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Christian W. Brown. Art!  What is art?  Do you like paintings?  Do you think it is correct to call nude paintings art?  What type of art do you like.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian W. Brown. Art!  What is art?  Do you like paintings?  Do you think it is correct to call nude paintings art?  What type of art do you like."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian W. Brown

2 Art!  What is art?  Do you like paintings?  Do you think it is correct to call nude paintings art?  What type of art do you like best?  Who are some famous artists in your country?  Why do you think people become professional artists?

3 Discuss these quotes:  “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” -Pablo Picasso  “A picture is worth a thousand words.” - Napoleon Bonaparte  “The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.” -Friedrich Nietzsche  “An artist is always alone - if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is loneliness.” -Henry Miller

4 Art Terms Matching Match these terms…… to these definitions  Tension  Dynamism  Contrast  Balance  Theme  Color  Atmosphere  Focus  Interpretation  Perspective  Elements  The main point where you look  Parts of the painting  A way to make a picture look 3D  Equal on both sides  Not black and white  An understanding of the piece  Pull between things; not relaxed  What the picture is about  Energy  The way it feels; emotion  Opposite colors

5 Art Terms – the answers Match these terms…… to these definitions  Tension  Dynamism  Contrast  Balance  Theme  Color  Atmosphere  Focus  Interpretation  Perspective  Elements  Pull between things; not relaxed  Energy and change  Opposite colors or ideas  Equal on both sides  What the picture is about  Not black and white  The way it feels; emotion  The main point where you look  An understanding of the piece  A way to make a picture look 3D  Parts of the painting

6 Interpreting art  Is the painting balanced?  What colors are used?  What is the painting representing?  Is the painting calm (harmonious) or is there energy (dynamism) and tension?  How do these affect the atmosphere (feel)?  What is the tone (the way the painter feels about the subject)?  What does the piece of art say (what’s the theme)?

7 Michelangelo – La Pieta

8 Van Gogh


10 Dali


12 Caspar David Friedrich

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