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PROGRESS – Computing Portal and Data Management in the Cluster of SUNs Michał Kosiedowski Sun HPC Consortium Heidelberg 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS – Computing Portal and Data Management in the Cluster of SUNs Michał Kosiedowski Sun HPC Consortium Heidelberg 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRESS – Computing Portal and Data Management in the Cluster of SUNs Michał Kosiedowski Sun HPC Consortium Heidelberg 2003

2 Sun HPC Consortium 20032 R & D Center PSNC was established in 1993 and is an R&D Center in: –New Generation Networks POZMAN and PIONIER networks 6-NET, SEQUIN, ATRIUM projects –HPC and Grids GRIDLAB, CROSSGRID, PROGRESS projects –Portals and Content Delivery Tools Polish Educational Portal "Interkl@sa", Multimedia City Guide, dLibra framework

3 Sun HPC Consortium 20033 Center of Excellence PSNC became the Sun CoE in New Generation Networks, Grids and Portals in November 2002

4 Sun HPC Consortium 20034 PROGRESS Duration: December 2001 – May 2003 (R&D) Budget: ~4,0 MEuro Project Partners –SUN Microsystems Poland –PSNC IBCh Poznań –Cyfronet AMM, Kraków –Technical University Łódź Co-funded by The State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) and SUN Microsystems Poland

5 Sun HPC Consortium 20035 PROGRESS (2) Cluster of 80 processors Networked Storage of 1,3 TB Software: ORACLE, HPC Cluster Tools, Sun ONE, Sun Grid Engine

6 Sun HPC Consortium 20036 PROGRESS – architecture

7 Sun HPC Consortium 20037 PROGRESS – the talk HPC Window – the access environment to grid resources: user interfaces (Computing Portal and Migrating Desktop) + Grid Service Provider Data Management System – a distributed system designed for storing scientific data used in experiments performed in the computing cluster (grid)

8 Sun HPC Consortium 20038 HPC Window - motivation grid access environments lacked flexibility: one grid -> one portal user must have relied on the grid as far as the history is concerned user interfaces were not that much functional

9 Sun HPC Consortium 20039 Grid-Portal Environment PORTAL HPC RESOURCES GRID MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GRID SERVICE PROVIDER 4-tier new grid-portal environment PORTAL HPC RESOURCES GRID MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3-tier classical grid-portal environment

10 Sun HPC Consortium 200310 PROGRESS GPE Content Provider Webservice Session Bean Entity Beans

11 Sun HPC Consortium 200311 PROGRESS HPC Portal interaction with users presentation of data obtain from services

12 Sun HPC Consortium 200312 PROGRESS HPC Portal (2)

13 Sun HPC Consortium 200313 PROGRESS HPC Portal (3)

14 Sun HPC Consortium 200314 PROGRESS HPC Portal (4)

15 Sun HPC Consortium 200315 PROGRESS HPC Portal (5)

16 Sun HPC Consortium 200316 PROGRESS HPC Portal (6)

17 Sun HPC Consortium 200317 PROGRESS HPC Portal (7)

18 Sun HPC Consortium 200318 PROGRESS HPC Portal (8)

19 Sun HPC Consortium 200319 Grid Service Provider the use of the grid resources more comfortable to the end users allows for easy building of numerous portals and other user interfaces; users can switch from one to another and use the same GSP services various thematic scientific web portals sharing the same grid resources possibility of providing all clients (user interfaces) with computing resources belonging to two or more different grids

20 Sun HPC Consortium 200320 Grid Service Provider (2) Necessary services to provide: –job submission service managing the creation of user jobs, their submission to the grid and the monitoring of their execution (typically through reverse reporting performed by the Grid Management System about events connected with the execution of jobs) –application management service storing information about applications available for running in the grid assisting application developers in adding new applications to the application repository –provider management service keeping up-to-date information on the services available within the provider

21 Sun HPC Consortium 200321 GSP: Job submission service computing job building, submitting them to the grid for execution and viewing the results job description is prepared using the XRSL language and transferred to the grid resource broker for the execution of the job grid resource broker reverse reports on grid events connected with the job "workflowed" jobs: sequences and parallels

22 Sun HPC Consortium 200322 GSP: Application mgmt. srv. application repository management application descriptor contains a reference to the application executable: a reference to a file stored in the DMS or a path to a binary on grid computing server filesystems also included in the application descriptor: available (required or optional) arguments, required environment variables and required input and output files applications in PROGRESS may be unconfigured or configured: one executable -> multiple configured applications virtual applications

23 Sun HPC Consortium 200323 GSP: Provider mgmt. service enables keeping up-to-date information on services available in the grid service provider a service descriptor contains information on the Web Service interface: URL at which the service is available, the service namespace reference (URN) and the service WSDL reference services may have multiple instances: informational services

24 Sun HPC Consortium 200324 GSP: Informational services examples of instance enabled services intended for use by web portals PROGRESS example: short news service other: document directory, discussion forum (under development)

