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What do you think? ‘When you educate someone, you are changing their brain. That is what education is for.’ ‘Children don’t realise very often that they’re.

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think? ‘When you educate someone, you are changing their brain. That is what education is for.’ ‘Children don’t realise very often that they’re."— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think? ‘When you educate someone, you are changing their brain. That is what education is for.’ ‘Children don’t realise very often that they’re in control of building their own brain’ TES 1.3.13 Dr P Howard Jones

2 Outstanding Learners (c) Jackie Beere Building the ambition…..

3 Check yourself out Mood Energy Open-minded Brave M? What is YOUR default setting? METACOGNITION Thinking on purpose

4 Doesn’t it feel great to be so successful!? When I keep falling over, I just laugh! I ask loads of questions I’ll eat anything I try out lots of different words and sounds All children have the motivation to learn? I’m never ever going to give up learning to walk I like everyone I meet! I LOVE a challenge

5 Default settings = habits= ‘typicality’? What does an outstanding ‘learner’ do? What % of your pupils? What % of your teachers? How do you get more of it……on purpose…. (c) Jackie Beere

6 When observing lessons, you may find the following prompts helpful. Are pupils working independently? Do they know how to choose to challenge themselves? Do they find it difficult to make choices? Do they respond well to feedback? How well do pupils collaborate with others? Are reading, writing, speaking skills a high priority for pupils and teachers Do pupils take the initiative and take risks? Are pupils developing habits of good learning? What are they? (c) Jackie Beere TYPICALITY

7 How do you see it? You will always prove yourself right Are you a success? Limiting beliefs are hard to change….

8 ‘Gap’ pupils need to make excellent progress ‘Able’ children need to be challenged (c) Jackie Beere Leadership roles in the classroom Intervening, anticipating, challenging HIGH EXPECTATIONS

9 Primitive Emotional Thinking t Novelty/surprise Humour Music Rhythm/rhyme Love Mystery Stories Passion! Evaluation Reflection Creativity Analysis Fear Anger Threat Anxiety Learners who know how to build their brain MAKE IT REAL! LEARNING TO LEARN TAs as the MAGIC learning coach

10 FixedGrowth Look clever at all costsLearn at all costs When responding to setbacks, hide mistakes and deficiencies When responding to setbacks, confront and learn from mistakes and deficiencies It should come naturally Work hard, effort is key Give ‘tough love’ feedback Reward EFFORT Always praise learning from mistakes Discuss and debate the learning journey Encourage review and reflection

11 No pearls without GRIT (c) Jackie Beere G rowth mindset – R esilience – I n(ter)dependence – T hinking on purpose

12 What learning experiences in EYFS will nurture the best learning habits? Teaching Reflection on the learning journey/process Choice Connecting with their world Working in the ‘challenge zone’ Feedback that elicits a response Modelling mistakes as learning experiences Encouraging and rewarding questions Using coaching questions for feedback Peer learning Self assessment and review Peer assessment/critique Language for learning Rewarding EFFORT Curriculum Collaborative ? Co-designed? Strong social context? Cross curricular? Modular? Tentative? (Community of enquiry)

13 Lessons for learning Putting it all into practice for outstanding learning (c) Jackie Beere

14 Prompt,punctual and purposeful from the moment they enter your classroom THUNKS - What colour is Tuesday? What does sadness taste like? Where does the sky end? Can you hear someone think? Priming the brain Awright bro’. Howsya doing? Good morning, how are you today?

15 What are we learning for? To discover some activities that will create outstanding learning SO THAT I can Adapt and use the ideas in my own teaching tomorrow Stuck? Learning strategies? WAGOLL

16 Celebrate the struggle of the learning journey Growth mindset Learning is hard, sometimes scary, frustrating, confusing, impossible, fascinating, invisible but creates intrinsic satisfaction that is addictive… Create learning addicts!

17 © Jackie Beere Associates Learning Knowledge What is learning?

18 Engaging activities for independent learning Choice – challenge – collaboration- critical thinking – communication..\Collaborative learning ideas\Sutton trust research results.pptx. Standing back and watching them learn – intervening with impact especially with vulnerable learners (c) Jackie Beere MAGIC HABITS POP UP SHOP ACTIVITY

19 (c) Jackie Beere CHOICE with a WAGOLL

20 Dish the DIRT Dedicated improvement and reflection time Pupils must respond to feedback PEER CRITIQUE Teach them to take feedback and RESPOND Children are interactive with their work - GREEN PEN, HIGHLIGHTER, RE-DRAFTING CALL OUTS, EDITING

21 Reflecting on the learning? What do we need for the next part of the journey?

22 Effective feedback should: focus on the learning objectives, outcome and/or success criteria; (WAGOLL?) stimulate the correction of errors or improvement of a piece of work; scaffold or support pupils’ next steps; provide opportunities for pupils to think things through for themselves; and RESPOND Focus on EFFORT,PROGRESS and PROCESS What do you need to do next to make progress? NOW DO IT!......... What do you need to do next? NOW DO IT! Learning outcome Progress over time

23 Attitudes, behaviours, outcomes Mood, habits, mindsets, skills Thoughts and ideas Beliefs and values © Jackie Beere Associates Visible Invisible

24 7 MINDSETS for best teachers Self Evaluate Believe you can make a difference Learning about learning Expect more of your pupils Feedback is the breakfast of champions Language for learning Collaborate to grow

25 Lessons in emotional intelligence Empathy Optimism Self awareness Willpower Resilience Stress management MAGIC HABITS Think buttons

26 26 Find your hero Describe yourself as the super hero Step into the zone Feel it, see it, hear it. BE it ACTING AS IF…

27 Action Plan What will you keep, what will you grow – is there anything you need to change? LOVE it? BAG it? BIN it? After break we will share ideas and questions

28 Reading and resources Thanks for listening By Jackie Beere: The Perfect Ofsted Lesson The Perfect Ofsted Inspection The Perfect Teacher Coach The KS3 Learner’s Toolkit The Primary Learner’s Toolkit Mindset – Carol Dweck Visible learning – John Hattie The Teacher’s Toolkit – Paul Ginnis Inspirational Teaching – Will Ryan

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