advice about a crisis, over a third (38%) of Strait Richmond area respondents said it was only available sometimes or never. Under half (44%) found this type of support to be almost always available. The youngest respondents were the most likely to almost always to receive support in a crisis (59%, compared to 46% for adults, and 30% for seniors), while the oldest were the most likely to respond never (39%, compared to 16% average for the other age categories). Strait Richmond area respondents were as likely to feel they almost always have support in form of someone taking them to the doctor as District results (70% each). Availability of Support in a Crisis (by Age)

13 Chronic Conditions Just under a tenth (8%) of respondents reported suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities. Under a third of respondents suffer from arthritis (28%). Just over a quarter (26%) of Strait Richmond area respondents have back problems. The majority of respondents (80%) have had their blood pressure taken in the last six months. About a third (31%) of respondents reported taking medicine for high blood pressure in the past month. Nearly one quarter (23%) of Strait Richmond area respondents indicated they have an anxiety disorder, which is higher than both the 2015 District average (14%) and previous years Strait Richmond area results (8% in 2010, 7% in 2005). Arthritis and Back Problems

14 Health Screenings (General) and Health Screenings (Male) Almost all (99%) respondents reported having their blood pressure taken previously. Under three quarters of Strait Richmond area respondents (69%) had it checked in the past 6 months, with 11% going within 6 months to a year, and the rest (20%) going more than six months ago. Just over a third (35%) of Strait Richmond area respondents replied yes to having received a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy. Among male Strait Richmond area respondents, less than half (39%) of respondents said they have had a test for prostate cancer. This is lower than recent District averages (44% in 2015, 62% in 2010, and 53% in 2005). Male respondents stated that over half of them (53%) had received a digital rectal exam. Last Blood Pressure Check

15 Health Screenings (Female) Almost all (95%) female respondents in the Strait Richmond area said they have received a PAP smear test. Of female respondents in the Strait Richmond area, nearly two-thirds of the adults (60%) had ever had a mammogram. Of female respondents nearly two thirds (63% for the Strait Richmond area, compared to 67% District average) have had their breasts examined for lumps by a health professional other than through mammograms. Last Breast Examination (Other Than Mammogram)

16 Maternal Experiences Of maternal respondents in the Strait Richmond area, nearly a fifth (19%) reported having given birth in the past 5 years. 100% of Strait Richmond area respondents who gave birth in the past five years said they breastfed, or tried to, breastfeed their baby. No respondents from the Strait Richmond area were pregnant at time of the survey. Tried to Breastfeed Baby

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