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Lighting the way to process improvement 11 th Annual AGCCE Conference May 10-12, 2011 Improve service delivery throughout your organization by improving.

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Presentation on theme: "Lighting the way to process improvement 11 th Annual AGCCE Conference May 10-12, 2011 Improve service delivery throughout your organization by improving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lighting the way to process improvement 11 th Annual AGCCE Conference May 10-12, 2011 Improve service delivery throughout your organization by improving your processes.

2 Introduction Cindy Riordan Cindy Riordan –Customer Service Manager with the City of St. Louis, MO, Customer Service Bureau (CSB) Sarah Taylor Sarah Taylor –Director of Constituent Services with City of Indianapolis, IN, Office of Mayor Greg Ballard Charles “Rick” Stanley Charles “Rick” Stanley –Urban Forestry Supervisor with City of Hampton, VA, Parks and Recreation Lori Thomas Lori Thomas –Team Leader with the City of Hampton, VA, 311 Customer Call Center

3 What is process improvement? Why it is important. Why it is important. –Stay fresh, don’t get stuck in old ways Why consolidated call centers are more likely to use it than individual departments. Why consolidated call centers are more likely to use it than individual departments. –Through citizen calls, we notice the pattern if something isn’t going right in the operating dept Example from CSB – implementation of new system. Example from CSB – implementation of new system.

4 New SR system brings opportunity Change from DOS to Cityworks database Change from DOS to Cityworks database Previously one template for ALL request types Previously one template for ALL request types Now each request can be scripted to fit business process Now each request can be scripted to fit business process Dept’s say “What business process?” Dept’s say “What business process?”

5 Pilot with Traffic Dispatchers I-64 being closed for construction added the urgency and Director support. I-64 being closed for construction added the urgency and Director support. They take same traffic calls we do, but historically not synced with us They take same traffic calls we do, but historically not synced with us Goal 1 – get rid of the duplicates between us Goal 1 – get rid of the duplicates between us Goal 2 – get requests closed out quickly Goal 2 – get requests closed out quickly

6 Change is HARD Dispatchers will have to move from paper system to computerized system Dispatchers will have to move from paper system to computerized system –And at least one of them can’t type! Trained at same time as call center staff Trained at same time as call center staff –Created camaraderie During training, really listen to their gripes During training, really listen to their gripes –Then show them how new system can fix it (ie double-dispatching) Show them what they didn’t even know they were missing (ie – powerful search options) Show them what they didn’t even know they were missing (ie – powerful search options)

7 Why process improvement is needed? How it can be used in call centers. How it can be used in call centers. –Improve communications –Saves resources (time, money, etc) –Improve service delivery

8 Kaizen process for illegal dumping Problem description: Problem description: –Current practices were not clearly defined for handling/correcting illegal dumping in the City of Indianapolis and Marion County.

9 Project Goal: Develop a more efficient method through collaboration with several departments. Develop a more efficient method through collaboration with several departments. –Mayor’s Action Center –Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison’s –Department of Public Works –Department of Code Enforcement –Marion County Health Department –Office of Corporation Counsel –Information Services Agency –Office of the City Prosecutor

10 Project Details: –Budget concerns –Cause/Effect Analysis –Illegal Dumping Process –Current SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Output, and Customers)

11 Resulting action items –Use of technology –Sharing of case information –Citizen outreach –Impact on the line of business

12 Informal approach to process improvement. Site visit for 311 to Parks & Recreation Operations division. Site visit for 311 to Parks & Recreation Operations division. –Met Rick for the first time –Talked about his operations –Discussed how 311 fit into his daily routine –Met with the Information Manager about what I discovered

13 Meeting of the Minds Set up meeting between 311 supervisors, Rick Stanley, and the Parks Operations staff tech Set up meeting between 311 supervisors, Rick Stanley, and the Parks Operations staff tech Open discussion of everyone’s area of responsibility Open discussion of everyone’s area of responsibility Unified goal was to reduce the number of unnecessary requests being sent to the Tree Team Unified goal was to reduce the number of unnecessary requests being sent to the Tree Team

14 Implementation Separated those services that did not affect the Tree Team Separated those services that did not affect the Tree Team Revised scripting for tree requests Revised scripting for tree requests –No anonymous requests –Blocking the street –Branches in power lines –Verification of ownership –Low hanging and/or broken branches

15 Speaking the same language Helped call center staff better understand scope of tree team responsibilities Helped call center staff better understand scope of tree team responsibilities Recognizing fear based requests Recognizing fear based requests –Clearer understanding of customer’s desire –Providing options to the customers –Giving personal contact

16 Getting it right the first time Efficiency Efficiency –Improved communications –Improved service delivery –Savings on resources (time, money, and manpower) –Short term and long term planning

17 Legal Responsibilities Property owner responsibility and rights Property owner responsibility and rights –City property –Private property Safety issues and obstructions Safety issues and obstructions

18 Wrap Up Recap of the different ways improvements can be done Recap of the different ways improvements can be done Variation of organization – size is not a factor Variation of organization – size is not a factor


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