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Data Cube Training Welcome to NASA’s Data Cube Training; a simple, painless way to understand Data Cubes. There are two ways to use this presentation:

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Presentation on theme: "Data Cube Training Welcome to NASA’s Data Cube Training; a simple, painless way to understand Data Cubes. There are two ways to use this presentation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Cube Training Welcome to NASA’s Data Cube Training; a simple, painless way to understand Data Cubes. There are two ways to use this presentation: Viewing the presentation to get an overview of workforce data cubes Printing out the presentation and using it as a guide while using workforce data cubes

2 What are Data Cubes Data Cubes are multidimensional data resources
Data Cubes are an easy way to look at workforce information Data Cubes allow you to look at complex data in a simple format Data Cubes allow you to analyze specific workforce data

3 NASA Workforce URLs
Tools and Information about NASA’s workforce Workforce Data Cubes Workforce Analysis and Reports Workforce Planning Tools NASA Workforce Cubes Basic Cubes for Public Viewing Current Status Historical Hires/Losses/Promotions Detailed NASA Workforce Cubes Status Cubes Transactional Cubes Analysis and Workforce Projection Cubes

4 Parts of the Data Cube Filters: Ability to look at only one portion of a dimension. Example – GSFC instead of All Centers. Dimensions: The category that is being counted. Example – GSFC Employees, Employee Type etc. Measures: Method of counting. How the dimension is being counted.

5 Parts of the Data Cube Row pull-down box Column pull-down box Measures

6 How to use a Data Cube Data Cubes look like a simple spreadsheet
Just choose what data you want in your columns and your rows and the totals self-populate In this example, NASA Centers are in the columns and some dates are in the rows

7 How to choose your Columns
To choose a column, simply click on the pull-down menu and choose your data The column pull-down menu is located just to the right of the column header labels

8 How to choose your Rows To choose a row, simply click on the pull-down menu and choose your data The row pull-down menu is located just below the row header labels

9 Filters After choosing the columns and rows, you may choose what segment of the population you want to view Use drop-down boxes to determine what data you want to focus on

10 Measures You may also choose how the data is counted or measured
The most common measure is headcount Other measures include: Average Age Average Years of Federal Service Average Annual Salary Aggregate Salary

11 Measures Use the drop-down box to choose a measure

12 View Data As . . . You may also choose to view the data as a number or as a percentage Just use the View Data As drop down box

13 Other methods of analysis
The bottom of each page has a number of buttons that are used for analysis Simply experimenting with these buttons is the best way to learn about them Feel free to experiment, you cannot break the internet by clicking on one of these buttons. To learn more about these buttons, go to:

14 This has been a basic introduction to NASA’s Workforce Data Cubes
If you have additional questions, please contact: Stephen Chesley - Craig Conlin – To get more information about NASA’s Workforce, please visit our web site:

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