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Scientists Are all scientists old white men?. Who is the scientist here?

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Presentation on theme: "Scientists Are all scientists old white men?. Who is the scientist here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientists Are all scientists old white men?

2 Who is the scientist here?

3 This is a scientist This is Ruth Ella Moore. She was the first black woman to receive a Doctorate Degree in bacteriology She made discoveries about the deadly disease Tuberculosis

4 This is a scientist too! This is George Washington Carver George Washington Carver made many discoveries in the agricultural field of science

5 Even she is a scientist This is Marie Curie She is best known for discovering the element Radium

6 And yes, even he is a scientist! This is Dr. An Wang He is best known for inventing a magnetic core memory used in computers

7 Scientists can be Any race Any sex Any age Be educated formally in colleges or self educated

8 All Scientists Question their surroundings Make observations about what they find interesting Keep detailed notes of their observations and discoveries Share their information with other scientists

9 Scientists understand that: Scientific knowledge changes as scientists reevaluate existing theories Technology (such as electron microscopes) allows scientists to make new discoveries. These new discoveries lead to new technology!

10 Technology allows scientists to go where no man has gone before!

11 To be a scientist you must: Question how and why things work Be curious about the world around you Be organized and keep good records Share your discoveries Accept that science changes with new technology

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