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1 Macroeconomic Correlates of Organizational Growth Rupert Rhodd, PhD William Lawrence, DBA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Macroeconomic Correlates of Organizational Growth Rupert Rhodd, PhD William Lawrence, DBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Macroeconomic Correlates of Organizational Growth Rupert Rhodd, PhD William Lawrence, DBA

2 Outline of Presentation 1.Introduction 2.Economic Growth 3.Organizational Growth 4.A Look at the Data a.Macroeconomic Variables b.Implications from Correlation Analysis 5.Where do we go from Here? 2

3 A Crucial Question 3 Do certain macroeconomic variables promote or impede organizational growth in Jamaica?

4 Real GDP Growth 4

5 5 JAMAICA GDP BY SECTOR 19762011 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery7.9% 5.8% Mining and Quarrying8.7% 1.9% Manufacturing and Processing17.5%8.1% Electricity and Water1.2%3.5% Construction and Installation7.1%7.8% Distributive (Wholesale and Retailing)15.7%18.9% Hotels and Restaurants 6.1% Transport, Storage, and Communication7.0%11.8% Financing and Insurance services4.4%11.7% Real Estate and Business services8.9%10.1% Government services14.9%12.3% Other services6.5%7.2% Household and Private/Non-Profit Institutions1.9% Less imputed charges1.7%5.2% Total Contribution100%

6 Average Inflation rate 6

7 Exchange Rate Variable 7

8 Interest Rates: 6 Month T-Bills & Lending Rate 8

9 9  Main Market:  Firms listed= 84  Firms reporting losses= 49  Firms recovered= 25  Corporate growth strategies:  Product diversification= 47  Mergers/Acquisitions= 23  International Expansion= 12  Vertical Integration= 8 JAMAICA STOCK EXCHANGE (1969-2011)

10 Case Studies Scotia Group (BNS) Desnoes & Geddes (DG) Gleaner (GLNR) Year started188919181834 Majority OwnersCanadaUnited KingdomJamaica Business areaFinancial servicesBeveragesMass media Growth StrategyDiversificationExport expansionM & A 10


12 CHANGING BUSINESS PORTFOLIOS 12  1985 o BNS – banking o DG – brewed products, soft drinks, wines, spirits, printing o GLNR – newspapers, forms, books  1990 o BNS – banking o DG – brewed products, soft drinks, wines, spirits, printing, exporters of agri products o GLNR – newspapers, forms, books, Gleaner UK  1995 o BNS – banking, building society o DG – brewed products, soft drinks, wines, spirits, printing, exporters of agri products o GLNR - newspapers, forms, books, Gleaner UK, Gleaner N.A.  2000 o BNS - banking, building society, insurance o DG – brewed products o GLNR - newspapers, forms, books, Gleaner UK, Gleaner N.A.  2005 o BNS - banking, building society, insurance o DG – brewed products, Mktg UK o GLNR - newspapers, books, radio, Gleaner UK, Gleaner N.A.  2010 o BNS - banking, building society, insurance, wealth o DG – brewed products, Mktg UK o GLNR - newspapers, radio, Gleaner UK, Gleaner N.A.

13 Company Revenue Growth 13

14 Company Return on Equity 14

15 Descriptive Statistics VariableMeanStd. Dev.SkewnessKurtosis BNS Rev Growth0.050.180.581.43 DG Rev Growth0. GLNR Rev Growth0.000.12-1.505.17 BNS ROE30.1112.760.580.19 DG ROE15.3213.391.111.55 GLNR ROE9.209.49-1.212.13 Interest rate17.379.631.502.77 Exchange rate30.6729.20.60-0.98 15 N = 37 (Data from PIOJ and Company Annual Reports)

16 Interest Rates and Exchange Rate as Correlates of Real Growth of Firm Revenues BNSDGGLNR Real Interest Rate.229-.067.115 LT Lending.198-.152.105 Risk Premium.163.181-.169 Exchange Rate-.240-.350* -.375* Real Exchange Rate-.094-.243-.144 * p <.05, ** p <.01 N = 37, Spearman two tailed tests Revenue Growth Adjusted for inflation

17 BNSDGGLNR Real Interest Rate.467**-.028.420** LT Lending.838**.028.674** Risk Premium.199-.264-.087 Exchange Rate.243.643*.472** Real Exchange Rate-.150-.158.381* Return On Equity (ROE) Interest Rates and Exchange Rate as Correlates of Return on Equity (ROE) * p <.05, ** p <.01 N = 37, Spearman two tailed tests

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