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Routines and Procedures for Mrs. Bakers Grade 4 class.

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Presentation on theme: "Routines and Procedures for Mrs. Bakers Grade 4 class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Routines and Procedures for Mrs. Bakers Grade 4 class

2 Each morning… 1. Greet Mrs. Baker 2. Complete lunch count 3. Write down assignments 4. Reading Lab…AR test…Read

3 Attention! Chimes Class, I need your attention please. Eyes front! Lips zipped!

4 Dismissal I will dismiss the class… …not the bell. Please keep working until told to do otherwise!

5 Bring all materials to class. Please do not sharpen pencils except upon arrival… 3 sharpened pencils at the beginning of the day If your pencil breaks during class, Exchange for a sharpened one by the Pencil sharpener.

6 Name, date, class __________________________ Mrs. Baker # Date Class Assignment

7 Sit in your assigned seat

8 Changing classes Formal line, quiet as a mouse.

9 Store your stuff! Sam

10 Helper for the week: hand out/collect papers…lunch count, attendance, and line leader If someone is absent, please put hand-outs in an Absent Folder on their desk. Helper is always the leader for a formal line when leaving the room

11 Hand in Assignments to Baskets Is your name, date and class on it???? Is it in the right basket???? Math ReadingSocial Science

12 Absent? Check… …your file …the board …with the teacher

13 Late assignments… Oops! Miss a chance for a No Late Paper coupon.

14 What to do when finished… Check the Assignment Chart

15 If the teacher is called to the door or the phone… …keep working, or if the teacher was giving instructions…READ 1. 2.

16 Whats allowed… Anytime!

17 Whats not…

18 Those are the expectations. Dont worry, well practice until we get them right 100% of the time. Together well learn lots, and have an awesome year!

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