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SPECIAL EDUCATION N.J.A.C. 6A:14. THREE MAIN AREAS OF CHANGE Reviewed the amendments originally proposed to the State Board in 2013 Limit proposed changes.

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2 THREE MAIN AREAS OF CHANGE Reviewed the amendments originally proposed to the State Board in 2013 Limit proposed changes to those that:  Align the code with Federal and State requirements,  Align the code with a Council on Local Mandates decision, and  Correct typographical errors and remove outdated references.

3 OTHER AMENDMENTS PROPOSED IN 2013 Task Force on Improving Special Education for Public School Students was established by the state legislature and convened on July1, 2014.  Charged with examining issues associated with improving the funding, delivery and effectiveness of special education programs and services for public school students.  Will consider issues related to the other amendments proposed in 2013.  Meets for six months and then issues report to the Governor and Legislature including findings and recommendations.

4 ALIGN STATE REGULATIONS WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS Adding a requirement that a one-time consent be obtained before accessing a child’s or parent’s public benefits or insurance for the first time[2.3(a)6].  34 CFR §300.154(d) Adding two additional instances when a copy of the procedural safeguards statement must be provided to parents by the school district when a: Request for a complaint investigation is submitted to the Department[2.3(g7iv)]; and Student is removed for disciplinary reasons and the removal constitutes a change in placement [2.3(g)7v].  34 §CFR 300.504

5 ALIGN STATE REGULATIONS WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS Amending to incorporate that a parent may obtain only one independent evaluation after a district initial evaluation or reevaluation [2.5(c)].  34 CFR §300.502(a)(b)(5) - limits parents’ right to an independent evaluation to one evaluation following a district evaluation. Repealing language that allowed a school district to conduct assessments in an area not already assessed by the school district, prior to an independent evaluation [2.5(c)1 and 1i-iv].  March 28, 2012 Federal directive - requires a district to either grant an independent evaluation request or file a due process petition seeking to deny the request.

6 ALIGN STATE REGULATIONS WITH FEDERAL REGULATIONS Replacing the terms “cognitively impaired” with “intellectual disability” and deleting reference to “mentally retarded,” “trainable,” “educable,” and “eligible for day services” [3.5(c)3 and10i].  Federal Pub. L. 111-256 - removed all references in the IDEA to “mental retardation” and replaced it with “intellectual disability.” Amending to clarify that a preschool child with a disability corresponds to a child between the ages of three and five who is experiencing a developmental delay or is a child with an identified disabling condition [3.5(c)10ii].  34 CFR §300.8(b) and 300.11(b)

7 IMPLEMENT NEW STATE REQUIREMENTS Proposing new requirements to address stability in special education services including: (1) school districts develop a plan to establish stability in special education programming [1.2(b)19]; and (2) IEP teams consider the consistency of the location of services for students who are prone to regression due to frequent changes in location [3.7(c)4].  State P.L. 2013, c.19

8 IMPLEMENT NEW STATE REQUIREMENTS Proposing to adopt the International Dyslexia Association’s definition for dyslexia [1.3].  State P.L. 2013, c.131 - requires the Department to incorporate this definition for dyslexia into code Amending the class age range for special class programs at the elementary level from three years to four years [4.7(a)2].  July 26, 2007 Council on Local Mandates – decided that the State regulation was an unfunded mandate in violation of Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution.

9 GENERAL CHANGES Three typographical errors are proposed for amendment. Two outdated references are proposed for removal.

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