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What this class meant to me Evgeni Bouzakine. The people I met during this class have helped me learn so much about teaching and how to make a successful.

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Presentation on theme: "What this class meant to me Evgeni Bouzakine. The people I met during this class have helped me learn so much about teaching and how to make a successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 What this class meant to me Evgeni Bouzakine

2 The people I met during this class have helped me learn so much about teaching and how to make a successful lesson plan. I learned how to make my lessons by asking questions from my fellow classmates. I think as I become a teacher I need to make similar connections with teachers, like I did here in class.

3 In Block two I learned how to manage time in a classroom.  Starting on time  Not Procrastinating  Ability to say no  Establishing a routine

4 Classroom Environment Every student has to be given a chance to learn. Being able to hit all eight multiple intelligences. Managing different skill levels successfully.

5 How your classroom is set up really makes a difference.  The position of the Teacher’s desk  The Position of Students desks  Fire Drills safety  Homework bins are easily accessible

6 This class taught me the difference between type one technology and type two technology. I learned how to incorporate type two technology in my lessons. Web 2.0 tools are the future to teaching in the classroom. I find it really exciting to use new forms of technology in a classroom.

7 Digital Story A digital story is a great way to teach a lesson in the form of a story. Students can make connections to the content more easily, but a student can easily get distracted if the story is to long. A digital story can be used with a variety of different technologies. I would recommend using short stories in the classroom.

8 A Webquest for my student sample  This assignment helps Engage students.  It helps them become independent learners.

9 The Classroom Management Chapter was a really nice way to show off our skills. I learned how to add navigation menus, insert photos, and add links. At the end of the process, it was really cool to put all of the other students chapters together and read what they had to add to the textbook.

10 This project was my student sample. I learned a lot from this assignment. I had to create a thorough rubric, and a sample of what an A looks like. Students will be introduced to a new and exciting tool they have never used before.

11 I learned so much about GarageBand. This type of technology can add so much to a project. I learned a few important features that I will never forget because of the hours I put into this program. This was my podcast I did for my mini student sample.

12 Works Cited Pictures of our class were taken from Dr. Grace’s wiki: Blue Notebook- by-dagobert83- used with Creative Commons Attribution- No Derivative Works 2.0 generic. by-dagobert83- Web 2.0 box- carton-box-web-2.0-(remix)-by-palomaironique used with Creative Commons Attribution- No Derivative Works 2.0 generic. carton-box-web-2.0-(remix)-by-palomaironique Red Book- dniezby -palomaironique used with Creative Commons Attribution- No Derivative Works 2.0 generic. dniezbypalomaironique Screen shots were of my own work

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