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Mirroring Unified Metadata as Solution for the Digital Library Network at Developing Countries Case Study: The Indonesian Digital Library Network Ismail.

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2 Mirroring Unified Metadata as Solution for the Digital Library Network at Developing Countries Case Study: The Indonesian Digital Library Network Ismail Fahmi Knowledge Management Research Group Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia

3 2 Students Researcher Businessmen Farmer Etc… documents audios videos images Knowledge is everywhere…

4 3 The needs… Manage the knowledge Reuse and utilize the knowledge Disseminate the knowledge

5 Mission Unlock ! Unlock ACCESS to the Indonesian knowledge

6 Problems Internet connection availability Bandwidth Inhabitants: 210 million

7 Basic Requirements We need SOLUTION. Not state of the art of the technology, but a Regional Technology. Running on narrow bandwidth and unreliable connections. Common-sense User Interface. Attract individual and institution (knowledge producers). Ease of implementation and integration.

8 Strategies (Technical) Networked: through a national networked digital library Distributed: every institutions can manage their own digital library system Unified: all knowledge will be unified Disseminated: all knowledge will be disseminated (mirroring), bring information near to the users. Standardized: using international acknowledged metadata standard (Dublin Core)

9 Strategies (Society) Type of partnership: Institution, Individual, and Internet Café. Promote sub-networks: I.e. health, agriculture, human rights, etc. License: GPL it !

10 Knowledge Map Information: abstract and full content of the LOCAL CONTENT. Including: Research report Final Project, Theses, Dissertation Article, paper, proceeding, journal E-book, e-learning material, course material clipping, Heritage, Multimedia, expertise directory, etc.

11 Architecture of GDL Network Key: -Standard Metadata -Protocol There are a hub and many digital library servers. *GDL = Ganesha Digital Library

12 IndonesiaDLN Interoperability Metadata Std. Objective: to manage electronic resources (documents, audio, video files) on the Internet among the digital library networks. Dublin Core Metadata Element Sets Has the same objective Simple, multipurpose Widely used IndonesiaDLN Interoperability Metadata Std was derived from NDLTD Metadata Std (also based on Dublin Core).

13 Elements of the Metadata 15 Core elements: Title Creator Publisher Subject Description Date Type Format Identifier Source Language Relation Coverage Rights

14 Qualifiers of The Elements Some elements have qualifiers. IndonesiaDLN allows implementation of specific qualifiers within the digital library networks, But when the networks will share into IndonesiaDLN, they must use the IndonesiaDLN Interoperability Metadata Std. (see

15 Example of the Qualifiers Element: Title Qualifiers: Alternative  dc.title.alternative Series  dc.title.series Element: Creator Qualifiers: Orgname  dc.creator.orgname Email  …

16 Example of the XML format Title goes here (native language) Title in English is here series, number,… creator full name organization of the creator creator’s email … Generated by servers during exchange process.

17 Example: Metadata in XML Metadata is formatted into XML before exchanged among the digital library servers. All digital library servers in IndonesiaDLN should use the IndonesiaDLN Interoperability Metadata Standard. Currently is version 1.1.

18 Key: Identifier Every metadata will be recognized from its IDENTIFIER. Identifier is unique within IndonesiaDLN. It contains the following information: Publisher ID Digital Library Network ID Type of the electronic resources Year of creation Creator Record number, and Content theme

19 Example of Identifier jbpeismail-gdl-res-2001-ismail-11-idrc Publisher ID Digital Library Network ID Type of the electronic resources Year of creation Creator Record number, and Content theme Benefit: Entering URL containing the identifier to any digital library servers will show the same metadata content. Example: jbpeismail-gdl-res-2001-ismail-11-idrc

20 File Naming The IDENTIFIER also be used to assign name to files that are uploaded together with their metadata. Example: jbpeismail-gdl-res-2001-ismail-11-idrc-report-2.pdf

21 20 File storing Directory: /files/[1,2,3…n]/file-names n = incremental number for every 50 metadata.... jbpeismail-gdl-res-2001-ismail-11-idrc-report-1.gif image/gif 34322 /download.php? f=/file/1/

22 21 Synchronization The synchronized data: Metadata Files (optional) Publisher information Membership information

23 The Synchronization Services (1/2) Using the services of: HTTP (operational) Real time transaction Good for reliable connection SMTP (in progress) Not real time Good for unreliable connection Post office :-) Burned into CD-ROM, takes days or weeks Good for no internet connection at all

24 The Synchronization Services (2/2) Metadata are: - sent from LOCAL to HUB server and, - downloaded from HUB to LOCAL server, through the synchronization services. Optionally, the files also can be sent from LOCAL to HUB. There are 3 groups of requests: Authentication, PUT, and GET.

