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2012 - 2013 WBMS Choir on Fire Handbook featuring the Firettes Dance Team WBMS Choir on Fire.

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1 2012 - 2013 WBMS Choir on Fire Handbook featuring the Firettes Dance Team WBMS Choir on Fire

2 Music has the ability to touch our hearts, to calm or excite us, to involve us, to heal us, and inspire. It allows us to relax or participate, to reach out and look with in. Music teaches us teamwork. It reinforces basic skills. It is both a social and an individual activity. Music has been a part of life for all recorded time. It is a part of our history and culture. Dear Chorus Parents and Students, Welcome to WBMS Choir on Fire Chorus Program! A successful chorus program is dependent on positive active participation by both the students and their parents. It is with great enthusiasm that I look forward to working with you this year. This handbook is designed to help you understand the expectations for all chorus students at WBMS. If you have any questions of any kind, feel free to call, write, or e-mail me. I will return most calls at the end of the school day, but please allow me a return call window of 24 hours. Rarely does a situation arise for which there is no workable solution. Please dont hesitate to contact me. Yours in Harmony, Gina LaVere Chorus Director Woodlawn Beach Middle School 934-4010 ext 202

3 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1) BE READY FOR CLASS WHEN THE BELL RINGS A) Be in your assigned seat with music folder, pencil, and water bottle before your bell rings. B) Fill water bottle before class. If the bottle requires filling, it must be filled at the water fountain directly outside the chorus room. 2) BE PREPARED FOR CLASS A) Bring chorus folder with pencils, paper, and water bottle every day. B) Utilize the restrooms before or after class for personal grooming. 3) RESPECT OTHERS A) Keep inappropriate comments to yourself. B) DO NOT touch classroom equipment without teacher permission (this includes the PIANOS). C) Students must remain quiet and attentive even when they are not singing. Much rehearsal time is saved when students observe other sections. 4) STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE TRY YOUR BEST AND YOU WILL ALWAYS END UP A WINNER!! Remember………. Shoot for the Stars and Land on the Moon!!!!!!

4 DISCIPLINE POLICY The behavioral journal is used for disciplinary behavior. There are four steps in the journal. 1) Warning 2) Consequence with parent signature 3) Parent contact 4) Disciplinary referral Note: A conference will be scheduled at this point and a contract will be made regarding acceptable behavior in the chorus program.

5 GRADING POLICY Grades will be based on knowledge of concepts, demonstration of skills and participation in chorus activities, including required performances and rehearsals. Because the chorus is a performing organization and a class, it is essential that every student and parent understand that attendance and participation in required performances and rehearsals is a part of the grade. Excused absences are determined using the same criteria as a school absence. Unexcused absences for rehearsals are recorded as a zero. Any absence of a required performance must be replaced by one of the curriculum based assignments at the back of the handbook. CONFLICT RESOLUTION Being aware that conflicts will occur in the scheduling of practices, rehearsals, games, performances and field trips the following guidelines will be used: 1)The Spring and Winter Concert and District Music Performance Assessment are the only required performances for the year. 2)A performance or a game takes precedent over a practice or rehearsal (except final rehearsals) 3) The student is responsible for notifying Mrs. LaVere of the conflict no less than 24 hours in advance if possible.

6 GRADING POLICY CONTINUED There are five categories in which the concepts are graded in : CLASSWORK HOMEWORK QUIZZES TESTS (performance based) PARTICIPATION - singing folder checks, pencil check, participation in daily rehearsals and activities. SINIGING QUIZZES AND CHECKS - In-class singing quizzes will be administered at least every two weeks. These quizzes are done in a small group setting (3-6 students) grading is based on their level of improvement. REGULAR QUIZZES - These are written quizzes based on music theory in which the students are given notes and instruction in class. PERFORMANCES - There are three required performances; the Spring and Winter concerts and District Performance Assessment. These are counted as tests. MUSIC THEORY - This includes work in theory binders, tests, worksheets and composition projects.

