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Mission 5 By Poseidon's Goldfish (Ellie, Shin Be, Mike and Dyson)

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Presentation on theme: "Mission 5 By Poseidon's Goldfish (Ellie, Shin Be, Mike and Dyson)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission 5 By Poseidon's Goldfish (Ellie, Shin Be, Mike and Dyson)

2 Examples of Non-Point Pollution 1.Dumping Chemicals into storm drains 2.Auto Mobiles can leak chemicals into bodies of water 3.Chemicals like fertilizer can be picked up through run offs and carried into bodies of water 4.Precipitation can wash heavy metals and tar from roads into rivers, lakes and oceans.

3 Examples of Point-Pollution 1.When Rainwater goes through a Run-Off which washes chemicals into Rivers, Lakes and Oceans 2.When animal waste goes into rivers, lakes and oceans 3.When industry's release chemicals into the Air and Water 4.When Fertilizer is picked up through a Run-Off


5 A Parking Lot When it rains, the parking lot runoff flows directly into a storm drain, carrying stuff that can Pollute with it such as: oil, gas and garbage.

6 Construction Sites When it rains the dirt and compost gets swept directly by storm water into the storm drains. You could contain all of the dirt and compost so it doesn't rain into storm drains.

7 Shorelines When it rains, storm water runoff carries fertilizers and pesticides directly into lakes. Shorelines with less plants and trees are also most likely to disappear, adding chemicals to the lake and burying water life.

8 Animal Feedlots Animals wastes from feedlots carries bacteria, excess nutrients, sediment, and other contaminants into nearby streams and waterways.

9 Ways to Stop Pollution Put vegetation near the end of a shoreline like grass, trees, plants, and flowers. It slows down the runoff so the fertilizer can set in the grass. Don't let the animals nears the streams, lakes and rivers so they don't pollute the water. Put a lot of vegetation around the water so it filters out the pollutants and cleans out the water. Contain all of the dirt and compost so it doesn't run into storm drains. Pick up your Trash

10 Local agencies that protect our water quality Friends of the Rouge watershed/ watershed/ Michigan Department of Environmental Quality,4561,7- 135-3306_28610---,00.html,4561,7- 135-3306_28610---,00.html

11 The End!

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