25 Authentication Required for: Data synchronization Member access (roaming login) Publisher & Membership data Hub Server Metadata & Local Members Partner Server Sync Roaming Login

26 PUT Send PUBLIC information to HUB server Including: Metadata and Files (optional) Membership Registries Publisher & Membership data Hub Server Metadata & Local Members Partner Server Metadata Files

27 PUT The Files Optionally (especially for temporary connection), the metadata related files can be PUT into HUB server. Files will be sliced (by 10 KB, or customized) before they are sent. Using HTTP PUT Method.

28 GET Download: Metadata Publisher registries Publisher & Membership data Hub Server Metadata & Local Members Partner Server Metadata (unified) Publishers

29 Publisher Registry GaneshaDL Central Hub GDLHUB INSTITUTION GDL Knowledge Management Research Group ITB HTTP DEDICATED File: /util/publisher.ini

30 User Interface Most users are familiar with interface like Yahoo, Google, Altavista, etc. The information is organized by categories. Easy to Navigate and Search.

31 GDL-Network IndonesiaDLN Topology IndonesiaDLN HUB institusiwarnet personal Other DL Network Other GDL-HUB

32 GDL-Network institusi warnet personal GDL-HUB ITBRSHSUnsyiahUMMBinusUAJIPBSalmanDepkes

33 Scenario of Sharing & Replication GDL-Network institusi warnet personal GDL-HUB ITB RSHS Unsyiah UMM Binus UAJ IPB Salman Depkes Share Replication

34 Scenario of Access GDL-Network institusiwarnet personal GDL-HUB ITB Warnet Server GDL Warnet Server GDL ITB (Source) Search &^%? Result = url Download Full resources

35 GDL Sub-HUB GDL-Network GDL-HUB GDL Sub HUB Institusi X Dept ADept B personal GDL-Network HUB Institution X GDL Sub HUB GDL Server Dept

36 Benefits of Promoting Sub- Hub Encourage institutions with distributed offices to develop DL network. Boost the number of IndonesiaDLN partners. Managing subject-specific knowledge and information (ie. Agriculture, healthy, human rights, etc)

37 Implementation Status GDL (Ganesha Digital Library) version 1 = End of 1999. Idea of developing the IndonesiaDLN = October 2000. Launching of IndonesiaDLN = June 2001 (it just 3 months ago).

38 The Technology Operating system: Unix/Linux Windows 98/NT/2000 Windows 95 – needs winsock32 Web server: Apache Scripting Lang: PHP 4 Database Server: MySQL Infrastructure: Dedicated or Dial-Up

39 Benefits Easy to install (especially for Windows) Able run on PC, Laptop  promote personal digital library, small institution, SME Allow dial-up and behind-proxy installation (temporary connection)  good for small institution, personal, and internet café.

40 Problems & Limitations Updating information at resource server will not automatically update the mirror sites.

41 The Networks Currently only GDL-Network that has been fully operational. Future: DLN for Human Rights, Agribusiness, Distance Learning, Bibliographic, Health Research, and Heritage.

42 The Network of Networks IndonesiaDLN GDL-Engine GDL- Network GDL-Engine Human Rights - Network GDL-Engine Agribusiness Network GDL-Engine Heritage- Network GDL-Engine Biblio- Network GDL-Engine New Spektra Distance Learning- Network GDL-Engine

43 GDL-Network Partners By August 2001

44 The Distribution Map of GDL- Network Partners By August 2001

45 Members of GDL-Network Member = users that have registered at GDL servers. Currently the total members registered at GDL Hub is about 3028 users.

46 Members of GDL-Network (by partners) By August 2001

47 Members’ Country By August 2001

48 Members’ Job By August 2001

49 The Contents By August 2001

50 Important URLs IndonesiaDLN web site; Mailing list; technical, scenario, society, announcement; standard, About GDL-Network, registration, join, software, patch, download, etc, Download GDL source code for free, GDL-HUB, http://gdlhub.indonesiaDLN.org Digital Library ITB, Contact KMRG:

51 Thank you

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