7 2012-2013 CHORUS SUPPLY LIST PAPER PENCILS FOLDER (for notes/worksheets) STAFF PAPER (optional) WATER BOTTLE 2 BLANK CDS UNIFORMS Girls- Long black dress purchased through Chorus Department $54 Boys- Black dress pants and white tux shirt rented through the Chorus Department $25 No student will be denied participation in chorus should the cost of a uniform present a financial hardship for you. If this is the case, please contact Mrs. LaVere. All information will be kept confidential. PERFORMANCE GROOMING Hair - All hair must be away from face Jewelry- No jewelry should be worn on girls or boys during a chorus performance. Small stud earrings will be allowed for those students with pierced ears. Shoes- No sneakers, slides, sandals, or strappy shoes. Only closed toed black dress shoes are acceptable. CHORUS T-SHIRTS $20 This is a required part of our uniform for Intermediate and Advanced chorus. It is optional for all other classes.

8 EXTRA MUSICAL OPPORTUNITIES These performances and events are extra opportunities for select chorus members (extra expenses are required for some of these activities). All-County (6-8 grade audition) Disney chorus trip (Advanced and Intermediate chorus members only. These students must have no ISS, OSS, bus suspension, or two referrals in one semester. Grades in chorus must be an A/B and no D, F, or course recovery in core classes ) Barbershop Workshop (auditioned boys) Running for Chorus President (select students who have been in chorus for 3 years) Running for Chorus Vice President (select students who have been in chorus for 2 years) Out-reach Concerts: These performances are for the community and any student in Intermediate or Advanced may participate. Musical: Advanced Chorus only * This does not occur every year. Madrigal: Advanced members only. Renaissance Dinner as a fundraiser for the fine arts department. Occurs every-other year.

9 FUNDRAISING The WBMS Choir on Fire has grown quickly over the past eight years and our cost to run the program has grown as well. Fundraising is essential to help keep our costs low. These fundraisers pay for rental uniforms, bus transportation, competition fees, extra music, chorus materials and much more. success Your participation and the success of our fundraisers keep the cost of chorus very low. We offer two fall fundraisers: 1. Soliciting friends, family and businesses for sponsorships and ads in our WBMS Choir on Fire Program Book (overview letter and form located at back of the handbook) 2. Selling of Classic Cookie dough (yum!) Our two spring fundraisers are: 1. Valentine Grams (sold in the school) 2. Annual WBMS Talent Show. We only ask parents to help chaperone and bring items to use for door prizes during the talent show. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

10 HELPFUL HINTS FOR VOCALISTS 1)Always warm up before singing (a vocal warm up is like stretching before exercise) 2)Drink lots of water. About 64 oz a day to be exact. 3)Eat 30 minutes before you sing at a performance. Eating and singing right after can cause many singing problems (i.e. water in a gas tank). 4)Stay healthy!!! Your body is your instrument and it cant be taken into the shop to replace. Eat right, exercise, and get plenty of rest : ) 5)No screaming, yelling, or unnatural sounds. These sounds cause damage to your vocal chords.

11 HELPFUL HINTS FOR PARENTS 1)Have a set time and space for your musician to practice. 2)Encourage your child with positive words and actions. This makes a big difference in their progress. 3)Here are a few web sites to check out with your budding musician!! (this website has lessons and theory trainers which we will be using in class) (great site for music advocacy) (this is where you can purchase music online for your budding vocalist) (this has tons of music theory games ) (this is the Florida vocal association)

12 CHORUS HANDBOOK CONTRACT Students are required to submit this sheet to Mrs. LaVere by Friday, August 24 th By checking each item and signing this form, you agree that you: ____ have read the Chorus Handbook and understand the information it contains. ____ have examined the calendar of events for conflicts. ____ understand that an unexcused absence from an after-school performance or rehearsal will earn zero points. Students Name (print please): ____________________________ Parents Name (sign please):______________________________ I give permission for my childs picture to appear in the newspaper: yes___ no____ I give permission for my childs picture to appear on the school website: yes___ no___

