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Observational signatures for shocks in the solar photosphere – possible HINODE/SOT observations Jan Rybak and A. Kucera, A. Hanslmeier, H. Woehl Astronomical.

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Presentation on theme: "Observational signatures for shocks in the solar photosphere – possible HINODE/SOT observations Jan Rybak and A. Kucera, A. Hanslmeier, H. Woehl Astronomical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observational signatures for shocks in the solar photosphere – possible HINODE/SOT observations Jan Rybak and A. Kucera, A. Hanslmeier, H. Woehl Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia and IGAM/Institute for physics, KF University, Graz (Austria) KIS, Freiburg (Germany) Hinode workshop, Orsay, France, 13-15/11/2007

2 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS (1) Numerical simulations (SIMs) of the solar convection: supersonic flow near edges of granules (~10 km/s) and shocks on the G/IG interface (Cattaneo et al., 1989, 1990, Steffen & Freytag, 1991, Solanki et al., 1996, Stein & Nordlund, 1998, Steiner et al., 1998, Gadun, 2000) – at some locations only Nesis et al., ApJ, 1993, 399, L99 Stein & Nordlund, 1998, ApJ 499, 914

3 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS (2) numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere dynamics (PH+CH):  hot + cold components at the same time  spatial fragmentation, dynamical nature of processes Wedemeyer et al., 2004, A&A 414, 1121

4 OPEN QUESTIONS Question stated:  Is amount of the dynamic events well estimated? It is much more significant we are used to think... Is this question worth to study? Numerical simulations are affected by:  Limited spatial resolution  Physical simplifications  Numerical simplifications  Possible cumulative effects  Effects of the magnetic field Wedemeyer et al., 2004, A&A 414, 1121

5 OBSERVATIONS (1) Comparison of the results of numerical simulations of the photospheric dynamics (SIMs) to observational evidence for dynamical events in the upper photosphere (OBSs) Signature – line broadening near the limb:  Case studies of the individual events  Statistical analysis What has been already done/published?  “SIMs ~ OBSs comparison” papers : 1/ Solanki et al., 1996 : 1D spectra near limb, combination of the spectral line parameters FWHM, V_doppler, I_cont, I_res in agreement with the 2D HD simulations - Solanki, Ruedi, Bianda, Steffen, 1996, A&A 308, 623 2/ Rybak et al., 2004 : 1D spectra near limb, combination of the spectral line parameters FWHM, V_doppler, I_cont, I_res in agreement with the 2D/3D HD simulations, temporal evolution of the event, relation to the magnetic flux concentration + statistical estimates - Rybak, Wohl, Kucera, Hanslmeier, Steiner, 2004, A&A 420, 1121

6 OBSERVATIONS (2) An identified shock signature: behaviour of the spectral characteristics – VTT/Tenerife: Fe II 645.6 nm Rybak, Wohl, Kucera, Hanslmeier, Steiner, 2004, A&A 420, 1121

7 OBSERVATIONS (3) Shock signature: statistics of the FWHM - VTT/Tenerife: Fe II 645.6 nm line Rybak, Wohl, Kucera, Hanslmeier, Steiner, 2004, A&A 420, 1121

8 OBSs ~ SIMs SIMSs : Wedemeyer-Bohm (ITA, Oslo), O. Steiner (KIS, Freiburg)  CO 5 BOLD & LINFOR3D codes: 3D snapshot cubes inclination, synthetic spectra integration for the Fe II 645.6 nm line, degradation of SIMs (30km) to resolution of OBSs (~300km) Rybák, J., Kucera, A., Wohl, H., Wedemeyer-Bohm, S., Steiner, O., 2006, ASP Conf. Proc. Series, 354, 80-85 Rybak, Wohl, Kucera, Hanslmeier, Steiner, 2004, A&A 420, 1121

9 AIM OBSs:  2D time series of the spectral line profiles at different CLV positions using the best spatial resolution with the adaptive optics  Search for observational evidences of the dynamic events in the photosphere (CVL) Possibilities:  VTT/Tenerife : VTT + TESOS (KIS, Freiburg), VTT + Goettingen FPI (SWG, Goettingen)  DST/SacPeak: DST + IBIS (INAF, Arcetri)  THEMIS/Tenerife: THEMIS + IPM (INAF, Roma)  HINODE: SOT

10 OBSERVATIONS (4) OBSs: VTT, Observatorio del Teide, (Tenerife): Echelle spectrograph + TESOS, 16-28/10/2006  DATA taken mostly only with Tip/Tilt ON, AO mostly for the disk centre  1 CLV TESOS SET: TESOS : 543.4 nm: 0,45,60 degrees positions 24 scans per run each scan: 101steps per 1.2mA, 25s, +/- 0.609A, delta = 0.0012A, t_exp = 50ms 0 degrees: with AO (2 interruptions) 45 degrees: with TT (4 interruptions) 60 degrees: without TT/AO (TT problems) DAY : 26/10/2006

11 OBSERVATIONS (5) Example of a shock signature: 60 degrees – scan 16, position [22,20] arc sec  WL: typical, the best images  NB: I_cont, I_res, V_dopp, FWHM@0.5, v_bis@0.5, EQVW

12 OBSERVATIONS (6) Example of a shock signature: 60 degrees – scan 16, position [22,20] arc sec

13 OBSERVATIONS (7) Statistics of the SPCHs: 0 (two), 45, and 60 degrees, better scans only, > 1 million samples

14 FUTURE OUTLOOK OBSs ~ SIMs: aim to publish not only observational evidences... SIMs: data available – S. Wedemeyer-Bohm (ITA, Oslo), O. Steiner (KIS, Freiburg)  3D snapshot cubes, inclination, synthetic spectra integration for the Fe I 543.4 nm line  CO5BOLD + LINFOR3D codes Degradation of SIMs (30km) to resolution of OBSs (~300km): method invented and already presented here for comparison of the echelle high-resolution spectra with results of such simulations -> new one based on suggestions published by Keller (2006) Targets:  statistical distributions -> is the photosphere so dynamic ?  Close-look into 3D cubes of the physical parameters where/when degraded synthetic spectra are similar to the observed ones -> is the shock really what have in mind?  Other ones: e.g. acoustic flux generation in the photosphere (disk centre) Future: to add chromospheric signatures

15 HINODE/SOT ? OBSs: large volume of spectral profiles with different CL positions (~20 x 100 arcsecs, ~1hour) SOT/NFI : filtergrams - ~90 mA spectral resolution : Fe I 557.6 nm  Scanning the profile available but a 30s cadence seems to be too low… SOT/SP : spectral profiles of the Fe I 630.1 and Fe I 630.2 nm lines  Can the magnetic and the Doppler signal be devided using inversions of these profiles ? SOT/BFI : context images – Ca II H, G-band channels Avoiding the seeing problems of the ground-based observations would be so helpful...

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