25 Sun HPC Consortium 200325 GSP: XRSL Language Extended Resource Specification Language (XRSL) is an XML based language designed for description of computing jobs the XML documents describing grid computing jobs are passed to the grid resource broker, which analyzes them and executes jobs in accordance with requirements included

26 Sun HPC Consortium 200326 Data Mgmt. Syst. - motivation data management systems were not oriented towards grid access environment data management systems concentrated on distributing data between grid computers

27 Sun HPC Consortium 200327 Data Management System Data Broker Data Storage Mirror & Proxy Data Storage Metadata Repository SRS WS GASS FTP Grid FTP (...) Clients Portal Grid broker Migrating desktop

28 Sun HPC Consortium 200328 Data Management System (2) provides seamless access to data and information for grid computing uses metadata for describing stored data stores data on various media such as files, tapes and databases serves as the source of input data and the destination for the results of computing experiments

29 Sun HPC Consortium 200329 DMS: Data broker Data Broker Data Storage Mirror & Proxy Data Storage Metadata Repository SRS WS GASS FTP Grid FTP (...) Clients Portal Grid broker Migrating desktop

30 Sun HPC Consortium 200330 DMS: Data broker (2) serves as an interface (Web Services based) for external clients, such as the HPC Portal and the grid resource broker delivers DMS functions for directory, file and metadata management

31 Sun HPC Consortium 200331 DMS: Data broker (3) directory mgmt.: add, remove and rename directories, retrieve root and current path, change path, list contents file mgmt.: add, remove and rename files, add, remove and retrieve physical location, add and remove archives, add and remove symbolic links metadata mgmt.: metadata scheme mgmt., retrieve list of schemes and attributes, assign schemes to files and edit values and attributes, search metadata repository

32 Sun HPC Consortium 200332 DMS: Metadata repository Data Broker Data Storage Mirror & Proxy Data Storage Metadata Repository SRS WS GASS FTP Grid FTP (...) Clients Portal Grid broker Migrating desktop

33 Sun HPC Consortium 200333 DMS: Metadata repository (2) responsible for storing and managing metadata format of the metadata scheme associated with a file can be defined by the user or chosen from the predefined formats like the Dublin Core

34 Sun HPC Consortium 200334 DMS: Data storage modules Data Broker Data Storage Mirror & Proxy Data Storage Metadata Repository SRS WS GASS FTP Grid FTP (...) Clients Portal Grid broker Migrating desktop

35 Sun HPC Consortium 200335 DMS: Data storage mod. (2) enable access to physical data data are arranged in data containers and can be stored on all media types and accessed by a uniform interface data can be organized as files on generic filesystems, BLOBs in databases or files on data tapes GASS, GridFTP and FTP as the data transport protocols

36 Sun HPC Consortium 200336 DMS: Mirror & proxy module Data Broker Data Storage Mirror & Proxy Data Storage Metadata Repository SRS WS GASS FTP Grid FTP (...) Clients Portal Grid broker Migrating desktop

37 Sun HPC Consortium 200337 DMS: Mirror & proxy mod. (2) enables access to external scientific databanks mirrors earlier defined sets of data (like the SRS databank in PROGRESS) serves as a proxy to internet based data resources (with caching functions)

38 Sun HPC Consortium 200338 Web Services Communication HPC Portal Grid Service Provider Data Management System Grid Resource Broker saveJob() getApplications() saveTaskOfJob() saveStdOfTask() submitJob() getUserJobs() getJobStatus() listUserDirectory() addUserFile() getUserFileLocation() submitJob() changeJobStatus()

39 Sun HPC Consortium 200339 Authentication & authorization utilize the services available within the Sun One Portal Server 6.0 package: authentication techniques, user database, portlet access control, identity server design an authorization system for the grid service provider and the data management system: based on the RAD model apply a Single Sign-On mechanism

40 Sun HPC Consortium 200340 Authorization scheme Portal GRID SERVICE PROVIDER Identity server RAD based authorization system Logon Authentication Request Method invocation Token validation Resource access authorization

41 Sun HPC Consortium 200341 Visualization of job results

42 Sun HPC Consortium 200342 Where to go now? Project: Research & Development finished; the test and deployment phase now We will continue the R&D on the tools, including the grid service provider and the data management system

43 Sun HPC Consortium 200343 Where to go now? (2) PROGRESS HPC Portal is a bioinformatic thematic portal: other thematic scientific portals possible to deploy, using the same grid service provider, data management system and grid resources and utilizing the same portal tools

44 Sun HPC Consortium 200344 Where to go now? (3) The grid service provider may be equipped with means of communication with multiple grids: –cooperation with GRIDLAB –perhaps some Sun Grid Engine based grids?

45 Sun HPC Consortium 200345 Where to go now? (4) encourage application developers to add their applications to the PROGRESS repository encourage visualization module developers to add their software to the PROGRESS repository encourage bioinformatic experts to take over as information services editors

46 Sun HPC Consortium 200346 PROGRESS

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