13 CONTACT AND FIELD TRIP EMERGENCY INFORMATION Students are required to submit this sheet to Mrs. LaVere by Friday, August 24 th. Group: Woodlawn Beach Middle School Chorus Teacher: Gina LaVere Student:_______________________________ Home Phone:_______________ Cell Phones:________________ Student Address: _______________________________________________________ Parent e-mail Address:______________________ (we have an e-mail newsletter with chorus news & reminders) Parent/Guardian:______________________________ Daytime Phone:_______________ Evening Phone: _______________ Other Parent/Guardian:_______________________________ Daytime Phone: ______________ Evening Phone: ______________ Emergency Phone number for parent/guardian if other than above: _______________________ Comments regarding special health problems or severe allergies of student: ______________________________________________________________________

14 CHORUS UNIFORM / T-SHIRT ORDER FORM ALL CHORUS STUDENTS MUST HAVE A PERFORMANCE UNIFORM Rental Days for Boys: September 5 th / 1:30-2:30pm Rental Day for Girls: September 6 th / 1:30-3:30pm (please bring this form with you to the rental day) BOYS: All boys have a $25 rental fee. Boys are only allowed to rent because they often change uniform sizes during the same school year. If you have been chosen to sing with the advanced girls then, a chorus t-shirt must be purchased for performances in the community. GIRLS: Girls have the option to rent or buy. Returning girls and new girls in the 8th grade are given the opportunity first to try on rentals for two reasons: because they either rented last year and/or also it is their first and last chance to be in chorus. The 7 th grade girls will try on rentals second, followed by the 6 th grade girls. There are only a limited number of rentals available. The fee will be $25 for rentals. This price charge offsets the chorus department costs for the dresses and dry cleaning at the end of the year. T-SHIRTS ARE OPTIONAL FOR EVERYONE EXCEPT FOR THE ADVANCED AND INTERMEDIATE GROUPS: $20 (these two groups do outreach concerts in the community and the chorus t-shirt is the uniform used for those performances) PLEASE FILL OUT THE ORDER FORM BELOW AND ATTACH CASH OR CHECK (CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO WBMS CHORUS). T-shirt and new uniform orders must be turned no later than MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 th. If more time is needed or there is a financial issue please send a note to Mrs. LaVere on the September 17 th deadline. NAME:_________________________________________________ GIRLS RENTALS: $25. PLEASE CHECK IF RENTING _______ GIRLS BUY: $54. PLEASE CHECK IF BUYING _______ BOYS RENTAL: $25. PLEASE CHECK IF RENTING_________ T-SHIRTS: $20. PLEASE CHECK IF BUYING A T-SHIRT__________T-SHIRT SIZE_________ (adult sizes only S,M,L,XL)

15 2012-2013 CHORUS CALENDAR AUGUST Tuesday, August 21st: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Friday, August 24th: Chorus Firettes Dance Team Kick-off Party/ 2:30-4:30pm Tuesday, August 28th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Thursday, August 30th: Chorus Parent Meeting/6:30pm (advanced chorus parent meeting after general meeting) SEPTEMBER Tuesday, September 4th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Wednesday, September 5th: Chorus Rental Day for Boys/ 1:30-2:30pm Thursday, September 6th: Chorus Rental Day for Girls/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, September 11th: Chorus Dance Team/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, September 18th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, September 25th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Saturday, September 29th: Hook, Line and Sinker Approach to Successful Choral Literacy (only for 6th grade girls/time TBA at UWF) Firettes Dance Team Fundraising Event – day, time, location - TBD OCTOBER Tuesday, October 2nd: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Monday, October 8th-Tuesday, October 23rd: Classic Cookie Fundraiser Tuesday, October 9th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Thursday, October 11th: Afterschool rehearsal (all classes)/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, October 16th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Friday, October 19th: Chorus Group Pictures & Firettes Dance Team Pictures/ 1:30-4:30pm Tuesday, October 23rd: Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, October 30th: Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm NOVEMBER Tuesday, November 6th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Thursday, November 8th:All County Honor Choir Performance/at First Baptist Church, Milton (Practice all day and performance at 7pm) Tuesday, November 13th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, November 27th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm DECEMBER Tuesday, December 4th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Wednesday, December 5th: Final Rehearsal for Winter Concert/ St. Sylvester Church (transportation provided to church/ please pick up students at church/ 2-4:30pm) Thursday, December 6th: Chorus Winter Concert/ St. Sylvester Church (students arrive dressed in formal uniform at 5:30pm/ perform at 6:30pm) Navarre Christmas in the Park/ time and date TBA Saturday, December 8th: Advanced Chorus only (bagging groceries and singing at Navarre Winn Dixie) Tuesday, December 18th: Junior Company Dance Team Auditions to get into Senior Company for Spring 2013/ 1:30 – 3:30

