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Santa Fe High School Parent Meeting January 19, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Santa Fe High School Parent Meeting January 19, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Santa Fe High School Parent Meeting January 19, 2012

2  Introductions ◦ Principal ◦ Assistant Principals ◦ Expanded Horizons Director ◦ Mrs. Barbara Abell and Mrs. Aileen Acosta-Mata, English Dept Chair Teachers ◦ Mr. David Diaz, Math Dept Chair Teacher

3  220 Credits  Senior Project  Algebra 1  California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)

4 ◦ Score of 350-450 to pass ◦ Score of 380 – PROFICIENT ◦ Score of approx. 415 – ADVANCED  Importance of scoring Proficient on CAHSEE: Helps meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and Academic Performance Index (API) for Santa Fe High School


6  March 13 & 14, 2012  Day 1 – English: 2 parts (4.5 hours)  Day 2 – Math: 2 parts (4 hours)

7 March 13, 2012

8  72 multiple choice questions  Word Analysis (7)  Reading Comprehension (18)  Literary Response (20)  Writing Strategies (12)  Writing Conventions (15)  1 Essay  Passing score = 350 (65%)  Proficiency = 380

9  What does the word consumers mean in the following sentence? Minnows often serve as primary consumers in a streambed, sometimes as bottom feeders to suck up ooze or eat algae. A. those who shop B. those who eat C. those who occupy D. those who serve

10 In the territory of Wyoming on September 6, 1870, for the first time anywhere in the United States, women went to the polls to cast their ballots. By 1870, the women’s suffrage movement had battled unsuccessfully for 30 years on the East Coast. The big surprise to everyone was that the first victory for women’s right to vote occurred in Wyoming, where there had been no public speeches, rallies, or conventions for the women’s suffrage movement. Instead, there had been just one remarkable woman: Esther Morris.

11  Her one-woman campaign is a classic example of effective politics. She managed to persuade both rival candidates in a territorial election to promise that, if elected, they would introduce a bill for women’s suffrage. She knew that, as long as the winner kept his word, women’s suffrage would score a victory in Wyoming. The winning candidate kept his promise to Esther Morris, which led to this historic Wyoming voting event in 1870.

12  According to the article, why is it surprising that Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote?  A.Few people knew about formal elections.  B.There was a small population of women in the state.  C.The community showed no obvious interest in the issue.  D.The efforts on the East Coast were moving ahead quickly.



15  We can adapt to a range of climates and even underground living is something we can do if we have to.  Which change to the underlined clause would make it more consistent with the first part of the sentence?  A.even underground living can be done by us if we have to.  B.even we can live underground if we have to.  C.we can even live underground if we have to.  D.Leave as is


17  Biographical Narrative  Expository  Persuasive  Response to Literature  Business Letter

18  Throughout your years in school, you have studied about many different people. Think about one of these people you have studied during your time at school. What makes this person special enough to study?  Write an essay in which you discuss a person you have studied in school. Explain what it is about this person that is special. Use details and examples to support your ideas.

19 March 14, 2012

20 80 multiple choice questions  Number Sense (14)  Statistics & Probability (12)  Algebra & functions (17)  Measurement & Geometry (17)  Math Reasoning (8)  Algebra 1 (12) Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Passing Score 350 (55%) Proficient Score 380 (72%)

21 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Fractions 5 6 7 8 + (4) (3) 20 24 21 24 + = 41 24

22 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Fractions Percentages

23 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Fractions Percentages Exponents

24 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Fractions Percentages Exponents Scientific Notation

25 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Mean Median Mode 21, 21, 23, 25, 31, 39 23 + 25 48 ÷ 2 = 24

26 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Mean Median Mode Understand Graphs

27 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Mean Median Mode Understand Graphs Probability

28 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Solve Equations & Inequalities +3 2x = 10 2 2 x = 5

29 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Solve Equations & Inequalities Exponents

30 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Solve Equations & Inequalities Exponents Graph Linear Functions

31 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Convert Units 65 miles 1 hour 1.6 km 1 mile = 104km 1 hour

32 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Convert Units Scale Drawings

33 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Convert Units Scale Drawings Pythagorean Theorem

34 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Convert Units Scale Drawings Pythagorean Theorem Perimeter Area & Volume

35 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Formulate Mathematical Conjectures 5 5 – 1 = 4 + 1 = 6 9 + 1 = 10 3 + 1 = 4

36 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Formulate Mathematical Conjectures Patterns

37 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Formulate Mathematical Conjectures Patterns Identify Relevant Information

38 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Identify Equivalent Equations 4x+ 20– 3x– 6= 14

39 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Identify Equivalent Equations Solve linear equations & inequalities

40 Number Sense 14 Statistics & Probability 12 Algebra & Functions 17 Measurement & Geometry 17 Math Reasoning 8 Algebra I 12 Identify Equivalent Equations Solve linear equations & inequalities Graph linear equations


42  In 2011:  English Language Arts = 88%  Mathematics = 90%  Current Sophomores = 723



45  Standards-based instructional program beginning in 9 th grade.  CAHSEE prep built into the 10 th grade math & English classes (warm-ups)

46  Administered in English & Math  Students who score less than 65% in Math should definitely plan to attend CAHSEE prep Saturday classes!!!  Beginning February 18 ◦ Math Interventions: Saturdays (8:00 – 12:00 noon)

47  Parallel English & Math Courses (11 th & 12 th graders yet to pass)  Intensive Interventions (Seniors)

48 >. 

49 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE!!! March 13 th English CAHSEE March 14 th Math CAHSEE

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