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Educating Ethical Values. Christian education is learning to leave the right Footprint.

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Presentation on theme: "Educating Ethical Values. Christian education is learning to leave the right Footprint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educating Ethical Values

2 Christian education is learning to leave the right Footprint

3 Overview Ethics should be shared, simple and positive Trespass..... The ethics of FOOTPRINTS Four different footprints Teaching children ethics in the playground Living within our BOUNDARIES

4 ETHICS! That’s what WE know about (we don’t expect you to do the right things....) It’s about NOT doing things (it’s fairly negative thing to teach) Ethical debates seem VERY complicated (genetic engineering, allowing someone to die, labour laws...)

5 Christian Education can teach ethics that... We can all (not just Christians) SHARE Which are POSITIVE (not just negative) choices Which MAKE SENSE (not just to lawyers)

6 One social ethic... “Forgive us our trespasses.....” Trespass invites us to notice the Footprint we leave on the situation or on another person.....

7 Try it out! Leave a FOOTPRINT on the person next to you.... (C) Human Ecology Ltd 20117

8 Make them feel Welcome! (C) Human Ecology Ltd 20118

9 Make them feel ignored! (C) Human Ecology Ltd 20119

10 Teaching ethics through FOOTPRINTS

11 BLUE FOOTPRINTS (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201111 TAKE CHARGE

12 (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201112 I AM USING BLUE FOOTPRINTS IF : I am being clear, firm, strong and assertive I decide what I think without being swayed by other people I am choosing to be in charge and take control

13 JESUS USED BLUE FOOTPRINTS (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201113 Clearing the temple Driving out demons Confronting the teachers of the law Protecting the woman caught in adultery, Defending the poor... Telling us GO in HIS name and MAKE disciples

14 What can I use BLUE FOOTPRINTS for? (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201114 Protecting the weak Standing up for what is right Not giving up Making people feel secure TAKE CHARGE


16 (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201116 I AM USING GREEN FOOTPRINTS IF : I feel confident about being a team leader I enjoy being at the front and people watching me I am excited about doing something new I feel motivated to get better and better at something

17 JESUS USED GREEN FOOTPRINTS (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201117 STRIVE TO BE OUR BEST Performing signs and wonders, healings Amazing people with his teaching Calling people to follow him with ALL their heart Telling us to do even greater things!

18 What can I use GREEN FOOTPRINTS for? (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201118 STRIVE TO BE OUR BEST Inspiring others Setting myself goals and achieving them Leading the way courageously


20 (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201120 I AM USING YELLOW FOOTPRINTS IF: I accept people just as they are rather than trying to make them change I enjoy doing things as a team rather than on my own I listen to other people’s opinions before deciding what I think, do or say

21 JESUS USED YELLOW FOOTPRINTS (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201121 Building his small group of apostles Listening to people rather than speaking at them Responded to people’s situations Waited patiently... Followed God’s timing Only did what he saw his Father doing

22 What can I use YELLOW FOOTPRINTS for? (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201122 STAND WITH AND SUPPORT OTHERS Looking out for people who are left out Making sure everyone has a chance to speak Helping us work as a team Building trust and good listening


24 (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201124 I AM USING ORANGE FOOTPRINTS if: When do you use ORANGE FOOTPRINTS at school? I want others to feel excited about new possibilities I encourage others to have a go and do their best I enjoy working in a team, but not having to take the lead I don’t mind sharing my ideas with other people who are a bit stuck thinking on their own

25 JESUS USED ORANGE FOOTPRINTS (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201125 To encourage his disciples to take risks Invited people to follow him Drawing people into a shared quest Seeing the potential in people

26 What can I use ORANGE FOOTPRINTS for? (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201126 EXPLORE WITH OTHERS Encouraging an attitude of growth Seeing the gifts in other people and encouraging them Supporting those who are struggling

27 (C) Human Ecology Ltd 201127 RECAP There are FOUR kinds of FOOTPRINT we can leave. Each FOOTPRINT has a different INFLUENCE or IMPACT

28 What IS ethics then?


30 Ethics we can all (not just Christians) SHARE Ethics which are POSITIVE choices Ethics which MAKE SENSE Ethics is learning to use the RIGHT FOOTPRINT at the RIGHT TIME So that we do not trespass

31 “Forgive us our.... TRESPASSES”

32 Trespass is when.... We trample over someone else’s ideas, property, feelings, belongings Take more of the land, space, attention, than is ours to take Intrude into parts of another carelessly, thoughtlessly, for selfish gain

33 Christian ethics teaching doesn’t happen in Chapel but in the Playground You are walking through the playground and you see a group of older children making fun of a younger child. What colour footprint should you use? Your friend is worrying because they don’t think their painting is very good. What colour footprint should you use? There is a new pupil at school. At break he is walking around on his own. What colour footprint should you use? You are asked to work in a group of 3 on a project. Everyone is arguing about who is the leader. What colour footprint should you use?

34 Children understand ETHICS if they experience what it means “I learned how to use different Footprints, like not always blue. I learned about the consequences of my Footprints.” “You must use different footprints at different times or you could hurt other people.” “I normally use orange Footprints. I like orange but sometimes it can make me act like a servant to others who are stronger.”

35 BLUE FOOTPRINTS protect the vulnerable. Using them will inform good PROPERTY and WELFARE laws 35(C) Human Ecology Ltd 2011 Playground ethics should become Political Ethics

36 GREEN FOOTPRINTS value and cost of EXCELLENCE and GROWTH and will inform education, GDP and other TARGETS 36(C) Human Ecology Ltd 2011 Playground ethics should become Political Ethics

37 YELLOW FOOTPRINTS preserve the value of relationships and belonging. Valuing them should inform our FAMILY laws 37(C) Human Ecology Ltd 2011 Playground ethics should become Political Ethics (C) Human Ecology Ltd 2011

38 ORANGE FOOTPRINTS FOSTER ASPIRATION and ENTERPRISE. Valuing them should inform our approach to CAPITALISM and TAXATION. 38(C) Human Ecology Ltd 2011 Playground ethics should become Political Ethics

39 What have we learned? Ethics should be shared, simple and positive The ethics of FOOTPRINTS Four different footprints Teaching children ethics in the playground Ethics of Trespass... This implies living within our BOUNDARIES

40 Christian education teaches us Our Footprint.....

41 Tomorrow: how Christian Education teaches us the SPACE on which we leave Footprints

42 St Irenaeus

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