16 JANUARY Tuesday, January 8th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Wednesday, January 9th -12th: FMEA Conference Tuesday, January 15th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, January 22nd: Treble Chorus Rehearsal (tb 2 & 4)/ 1:30-3pm/ -NO DANCE TEAM ON TUES., JAN. 22ND- Wednesday, January 23rd: Intermediate Chorus Rehearsal (tb 1 & 5)/ 1:30-3pm Thursday, January 24th: Mens Chorus Rehearsal (tb 3 & 6 boys only)/ 1:30-3pm Tuesday, January 29th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm FEBRUARY Monday, February 4th-12th: Chorus Valentine Grams Fundraiser Tuesday, February 5th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, February 12th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, February 19th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Monday, February 25th: Treble Chorus Rehearsal (tb 2 & 4)/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, February 26th: Intermediate Chorus Rehearsal (tb 1 & 5)/ 1:30-3:30pm/ -NO DANCE TEAM ON TUES., FEB. 26TH- Wednesday, February 27th: Mens Chorus Rehearsal (tb 3 & 6 boys only)/ 1:30-3:30pm Thursday, February 28th: Choral District MPA/times and place TBA MARCH Friday, March 1st: Choral District MPA/ times and place TBA Tuesday, March 5th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, March 12th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, March 26th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm APRIL Navarre Relay for Life (time and date TBA) Tuesday, April 2nd: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, Aril 9th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, April 16th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, April 23rd: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Friday, April 26th: Talent Show Audition/WBMS cafeteria/ 1:30-4:30pm Monday, April 29th: Talent Show Rehearsal/WBMS cafeteria/ 1:30-4:30pm Tuesday, April 30th: Talent Show Rehearsal/WBMS cafeteria/ 1:30-4:30pm MAY Wednesday, May 1st: Talent Show Rehearsal/WBMS cafeteria/ 1:30-4:30 Thursday, May 2nd: Talent Show Parent Performance/WBMS cafeteria/ (contestants arrive dressed at 5:30/perform at 6:30pm/ tickets at the door) Friday, May 3rd: Talent Show Student Performance/WBMS cafeteria/ (contestants bring costume to school/students buy tickets at lunch) Tuesday, May 7th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Thursday, May 9th: Chorus Afterschool Rehearsal/ 1:30-3:30pm Tuesday, May 14th: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Friday May 17th-19th: Advanced Chorus Trip to Disney Tuesday, May 21st: Chorus Dance Team Practice/ 1:30-3:30pm Wednesday, May 22nd: Final Rehearsal for Spring Concert/St. Sylvester Church/ (transportation provided to church/please pick up students at church/ 2-4:30pm) Thursday, May 23rd: Chorus Spring Concert/St. Sylvester Church/ (students arrive dressed in formal uniform at 5:30pm/ perform at 6:30pm) Friday, May 31st: Chorus End of the year celebration/more information to follow

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