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Flotapr2 Analyze traffic from anywhere in the openflow network

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1 flotapr2 Analyze traffic from anywhere in the openflow network

2 Success from failure It started with an SDN application called flotapr. It’s premise was that it could find all the conversations a target host was having and let you pick which conversation you wanted to tap into. The limiting factor was the analyzer “always” had to be on the same dpid as the source IP. I have no idea how this application ever gave the appearance of working but somehow it looked like it did. Flotapr2 was born out of flotapr’s failure. Now with flotapr2 you can pick any source, destination and analyzer port in the openflow network and all the flows will automatically be setup. There are many different types. Source flow, Destination flow, Analyzer flow and the most important flow…the convergent. This is where the path from the source to the analyzer and destination to the analyzer converge. At this point a bifurcated flow is created and the flows pushed to the dpids along the path to the analyzer are configured as one way only.

3 Typical network capture Target Host All traffic from and to host Mirror traffic to remote port Analyzer All traffic in and out of a specific port can be mirrored to another port.

4 OpenFlow network capture Source Host Traffic from src to dst & traffic from dst to src Mirror traffic to analyzer Destination Host Traffic from src to dst & traffic from dst to src Analyzer One way traffic

5 Flows  {“flow”:{“priority”:30000,”ide_timeout”:60000,”match”:[{“eth_type”:”ipv4”},{“ipv4_dst”:”1”},{“ipv4_src”:””}],”actions”:[{“output”:1}]}}  {“flow”:{“priority”:30000,”ide_timeout”:60000,”match”:[{“eth_type”:”ipv4”},{“ipv4_dst”:”1”},{“ipv4_src”:””}],”actions”:[{“output”:4}]}}  {“flow”:{“priority”:30000,”ide_timeout”:60000,”match”:[{“eth_type”:”ipv4”},{“ipv4_dst”:”1”},{“ipv4_src”:””}],”actions”:[{“output”:1},{“output”:6}]}}  {“flow”:{“priority”:30000,”ide_timeout”:60000,”match”:[{“eth_type”:”ipv4”},{“ipv4_dst”:”1”},{“ipv4_src”:””}],”actions”:[{“output”:4},{“output”:6}]}} flotapr2 verifies openflow 1.0. or 1.3 capabilities. In the event of 1.3 a table variable is supplied at the login screen and is passed to the flows along with a modified instructions set. Standard flow Bifurcated flow –Forks traffic to analyzer port or direction (Port 6)

6 Main Screen Enter credentials, The Source IP address and the Analyzer IP address

7 Select Destination IP address

8 Flow Table

9 Source and Analyzer on same dpid There are only four possible scenarios for deployment

10 Source IP Destination IP Analyzer IP Analyzer on Core Switch (Common Path) Analyzer anywhere in the openflow network

11 Destination and Analyzer on same dpid

12 All in One Source IP Destination IP Analyzer IP

13 Hard setting the flows S D A Convergent dpid

14 Getting flotapr2  flotapr2 is available in a docker image.  From a docker server: sudo docker pull xod442/flotapr2_v2  Once downloaded from, start it up with :  sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 xod442/flotapr2_v2 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND  Point a web browser at the ip address or FQDN of the docker server.  That’s it!!!

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